Your Brother Finds A Used Condom

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Michael: The condom would be carelessly tossed onto the floor after a long night of passionate sex, and when your nineteen year old brother comes knocking at your door in the morning, you'd have to shove Michael beneath the bed before you were caught, and while hiding there, Michael would see the condom, and without thinking, reach out to hide it; and bam you would be caught red handed, Michael would be yanked out from his hiding place by your infuriated brother, who-seething with rage-would immediately give your poor boyfriend a black eye before he could even splutter out an excuse, then it would be your turn to get mad, hammering your fists on your brother's chest and screaming at him, you would manage to shove him out the door and lock it before returning to Michael's side, you would fuss over him and examine his swollen eye while he told you it was nothing, all the while with your brother banging on your door, threatening to break it down, after a while you would become frustrated and decide to take revenge on your brother "calm your tits I just need to find my bra again!" You'd yell, sniggering as Michael desperately motioned for you to stop "do you want him to kill me?!" He'd hiss, as your brother battered his fists against the door, demanding you come out immediately, to annoy him further you refused, and when he eventually stopped molesting your door you'd settle back into bed with Michael "he's lying outside the door waiting" you'd explain to a confused Michael.

Luke: The condom would be in the back seat of your car, and one of your twenty seven year old brother's friends would find it, laughing as he tossed it at your brother, who would shake it off in disgust, his face turning red as anger built inside him "don't get mad" you'd plead, pulling over to the side of the road "I can't believe this" he would mutter, fixing you with a steely glare "at least Luke is always safe" you'd reason, he'd grit his teeth and close his eyes, biting back any sharp replies "just...dispose of the evidence a little better next time, I don't appreciate being showered by your boyfriend's sperm" he'd grumble, making his friend burst out laughing and you to turn beet red.

Ashton: The condom would be in your bed, left there the previous night, and your fifteen year old brother would find it as he was making your bed, recoiling in horror he would call you up to your room and show it to you "that is gross (Y/N)" he'd grumble as your whole face turned pink "I'm so sorry you had to see that, Ashton must have forgotten to-" "I don't need to know the details (Y/N) ugh!" He'd groan, you'd laugh and ruffle his hair "just-just you know...don't get pregnant or something...cause I may be younger than him, but I'm not afraid to whup Ashton's ass" he'd remind you, you'd nod and kiss his cheek "ugh get away Ashton breath!" He'd whine, escaping down the stairs.

Calum: The condom would have been dropped on the rug by Calum who-after a lot of rough sex-was too tired to get up and throw it away, and your eleven year old brother would find it, you would be cuddled up in bed with Calum, your little brother lying at the foot of your bed watching his favourite movie, when he would look up at you and ask "are you doing sex?" Spluttering, you would gape at him "wha-what-where did you get that idea from?" You'd stammer as Calum held back laughter, your brother would point to the floor and you and Calum would peer over the edge "oh fuck" Calum would breathe, you'd elbow his side and quickly leap to your feet, tossing the condom in the bin "no sweetie that was...something else, we don't-we don't do sex" you'd laugh nervously, your brother would nod and turn back to his movie as you sit back down, Calum would wrap his arms around your waist, chuckling "this'll be a fun story to tell when he's older" he'd smirk "Calum Thomas Hood, if you ever mention this to anyone, I will sacrifice your testicles to the Aztec gods" you'd hiss, instantly shutting your boyfriend up.

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