The Movie You Make Him Watch With You

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Calum: Marley and me

"Babe come on, I don't want to watch that" he sighs "but Cal, it's my favourite movie, I want you to see it" you pout, giving him puppy dog eyes "oh alright, but only because I love you" he mutters, you grin and skip over to the couch, nestling up to him, he kisses your temple and you smile

you both laugh at Marley's antics, and coo at the babies and as the movie progresses and Marley falls ill, you grab a box of tissues, tears already filling your eyes, by the time they bury Marley, you're a sobbing mess "goodbye clearance puppy" you mouth and you hear Calum sniff

you look up at him and realise that he has tears in his eyes "Cal? Are you crying?" you murmur "no! Of course not! I just...two bugs flew into my eyes" he says defensively, you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss his cheek

"I like your sensitive side" you smile "I'm not crying" he insists and you laugh "of course not, it's just...bugs in your eyes" you say with a smirk.

Michael: The Fault in Our Stars

"I don't wanna watch it, it's a girly movie" he whines "come on Mikey, for me" you beg, he groans and follows you into the theatre, you take your seats and when the movie begins you watch with rapt attention, drooling over Ansel Elgort

"he's not that hot, you're making a big deal out of him" Michael mutters darkly, you ignore him and watch

as soon as Gus declares his love for Hazel, you're in tears, and by the time Gus is dead, you are crying harder than ever "I still don't think he's hot" Michael grumbles, his arms folded over his chest.

Luke: My Fair Lady

"It's my favourite movie Luke, please watch with me" you beg, he sighs and plops down next to you, you squeal and give him a kiss, playing the movie

you laugh at how loud Eliza is and mimic her accent, singing along to all the songs under your breath, you ooh and aah at Eliza's dresses and snort at how ridiculous her stalker/admirer is, you rant about Professor. Higgins and when the movie is over you leap up and dance around the room singing 'I Could Have Danced All Night', Luke watches you, a grin plastered on his face, and the next day you hear him singing 'Let A Woman In Your Life' and laugh.

Ashton: Bambi

"I don't wanna" he pouts "Ash, please" you whine "alright, but I pick the movie next time" he mutters, you press play, grinning triumphantly, he rests his head in your lap and you play with his soft curls as you watch

oohing over how cute Bambi is "(Y/N) you say he's absolutely freaking bloody adorable every time he comes on screen" Ashton mutters "what? Are you jealous of a cartoon fawn Ash?" you giggle "no! I'm just saying that I'm cuter than him" he mumbles

you chuckle and stroke his hair, twisting strands between your fingers "of course you are Ash" you laugh, you continue watching and when it ends you wipe your eyes

"why are you crying babe? It's just a movie" Ashton asks "yeah but he's practically an orphan now, cause his dad is like the King" you sniffle, Ashton laughs and hugs you, shaking his head.

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