One Of The Boys Finds You Self Harming (Part Two)

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Luke: Michael went downstairs to tell Luke, you didn't want to face him, you'd never been good at confrontations. And a little later you heard the front door close. This was it. You peek over the bannister and instantly see Luke sitting on the floor, his head in his hands "Luke" you call gently, his head snaps up and his sad blue eyes meet yours, he gets to his feet, brushing off his jeans "you're not mad at me are you?" You ask "no, no baby I could never be mad at you" he says gently, his voice is soft and velvety, instantly relaxing you "c'mere baby" he whispers, beckoning you closer "Luke it's really not that important-" "baby please-I just want to see" he murmurs, and soon you find yourself at the bottom of the stairs, directly in front of Luke, you close your eyes as you feel his hand close around the hem of your shirt, his fingers brushing your skin, your shirt goes up, there is a sharp intake of breath, and your shirt is down again. You slowly open your eyes and see Luke nodding slowly "but you looked so healthy earlier...your face doesn't-" "it''s makeup" you admit, biting your lip "oh...then could we maybe wash it off?" He asks tentatively, you shrug and he steers you to the bathroom, using a wet towel to wipe your face clean, and as your stark bones and hollow cheeks come into view he sets the towel down "I ought to take you to hospital" he mumbles, you shake your head fiercely "no hospitals Luke please! I don't want to go" you whimper, he sighs, gently laying his hands on your hips "then we've got to get your weight back up to standard, I don't want to lose you (Y/N)" you nod, laying your head on his chest "we'll start small okay, just little things, but you've got to eat (Y/N)-and you've got to keep it down, I'll be watching you so don't think you can keep...doing that behind my back" he warns "I won't I swear" "good, I don't know what I'd do with myself if I lost you" he breathes, kissing your forehead.

Calum: "Tell me what?" Calum had come upstairs to find you, instantly you pull away and hide your wrists "nothing" "Calum I think you better sit" "Ashton no!" Your voice wavers with rage "if you do, I will never speak to you again" you threaten "I can live with that knowing I'll have helped you" Ashton says quietly, Calum looks between the both of you, confusion on his handsome features "Calum... (Y/N) self harms...I found her using this" Ashton hands the piece of broken glass to his best friend, whose usually tan skin has paled, he holds the glass shard in his palm, staring at it intently "why didn't you tell me?" He croaks, looking up at you with watery eyes "I didn't-I didn't think you...cared" you say quietly, hoping he won't hear, when you look up, his eyes hold a look of pure anguish "of course I care, how could could you think I don't?" He asks softly, you shrug, looking away "nobody cares" you murmur, Calum sighs, and you feel his arms wrap around you, and you break down, in the background you hear Ashton mumble something about leaving and you feel him kiss your head, and then it's just you and Calum "baby doll, I love you, and seeing you-do this to can't understand how painful it is for me to see you like this, please, I know you won't want to get help, but please, for me?" He strokes your back, trying to calm you, swaying gently "we'll get you to a therapist an-" "I'm not depressed Calum I don't need a shrink" you spit, pulling away from him, he sighs deeply and closes his eyes "(Y/N) I'm not saying you're depressed but you can't keep doing this, look I'll go with don't always have to act strong (Y/N) we all feel weak sometimes, it's only human" he says the last part very softly, tilting your chin up so your eyes meet his "for me?" And you can't help but nod, mesmerized by his dark eyes "thank you" he breathes, pressing his lips to your forehead.

Ashton: "I can't believe I didn't notice, fucking hell (Y/N) you could kill yourself! I-I can't believe I didn't notice this, dammit I should have fucking noticed!" Ashton was outraged; at himself, he sat on the couch, head in his hands as you stood by silently with Luke "I didn't want you to think I was some kind of a freak, I'm so sorry Ashton" you whisper, you feel Luke's arm wrap around your shoulders "I don't think you're a freak (Y/N)" Ashton says gently, he sighs and motions for you to come closer, gingerly pulling you onto his lap "I love you and I just want the best for you" he kisses your hollow cheek, his eyes welling with tears "if I may interject...I really think she needs to get help Ash, rehab or something" it was Luke, his blue eyes filled with worry "yes of course" Ashton mumbles "no Ash please" you whimper "if you don't want to go, you've got to get healthy. Eat something, even if it's something small...Luke please pass me one of the bananas on the table" he talks quietly, as if trying not to startle you, and soon Ashton has the fruit in his hand "half for me, half for you. We'll eat it together okay?" He whispers, peeling it and breaking it in half, you take your half with trembling fingers, and can barely hold it still enough to take a bite, but once you do, you suddenly realise how hungry you are, the sweet fruit feels foreign in your mouth and absolutely alien in your stomach, and you devour it. When you look up you see Luke and Ashton beaming at you "good, I'm so proud of you" Ashton breathes, rubbing his thumb over your bony hip "now I'm going to put you to bed so that doesn't come back up" Luke hugs you goodbye and you allow Ashton to steer you up the stairs and tuck you into bed.

Michael: "I broke the three month clean streak Michael, I'm so sorry" you say quietly, flooded by guilt and shame "oh baby" you can hear the pain in his voice "but you were doing so well" he whispers, you sniff, not knowing what to say "I'll be there in five minutes" he promises; and soon he walks through the door, he comes to your side and takes your hand in his, examining the cuts "these are deep (Y/N), what if you'd hit a vein?" His face is blank, but his green eyes are boiling with emotion "what if you'd hit a fucking vein (Y/N)?" He demands, tears welling in his eyes "if I lost you (Y/N)-" he breaks off, pulling you into his arms tightly "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you...last time you talked me out of it, but we're going to get you help this time, therapy or counselling or something" he says firmly, kissing the top of your head repeatedly "thank you for calling me Calum, and-and for finding her" Calum nods solemnly, patting his best friend's arm "(Y/N) if Cal hadn't found you, would you have told me?" Michael asks softly, already knowing the answer "no" you whisper, he clenches his jaw tightly, holding you closer "what if, one day-" he breaks off, closing his eyes and taking a deep shaky breath "what if one day you went to far? What if I lost you?" "Michael I would never-" "these things don't always happen intentionally, what if your hand slipped?" He had his face buried in the crook of your neck, hot tears running down onto your shirt. You are silent, both of you standing together crying, when you look up you see Calum has left "I love you (Y/N) and we're going to help you" Michael says firmly, pressing kisses to your face.

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