Prenatal Classes (His P.O.V)

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Michael: Michael would be bored and he would keep touching you and trying to make you laugh, and the teacher would get really frustrated by his lack of attention and he would get both of you into trouble.

(Y/N) sits in between my legs, leaning back against me "this lady is scary" I whisper, nuzzling (Y/N)'s neck "Mikey shush" she giggles, the lady in charge of the prenatal class sends a piercing glare our way "she has super hearing I swear, we aren't even being loud" I mumble, I wrap my arms around (Y/N)'s bump and press my lips to her neck "Mr. Clifford, are you paying attention?" The lady barks, she has a harsh Russian accent and everyone in the room turns to look at me "err...yeah-one question though; are we getting graded on this?" I smirk cheekily, the lady ignores me, her eyes burning, I rest my chin on (Y/N)'s shoulder and try to focus "I feel like I'm in school again" I smirk, nipping at her earlobe, she bites her lip to keep in her laughter and I grin "you find my suffering funny?" I tease, tickling her side "Michael" she whines, trying to wiggle away "Mr. Clifford!"


"Michael Gordon Clifford I can't believe you got us kicked out of prenatal classes!" (Y/N) snorts, as I help her climb into the car, I laugh and kiss her cheek "better believe it baby" she shakes her head, smiling fondly "and you're proud of yourself" she chuckles, I smirk, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear "very much so" I grin and press a kiss to her stomach "that class was boring wasn't it my man?" I ask, pressing my hands over her large bumb, I feel a light kick against my palm and smile proudly "see he didn't like it either" I chuckle.

Luke: Luke would be really nervous and he would pay attention because he would want to do really well and be a great dad, but he would make little mistakes and mess up and just be absolutely adorable.

"Wait is it like this?" I ask, trying to put the diaper on the doll, I frown, knowing its probably wrong "Luke its on backwards" (Y/N) giggles, I sigh and lay the doll on the table, biting my thumbnail "babe this is hard, I can't do it. What if I can't do it and I hurt the baby?" I am panicking, biting my lip and wringing my hands, (Y/N) laughs and kisses my cheek "calm down Luke, it's fine, you'll get it" I peer over to the couple next to us, scowling at their doll in its perfect diaper "can't you help me?" I whine, she shakes her head "I've shown you a thousand times Luke, how am I supposed to leave you alone with our baby if you can't even change a diaper?" I can sense agitation building in her voice and I gulp, grabbing the doll and a fresh diaper, this time I make sure it's facing the right way, and after a few minutes I hold it up for (Y/N) to see "its a little messy, but it's facing the right way at least" she smiles, I grin, swelling with pride.

Ashton: Ashton would be calm and collected, and he would help you relax, and he'd know a lot about kids because of his younger siblings and he'd love helping you and teaching you.

"I don't like this, it feels weird" (Y/N) mumbles, she is sitting on a yoga ball, copying the instructor and swivelling her hips in slow circles "I know sweetie, but its good for your back and it helps you to relax" I reason, rubbing the back of her hand with my thumb, she sighs "sleeping does pretty much the same thing" she states, I chuckle and shake my head. Soon the yoga ball exercise is over and we are all told to sit on the carpet with our partners, I help (Y/N) sit and then sit behind her, letting her lean back against my chest, my legs on either side of her, the screen in front of is is switched on and the room is filled with the screams of true anguish, I wince at the sight in front of me, there is a young lady on screen, her legs spread and something the size of a large watermelon coming out of her, I gulp, my eyes flitting to (Y/N)'s pale face. When the video is over everyone seems a bit rattled, white faced and jittery, one woman starts bawling into her husband's chest, which sets off a chain reaction, all the women crying hysterically, including (Y/N) "babe, hey look at me, you'll be fine okay? Don't cry, look I'll be there with you the whole time okay? And all of it will be worth it in the end! We'll get our little girl and we'll be a family!" I say brightly, kissing her face, she calms down a little, hiccuping lightly "look on the bright side love, at least we aren't having twins" I laugh.

Calum: Calum would be terrified but he'd try not to show it, but he would eventually relax and become really good and he would be a natural.

"But-but what if I'm a bad dad? What if I don't know how to hold him? Or-or he forgets me if I go on tour? Or I don't know how to feed him? Or what if I-I drop him?" I bite my lip, watching as (Y/N) holds back giggles "its not funny" I whine, she hands me a baby doll and grins "look see, you are a natural" she chuckles, motioning to the way I am cradling the doll, my hand supporting its floppy head "really?" I ask hopefully, she nods and I grin, setting the doll down, I bend down a press a kiss to her tummy "hear that? Mummy said I'm a natural Flynn" I chuckle, (Y/N) laughs, running her hands through my hair.

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