You Have A Miscarriage

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Michael: 'These things happen sometimes' the doctor had said 'it's not your fault' he had told you. You sit quietly in the passenger seat, staring straight out at the road, your hands folded over your stomach

"Are you okay?" Michael asks softly, taking his eyes of the road briefly to watch you, you nod, watching the clouds moving slowly across the sky. Arriving home, you get out and walk into the house, immediately your dog comes bounding out of the sitting room, a tiny little Yorkshire Terrier named Ozymandias

He trails at your feet and hops up on the couch next to you, resting his head gingerly in your lap, he licks your fingers, doing his best to comfort you, and then the tears come, you bury your face in his black fur, silent sobs wracking your body

He sits quietly, and when you look up again, drying your face, you spot Michael standing in the door way, his jaw clenched hard and tears in his eyes "we-we can always try again" you whisper, he nods and sits next to you, his Adams apple constantly bobbing in his throat, he doesn't want to cry in front of you, he wants to be the strong one, the protector, but as the first tear slides down his face, you know he feels like he's failed.

Ashton: You've been ill all morning, not just your usual morning sickness, but with a high fever, dizziness and headaches. You lie in bed, a wet flannel over your forehead and a bucket at your side, there are three fans directed at you, but still you are soaked in sweat

"(Y/N) do you think you can make it to the car?" Ashton asks gently "I-I don't know" you mumble "should I carry you?" He presses on, you nod feebly and he draws back the covers, only to yelp in surprise and jump back, the noise sends pain ricocheting through your skull and you groan

"Why is there blood?!" Ashton cries, your head is swirling, but you can still hear voices around you, but they sound as if they're underwater, you feel as if you're underwater, trying desperately to keep your head up, but you're sinking, slowly into the darkness.

When you wake up, you're lying in a hospital bed, Ashton is sitting next to you, your hand lying limply in his, he is crying silently "Ash I'm okay, it's okay" you say hoarsely, a sad smile spreads over his face and he rubs his thumb over your knuckles, you look down and notice a needle in the back of your hand, connected to a bag of crimson blood, hanging above your bed

"You lost so much blood" Ashton says softly, his eyes fixed on your hand "you've still got another bag after this...your mom, Lauren and I donated" he murmurs "Ash...why is the family here? Is something wrong with me? Will it affect the baby?" You ask, starting to panic

"(Y/N)...w-we lost the baby" he stammers, his voice hollow "we lost the baby?" You repeat, not quite believing it "the doctor says it's common with young mothers" he mumbles, his hazel eyes meeting yours, they are sad and empty

You gulp down air, unsure of what to say "(Y/N) it wasn't your just wasn't the right time" he consoles you, there is a feeble knock at the door and then Lauren pokes her head around the door "oh sorry, I um, I didn't know you were up (Y/N)" she whispers

"That's fine Lauren, you can come in" you say, putting a fake smile on, she comes over to you and sits next to Ashton, who wraps his arm around her tightly, she has a plaster in the crook of her arm where they would have taken the blood and she looks slightly paler than usual

"Mom said to tell you that she's taking Harry home" she mumbles, Ashton nods blankly and leans his cheek against the top of her head "I know how excited you were to become an aunt Lauren, and we're so sorry...that this happened" he murmurs, his voice cracking

The three of you sit in silence until finally you drift off to sleep, leaving Lauren to comfort her brother.

Calum: You pick up your phone with shaking hands, dreading Calum's reaction, your fourteen year old daughter sits next to you, holding your hand tightly, seconds go by and then you hear his voice over the line, happy, ecstatic even, and you know he's just gotten off stage

"Hey honey, how are you? How's Macy? And the baby? You feeling okay? No more morning sickness? How was the first appointment? So sorry I wasn't there, but Macy went with you right?" He fires the questions at you, panting happily, you can hear him take a swig of water and the noise of the other boys, goofing around rowdily

You open your mouth to speak, but your voice gets caught in your throat, and the only thing that comes out is a loud, raw sob "Babe are you okay?" Calum asks, sounding worried, halfway across the world, he shushes the boys "I-I'm fine Cal but...the baby-I lost the baby" you choke

"What? What do you mean you lost the-the baby? Y-you can't have! No!" He exclaims, you hear the other boy's voices stop, they must've heard Calum "I'm so sorry, I don't know what I did wrong" you sob, Calum sighs "it-its not your fault sweetie, its not anyone's fault, I-I'll fly out tonight okay?" He stammers

"What? Cal no! You can't just leave, what about all the other shows? The boys? The fans?" You demand "look (Y/N), my family comes first...I'll see you tomorrow morning" he says firmly before hanging up "dad's coming home?" Macy asks "looks like" you mumble, rubbing your eyes.

Luke: "This isn't fair, I know hun, maybe it just wasn't the right time, but look in a few months we can try again" Luke consoles you "I don't want t-to try again, I w-want my ba-by back" you sob against his chest

He sighs, stroking your hair "we're good p-people Luke, w-why us?" You hiccup "I don't know darling, I don't know" he mumbles "I feel-I feel so empty!" You cry "it's okay, in two or three months, we'll try again okay? Don't worry" Luke assures you, rubbing your back

"And how are we supposed to tell our parents? And all our friends? And what about when the paparazzi find out?" You whimper "I already told our parents, I called before we left the hospital, I told my brothers as well, and the boys" he murmurs, slipping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your head, you sigh and wrap your arms around his back, crying softly.

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