Your Child Is Injured

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Calum: "Mr. Hood?" The police man asks, tapping Calum on the shoulder, both of you turn to face him, and he frowns

"Mr. Hood, Ms. (Y/L/N), your daughter has been involved in a motorcycle accident, she is in hospital now. If you'll please follow me, I will escort you" he says quietly

Your eyes go wide and you grip Calum's arm, letting him guide you. Before you realise it, you are standing in a hospital room, your seventeen year old daughter lying in a bed in front of you

Her eyes closed and her dark hair spread over her pillow, she could easily be mistaken to be sleeping, but her face is heavily bruised, her forehead covered in a bloody bandage

You gulp and take her hand in yours "Emerald" you whisper, giving her hand a squeeze, she remains motionless, your eyes flood with tears and you bury your face in Calum's chest, sobbing silently

He strokes your back in an attempt to soothe you "it's okay baby she's just sleeping" he says softly, but his tone is unsure and his voice wavers

"Your daughter should recover soon enough, she's bound to come out of the coma, and her bruises will heal right up, of course her ribs will take a little bit more time, and the gash on her forehead will probably leave a nasty scar, but she'll live" an unnecessarily cheery nurse says

"Thank you, but could we please just have a um-a moment alone?" Calum asks her, his voice thick "righto!" She chirps, bustling out of the room

He sighs and kisses the top of your head "she'll be fine" he mumbles, more to himself than you, one of his hands slipping from your body to curl itself around Emerald's fingers.

Luke: "Just gimme a second" your thirteen year old son yells down the stairs "hurry up Jeffrey!" You shout "I'm coming mom relax" he grumbles

"Jeff get your ass down here! You're not going to be late again today, now hurry up before the school bus leaves" Luke yells "okay okay" Jeffrey sighs, he appears at the top of the stairs, fumbling with something in his backpack

And suddenly his foot slips and he comes crashing down the stairs, you scream and hurry towards him "(Y/N) be careful!" Luke cries, crouching next to Jeffery, who is knocked out cold

"We can't touch him in case he's broken anything, call an ambulance, quick!" Luke instructs, studying his son, whose body has twisted into an unnatural position.

Minutes later an ambulance pulls up outside your house and paramedics rush in "what happened?" They demand "he fell-he fell down the stairs" you choke, yearning to reach out and scoop your son into your arms

He's lifted onto a stretcher and you and Luke get into the back of the ambulance with him "oh god Luke" you sob, clutching Luke's shirt and crying "it just happened so fast! One second he was standing right there, the next-this is all my fault" you wail

"Shh it's okay baby, he'll be fine, it's okay, everything is okay, this wasn't your fault at all, you'll see, Jeff will be right as rain, just you wait" Luke murmurs, kissing your temple.

Michael: You stir the soup on the stove and giggle as Michael kisses your neck from behind, his arms wrapped around your waist "Mikey stop it, Jonah will be back from school any minute" you whine "mm that's nice" he mumbles

As if on cue, your sixteen year old son, throws the door open and storms in, angrier than you've ever seen him, you gasp "Jonah what happened to your face?!" You screech, hurrying over to him before he can leave the room

"Gee thanks mom, I can always count on you to boost my morale" Jonah grumbles, you give him a pointed glare and he sighs "nothing happened" he mutters, but it's obvious something did

His hair is tousled and filled with dirt and dried blood, he has a big gash across his eyebrow, one eye is nearly swollen shut, there is dried blood covering his nose and mouth, his skin is mottled with red and purple bruises and his clothes are dirty and ripped

He dodges around you, only to come face to face with his father "what happened to you Jonah?" Michael demands, pointing to a chair, Jonah groans but sits down anyway

"I got into a fight with some guy at school" he mutters, rubbing his jaw and wincing, you open the freezer and take out a bag of frozen peas, holding it over the more heavily bruised side of his face

"Seriously Jonah? You got into a fight? Why?!" Michael snarls, glaring at his son "because...the guy was insulting my girlfriend" he growls, looking into Michael's eyes defiantly

Michael sighs and shakes his head, patting Jonah's shoulder "you're just as hot headed as your mother" he mutters, you wipe a dribble of blood from Jonah's nose and roll your eyes

"Come on then, you're going to need stitches for your eyebrow" Michael says firmly, leading the way to the car.

Ashton: "Stop fighting kids!" You yell from the laundry room, but they ignore you and continue bickering, you sigh loading more sheets into the dryer

Suddenly there is a loud scream from the living room and you quickly rush over, Ashton comes out of the kitchen and comes to your side

What did you do?" He cries, lifting your screaming six year old daughter Zara onto his hip, her older brother Nathan is sitting on the couch, pouting, his arms crossed "I diddun do nuffin daddy!" He insists

But Zara points to him, still screaming, there is a small trickle of blood coming from her nose "he hit me daddy!" She sobs, wiping her bloody nose "it was an accident daddy! Zara tell him it was an accident!" Nathan whimpers

Zara snuffles and hides her face against Ashton's shoulder "Nathan Richard Irwin you cannot just hit your little sister like that! Look what you've done! Jesus, it's like living with animals! No tv for a week young man!" He growls, stroking Zara's back gently.

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