You See Him After A Big Fight

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Luke: You sigh, trying to spark your car, but it's engine just sputters, coughing before dying again, angrily you slam your palm against the steering wheel, your eyes filling with frustrated tears, you bury your face in your hands "why me?" You groan, you sit silently for a few minutes, rubbing your face, there is not a single car that passes by and you bite your lip, getting out into the cool night air, you trudge slowly over to the side of the road, climbing over the railing and dropping into the long grass, there is a creaky old barn up ahead, and you trail in, staring up at the high roof, slowly you pull your phone out of your pocket and dial a number that just two weeks ago you had swore never to call again "hey Luke" you mumble. An hour later you look up to see Luke come striding in, his leather jacket wrapped around his broad frame, he instantly takes it off, draping it around your shoulders "what on earth are you doing here?" He asks softly, pulling you close to his side, rubbing your arms to get you warm "I just-I had to get away-and my car... just...died" you admit, shivering, wiping your eyes slowly "I'm glad you called me" Luke mumbles, he bites his lip, his eyes darting to his boots "old barns like these are the kinda place where you run into all sorts of creeps" he adds awkwardly, his voice trailing off "Luke?" You whisper"Mmh hmm?" "Shut up" you look up and see his lip ring drawn between his teeth, he laughs softly, his blue eyes meeting yours, you sit in silence for a few seconds, staring at the stars through a crack in the ceiling, Luke's arm wrapped tightly around you "I wish we'd never fought" he murmurs, resting his cheek on top of your head "these past two weeks have been hell without you" he lets out a short sigh, tilting his head up to watch the sky "come back with me tonight, please? Just for the night? I'll be good I swear, you can have my bed, please, I just need you back" you bite your lip "yeah...okay" you murmur, he smiles, his blue eyes sparkling "great-I mean uh cool-uh-fuck-I'm sorry you make me nervous" he stammers, you giggle and kiss his cheek "I've missed you Luke".

Michael: You bite your lip as you make your way towards the little table in the back of the restaurant, you haven't been here for five months and the familiar surroundings are both soothing and nerve racking, you look up and your eyes meet his, they are still the same bright green they always were, and they light up at the sight of you, you notice he has changed his hair from the red you had grown so accustomed to, to a silver blond with an explosion of blue "(Y/N)" he smiles, he pulls out a chair for you "how have you been?" He asks, leaning forward "can't complain I guess" you murmur, staring at your fingers in your lap "I miss you so much though" you sigh, your eyes filling with tears "hey, hey its okay, shh, please don't cry" he reaches across the table to stroke your cheek "I know how you feel, and I can tell you that I've missed you ten times as much" he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and offers you a smile "I tried to see other people, I really tried, but I just couldn't" you say quietly, he nods, interlocking his fingers with yours "I know it's probably really dumb, but I feel like you're the only girl out there for me, I feel like we were made for each soulmates y'know? I mean what if there's only one person out there for everyone?" Michael blurts, he bites his lip, his eyes boring into yours "it could be possible I guess" you murmur, he chuckles and presses a kiss to your knuckles "well then could you please be my person again?" He asks softly, you giggle "of course".

Calum: "Daddy!" Your four year old son squeals, pointing to the television screen, he runs up to the screen, attempting to wrap his chubby arms around it "no sweetie, come on, time for night night" you sigh, scooping him up, as he moves you see your ex boyfriend flash across the screen, he is smiling widely, cuddling up to a blonde model 'Has Calum Hood left his family for a fling with mystery new VS model?' You scoff and turn it off "wanna see daddy" your son pouts, you shake your head, tears pooling in your eyes "daddy is gone Aaron, he's not coming back" you mumble, you carry him up the stairs and place him on his bed, sitting beside him, he scrambles into your lap, gently wiping your tears away "I miss daddy too" he murmurs, you kiss his forehead and squeeze him "I love you buddy" you smile, laying him in bed and tucking him in "I love you too" he giggles as you tickle his tummy. As you make your way back downstairs, you hear the doorbell ring, you groan, sidestepping a jumble of Aaron's toys and opening the door, you peer back at the toys distractedly, checking to see if you stepped on any, forgetting the task at hand. You are shocked when your gaze drifts back up "Calum what...what are you doing here?" You stammer, staring at him, he sighs, running a hand through his messy hair "I'm sorry (Y/N), I'm sorry about everything, I'm sorry about the drinking and the rumours and the smoking and-just everything-I'm sorry-I'm sorry" he blurts, you gape at him, blinking rapidly "wh-Cal-I-just-I" you are unable to form a sentence, your cheeks flushing red "baby, please" he says softly, you sigh, your heart melting a little at his petname for you "Calum...Aaron is just getting used to you being gone, he doesn't need you to break his heart again when you leave next time" you mumble, collecting your thoughts, Calum groans "I won't leave! I swear, look I'm turning a new leaf, I love you baby, I love you and Aaron more than life itself! Don't you fuckin' get that? Please! I know I've been a shit boyfriend and an even shittier dad, but please, just one more chance?" He bites his lip, his big brown eyes glistening with tears "one chance Cal" you whisper, and instantly, the smile that you love so much spreads across his face, healing your heart.

Ashton: "Just fucking talk to him, we know you guys miss each other" Michael laughs, pushing you towards Ashton at the party "no Michael stop! I don't wanna make up with him he's a dick" you whine, but Michael is strong and grips your shoulders tightly "Michael please! Michael! Michael please I just can't face him! Not after the things he said to me! Michael! " you are struggling, more and more people noticing you "let go Michael for fucks sake its not fucking funny anymore!" You scream, jerking away from him, he is frozen in shock as you look around, everyone is staring and you burst into tears, running up the stairs. Downstairs Ashton shoves Michael "what the fuck did you do to her?!" He snarls, dashing up the stairs after you. You are sitting on the bathroom floor, your cheeks smudged with mascara when the door opens slowly, and Ashton's familiar curls come into view "hey there" he whispers, tiptoeing in, he sits next to you and takes your hand in his "sorry about Michael, he means well really, he just gets a little bit crazy when he's had a few drinks" Ashton explains, you nod, wiping your eyes. There are ten minutes of comfortable silence, just holding hands before Ashton pipes up "I wanted to apologise...for saying all that horrible stuff to you last week, I was just being a jealous prick and I'm sorry. To be honest none of it was true. I love you. I look at you and I can see us spending the rest of our lives together. Yes there are days when you make me want to rip my fucking hair out, but that's all a part of it, after that comes the days where I look at you and see my future wife, and the future mother of my kids, and the goddamn love of my life, so please-please take me back?" His hazel eyes are pleading with you and you smile, wiping your tear stained cheeks "I love you too Ash, and miss you so much" you murmur, kissing him softly.

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