You Want To Have Sex But He Says No Because You Are Drunk

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Calum: "Come on baby, let's get you to bed" Calum chuckles, guiding you into your shared apartment as you slur jumbled song lyrics, he wraps a strong arm around your waist, helping you stagger towards the bedroom, he starts unzipping your dress and you smirk, sliding your cold hands up his tanned torso "uh unh, it's bed time baby" he laughs, you ignore him, determined to get what you are after- you slam your lips to his and push him backwards till he hits the bed, his knees buckling. He laughs against your lips as he falls on the soft mattress, you on top of him "cool it princess" he murmurs, gently pushing you off, an amused grin tugging at his lips "Cal come on" you whine, shimmying out of your dress quickly so you are left in your lace panties, he pulls the bedsheets up over your bare chest and presses a kiss to your forhead "as much as I would love to darling, I would rather wait till you've sobered up" he says gently, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, cuddling you till you fall asleep.

Michael: "Mikey! You're so sexy!" You giggle, kissing your boyfriend sloppily "and you're so drunk" he chuckles, you laugh and roll your eyes "I only had a half glass Mikey, I swear it" he nods and smiles in the way you nod and smile when a child talks to you about their imaginary friend, wiping your lipstick off his lips with the back of his sleeve "I want you to fuck me Michael" you attempt to whisper in his ear, your voice carrying around the minibar, earning giggles in drinks and winks, Michael chuckles and shakes his head "not tonight baby girl, you're wasted" He grabs your waist, steering you out and towards the car "come on Mikey, just take me right here against the car" you cry, throwing yourself on the hood of the car "not our car babe" he snickers as the alarm goes off, making you squeal, he helps you into the passenger side of his car and by the time he gets around to the driver's side you are fast asleep.

Ashton: "No no no, let's get you down sweetie" Ashton says sternly, grabbing your hips and hoisting you into the air as you attempt to climb onto the bar "I wanna dance for you Ash, I'm having fun!" You whine, he shakes his head, carrying you bridal style towards your hotel room "you're gonna be grateful I was here to take care of you in the morning" he mutters, you smile up at him and wind your hands in his long honey coloured hair "you always take care of me daddy" you whisper, his eyes widen slightly and his Adams apple bobs in his throat "don't start that now" he warns, you smirk, knowing you have control over him "why not daddy? I want you to take care of me. I want your cock daddy" you tease, he bites his lip, striding out more purposefully as he nears your room "you're drunk, and I'm not gonna take advantage of you" he says quietly, through gritted teeth, you giggle, leaning forwards to attach your lips to his neck, grazing your teeth over the skin just as he throws the room door open "bedtime" he announces, his voice huskier as he lays you on the bed, a sigh of relief escaping his lips when you drift off to sleep.

Luke: "You know I love you Lukey?" You slur, kissing his stubble covered jawline and the corner of his lips "I love you too baby" he chuckles, unlocking his apartment door as you tug on his jeans "lets go inside yeah babe?" He murmurs, gently pulling your hands away from his crotch and tugging you inside "mm Luke lets do it on the couch!" You yell, pointing excitedly towards the couch "no baby girl, we're going to the bedroom okay?" He tries his best to keep a straight face, his lips twitching up at the corners "right then we'll do it on the-the bed! Right Lukey?" You cheer, jumping up and down like a kid on Christmas "no princess, not tonight. Tomorrow night definitely. Tomorrow night we can do it wherever you like okay? We're going to bed now (Y/N)" he explains, you frown, pouting at your boyfriend "but Luke" you whine, he chuckles and shakes his head, laying you down on the bed and taking your heels off "night night baby" he murmurs, kissing your hair and snuggling you close.

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