You Have A Child That Isn't His And He Wants One

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Michael: "(Y/N), have you ever thought about...having another child?" Michael asks softly, you shrug "I don't know really...why?" you mumble "well I just...wouldn't it be nice to have another kid, I mean it would be good for Annalise to have a play mate don't you think?" He smiles

" would be nice, I can't imagine you waking up at three am for diaper changes and bottle feeds though" you chuckle "ah well you underestimate me" he smirks, wrapping an arm around your waist "I remember once, when Anna was going through a very colicky phase, I didn't sleep for a week, that was the week her dad bailed" you laugh sadly

"but I'm not like Anna's dad, I'll be there for those colicky nights and shitty diapers" Michael grins, pressing his lips to yours firmly.

Ashton: "You know how much I love Jerry and Alina, but it's just hard for me, every time I look at them I see their father and I hurts (Y/N), I want so badly to be their dad, and I know I can never be and I just, I really want to have you know...a kid, of my own" Ashton stammers, his eyes hopeful

"Yeah I understand" you say softly "do you, do you want another child?" He asks "yeah" you murmur "oh...I thought you'd say no" he laughs, a smile spreading over his face "I'd love to have a child with you Ash, just as long as you promise to stick with us" you grin "well then let's get started" he chuckles, pinning you on the mattress.

Calum: "Hey kiddo" Calum laughs, hoisting your six year old son Theo onto his shoulders "Hi Calum" Theo chuckles, grabbing fistfuls of Calum's dark hair "could you teach me how to play your bass today?" He asks hopefully

"Not today buddy, your mom and I have to talk about grown up stuff, but tomorrow, I promise, okay Theo?" Calum smiles "kay" Theo mumbles, Calum sets him on the ground and squats in front of him "aw c'mon bud, gimme a smile" he says, but Theo keeps pouting

"Theo, Theodore, come on, just one smile, and I promise you'll have me all of tomorrow, and I'll bring uncle Ash along and he'll let you play on his drums" Calum grins, Theo's eyes light up and he throws his arms around Calum's neck, a wide smile on his face

"But I gotta go talk to mommy now okay?" Calum murmurs, giving Theo one last squeeze and ruffling his hair before climbing up to your shared bedroom "hey babe" he greets, sitting next to you "hi" you grin, kissing him lightly

"How was work?" You ask "fine, but (Y/N), I wanna talk" he says quietly "okay" you murmur "about...having a kid" he says tentatively "wow...Calum that's a...a big step, do you think you're ready?" You mumble

He nods, biting his lip, and a large smile spreads over your face "good, cause I'm pregnant" you exclaim "what?! Oh my god (Y/N) you're kidding right?!" He cries, you shake your head, grinning "holy shit! Oh my god this is so great!" He laughs, kissing you passionately and laying his hands over your stomach "I know" you squeal

"We can still have sex though right? Cause I was really looking forward to that" he asks "yes Cal" you chuckle, shaking your head.

Luke: "I know the age gap is big, but I think it would be great for Jason and Kara, give them some experience" Luke points out "Luke five years is a big age gap, Kara and Jason are fifteen and seventeen" you exclaim

"Well we can talk to them about it, but if they approve then could we?" He begs "Luke I don't think I can handle another baby" you mutter "I'll help!" He cries "fine" you sigh "if Jace and Kara approve then yes" you groan

"Good cause I asked them earlier and they thought it was a great idea" Luke smirks, climbing on top of you.

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