You Have Your Baby/Go Into Labor In A Weird Place

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Michael: You stomp into the elevator, your arms crossed over your chest, glaring daggers at the back of Michael's head "I told you already, I wasn't flirting with the fucking waitress" he snaps, jabbing the elevator button for the top floor "oh shut up, you're such a man whore Clifford" you snarl "I'm not! And I'd never do that to my pregnant wife a-" he rolls his eyes and takes a deep breath, his voice softening "baby girl, you're tired, you're hormonal, how about when we get upstairs, you can have a bath, or go to sleep, I'll rub your feet, just get you nice and relaxed hm? You're a week past your due date and you must be exhausted" he smiles gently, kissing the back of your hand, you nod when suddenly you feel a blinding pain grip your body, at exactly the same time, the elevator screeches and comes to a juddering halt "Michael" you whimper, a warm wetness trickling down your legs "it's fine baby, the elevator is just stuck, its an old hotel, it'll be up again in a moment" he assures you, pressing a kiss to your forehead, you shake your head, tears filling your eyes "Michael" you repeat, nodding your head towards the puddle at your feet, his green eyes go wide "oh god, please tell me that's not what I think it is" he begs, just as you double over, screaming "oh shitshitshitshit" he mumbles, his face going pale as he helps you over to the wall, gasping, you lean all your weight against him, sobbing, the elevator shudders again and the lights blink off "fucking hell" he growls, slamming his palm against the wall, you jump, whimpering as the contraction ends, you nuzzle your face against his chest and he hugs you close, his hand against your swollen tummy, he fishes his phone out of his pocket, quickly dialling a number and holding it close to his ear "Ashton? Ashton hey! Mate-no mate listen! I know I'm late okay?! (Y/N) and I are stuck in the hotel elevator, the lights are out, and she's in labor! Dude call an ambulance and get this fucking lift working, we need to get her to hospital!" He hangs up, stroking your hair out of your face as you start screaming again. Minutes go by, minutes turn into an hour, an hour into four and the elevator is still stuck "Michael-Michael I-I can-I can feel something there" you choke, gripping the railing tightly "what do you mean?!" His arms tightening around your waist immediately "Michael it's her head, Michael I feel it oh-oh god I gotta push" you cry out, he grabs your hand, lowering you onto the floor "oh god-oh god it hurts, Michael it hurts" you scream, your eyes screwed shut "I know, I know baby girl, just push sweetie, just push hard" he has his lips pressed against your ear, his sweaty forehead against your temple "Michael I can't do this" your voice cracks and he shakes his head "you can, you are my wife and you are the strongest woman I've ever met and I love you, you can do this okay? Just a few more pushes" he pleads, you grit your teeth, pushing as hard as you can, suddenly you feel the pressure between your legs mount until it is unbearable, and then it suddenly eases and you sigh in relief, lying back "I just gave birth in an elevator" you pant, immediately the tiny baby in between your legs starts crying "we have to get her off the floor" Michael mutters, scooping up his daughter and holding her to his chest "ow Michael I'm still connected to her, don't yank" you mumble, suddenly the lights go on and the elevator groans, its doors opening to reveal a large crowd of paramedics along with Ashton, Luke and Calum, all pale and nervous, before you can realise what has happened, the umbilical cord is cut and you are all in an ambulance, Michael holding your hand "you can sleep now if you want baby" he whispers, so you drift off.

Luke: You sigh, leaning against Luke, allowing the flow of the waves to sway your body "is that nice kitten?" He hums, his fingers rubbing over your large stomach, you nod, smiling serenely as his lips brush over your neck "just watch out for jellyfish" he murmurs, your eyes go wide and you stand up straight, trying to peer over your belly and into the perfectly clear water "baby I'm kidding, might wanna be careful of the sharks though" he laughs, you squeak, turning to head back to shore but he grabs your wrist "I'm only teasing kitten" he smirks, kissing your bare shoulder "you can never be too careful in this country, I swear you Australians have every scary animal imaginable" you mumble, Luke chuckles, you frown and wince as you feel a slight twinge in your stomach "Luke I think we should uh...head back to shore" you mumble, he pouts "aw is it cause I was teasing you? I promise I'll stop" he pleads, you shake your head, one hand pressed to your stomach "no I'm just getting a bit of a cramp, your son is very active toda-woah" you gasp, leaning over, immediately Luke has you in his arms, and soon you are back on the beach, laying on a towel, biting your lip as pain wraps around your body "Luke I-I need to get to hospital, I'm in labor" you whimper "but-but he's not due for another two weeks" he stammers, wringing his hands "yeah well would you like to tell him that? Because I am in a lot of pain!" You snap, he bites the skin of his thumb, rifling through the beach bag to find his phone. "Jack you know the beach you used to take me to when we were kids like way down the coast? Okay well, (Y/N) and I are there and she's in labor and we took the bus and then walked so there's no way for us to get back...she can't walk three miles to the fucking bus stop Jack she's giving birth! No I didn't bring my fucking car Jack!...I know but I didn't think she'd go into labor did I dumbass? Jesus christ Jack just-could you please come get us?" He hangs up, running his hands through his damp hair "I'm so sorry baby" he says softly, kneeling by your head and wiping the tears from your cheeks as you sob "Luke I feel like I'm dying" you gasp, he holds your hand tightly, kissing your forehead "don't say that kitten, please, you're making me feel bad for doing this to you" he murmurs, he kneels beside you, "I need you to breathe for me sweetie, I need you to take deep, even breaths" he rubs your arm, his blue eyes clouded with worry "Luke I-I need to get up" you groan, your fingernails digging into his forearm. Immediately supporting your weight, he helps you to your feet, helping you walk up and down on the sand "do you think-the-the water'll help?" You pant, already making your way towards the sea "I don't think that's a very good idea princess" Luke mumbles, grabbing your waist firmly "I heard water helps with the pain" you whimper, he shakes his head "sweetie you're bleeding a lot, and blood attracts sharks, I don't want my first son eaten by a shark" he explains, his gaze lifts as you hear the rumble of an engine "it's Jack...and Ben...and my parents...and-and Molly" his voice trails off and he frowns "I'm so sorry love I didn't know he'd bring the whole family...jesus" he helps you to the car and there is a huge commotion as everyone rearranges themselves to create space "oh god Luke what were you thinking bringing her out here?" "Deep breaths (Y/N)" "is it painful?" "When was your last contraction sweetie?" You are bombarded with questions, everyone talking over each other and Molly drooling and snuffling in your ear, overwhelmed, you bury your face in Luke chest, he wraps his arms around you and gives his family a death glare, silencing them, just then you feel another contraction and you bite into Luke's shoulder to muffle the screams, and and suddenly the car erupts in voices again "CAN YOU BE QUIET FOR CHRIST'S SAKE?!" Luke yells, everyone falls silent and the only noise is your muffled sobs. Two hours later you feel an intense pain and you squeeze Luke's hand tight "Luke he's not waiting any longer" you gasp, pushing hard, you scream at the top of your lungs before collapsing back against Luke whimpering, you reach under your skirt slowly and your fingers touch something warm and soft, everyone gapes as Luke gently pulls the little boy up and into his arms, the baby is quiet, blinking with gray eyes up at his father "hey buddy" Luke whispers, his lips curling into a smile, he looks up at you, a disbelieving laugh bubbling up out of his mouth, soon you pull up to the hospital and get out of the cramped car, you are immediately rushed for a check up and your baby is taken for tests, and when you come back out you can't help but laugh at the sight of Luke and his family all dressed up in scrubs, smiling and cooing over your son.

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