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Calum: "That's a pretty impressive hickey you got there Cal, (Y/N) give you that?" Ashton laughs, inspecting the large purple patch on Calum's jaw

"Yeah she did, she's a bit of a wild one" Calum grins, rubbing his fingers over the mark, a small smile on his face.

Luke: "I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you and (Y/N) met up last night" Michael smirks, referring to the scattered group of hickeys on Luke's neck

"We might have" Luke mumbles, scratching his neck as blush creeps into his cheeks.

Ashton: "As you can see, Ashton here snuck into (Y/N)'s hotel room last night" Luke grins, zooming in to the dark lovebites on Ashton's collar bones

"Hmm, that better not be a twit cam you little shit" Ashton groans, opening his eyes groggily "oh but it is" Luke sings, earning another groan from Ashton.

Michael: "So Michael you were getting pretty busy last night huh?" Calum asks, a smirk on his face

Michael laughs and pulls the covers of his bunk up to hide the array of hickeys on his torso, the movement causes you to wake and you roll over, groaning

"Is (Y/N) in there with you?" Calum sniggers, Michael's smile grows and blush covers his neck "you naughty kids!" Calum crows, shaking his head.

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