How He Finds Out You're Pregnant

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Ashton: You tell him.

"Hey um Ash can you come over here?" you call from the living room, he jogs in, his curls messy with a smile on his face, he sees how serious you look and his smile drops "babe what's wrong?" he asks as tears fill your eyes

"Ash, we're not ready to be parents" you sob, his eyes go wide and he pulls you into his arms "I can't even look after a plant, how am I meant to take care of a kid?" you cry "so you're pregnant?" Ashton asks, his voice quiet and lost, you nod "but-but how?" he stammers, sitting down heavily on the couch

"well let's just put it this way, pulling out, doesn't always work Ash" you sniffle, he rubs his hands over his face and groans "are you sure?" he asks "well if I'm not, the tests sure are" you say, leading him to the bathroom where six positive pregnancy tests lie in a row on the bathtub "six positive?" he moans, you nod sadly, and lay your head on his chest "well then I guess we're having a baby" he breaths.

Luke: He doesn't, you never tell him and you flee the country to raise your child elsewhere, leaving him lost and confused.

Michael: Your mother tells him.

"Hey mum I'll be right back, I just need to pee real quick." you smile and leave for the bathroom "she pees alot lately, like ten times in an hour" Michael chuckles and your mother laughs

"well yes m'dear, but you've got to expect that, what with her condition and all" she giggles "condition? Is (Y/N) sick?" he asks, worried "no, no, it's the baby silly, it puts pressure on her bladder you see" she explains, Michael's eyes go wide and a smile spreads across his face

when you return from the bathroom, he picks you up and spins you around "my baby is having a baby" he cries, pressing his lips to yours, you laugh and look at your mother "I was gone two minutes mom" you laugh.

Calum: The doctor tells you both

"Calum pull over" you yelp, scrambling out of the car and over to the side of the road, where you proceed to empty out your stomach, Calum holds your hair and rubs your back, trying to make you feel better, when you finish he helps you back to the car and you continue the drive to the hospital in silence

you arrive and walk through the front doors, taking a seat in the cold waiting room whilst Calum talks to a nurse, you watch, shivering as the nurse points to the clock and shows him something on the computer screen, he gestures to you, talking animatedly until the nurse nods and he comes back to you, looking triumphant

he leads you into an examination room where you describe how you feel to the doctor, he starts to talk about unprotected sex and the dangers of it "wait hold up! What are you saying doc? Does she have AIDS or something?" Calum asks looking worried

"no, what I'm saying is, you two are having a baby" he says, he starts packing things away whilst you and Calum stare at each other and then large smiles break out on your faces, he presses his lips to yours and helps you up "Cal we're having a baby" you squeal, he nods, his eyes filled with joyous tears.

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