He Talks To The Guys About Your Lack Of Experience (His P.O.V)

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Michael: "Did you reach third base yet?" Luke asks as I enter the studio, biting my lip I shake my head, he, Ashton, and Calum groan "stop being a pussy man, just get her drunk" Ashton laughs, slapping my shoulder, I glare at him and he raises his hands in defence "kidding" he chuckles, handing me a can of beer "(Y/N)'s just...scared" I sigh, sitting down next to Calum "and I mean it's frustrating, but I love her, and I don't want to rush her and end up ruining our relationship" Calum nods knowingly "but I mean-I'm getting desperate, I've waited a year and a half for her and I'm getting pretty damn desperate" I groan, tugging at my hair "just do something really romantic and stuff, girls love that shit, she'll be dropping her panties faster than that" Luke smirks, snapping his fingers for emphasis "yeah but what can I do? I'm not very good at romantic shit" I groan, gulping down my beer "make her dinner, buy her flowers, y'know the kinda stuff they do in movies, tell her a bunch of crap about how you love her and wanna marry her and live happily ever after" Calum grins, draping his arm over my shoulders, I nod, biting my lip "think it would work?" They all nod solemnly.

Luke: I groan and flop onto my bunk, covering my face with my hands "what's up?" Ashton laughs, glancing at me "I miss rough sex" I admit, turning over on my side and glaring at the wall "wait I thought you banged (Y/N)" Michael calls up from his bunk beneath mine, Calum and Ashton nod "yeah but she was a virgin before and, I mean the sex is great, she is tight as fuck; which also means I have to be really gentle with her and I just miss ya know just fucking" I explain, Calum snorts, looking up from his phone "then just fuck her" "it's not that simple Cal, I don't want to hurt her" I sigh, running my hands through my hair and sitting up "she's sensitive-seriously. Once I was a little rough and she actually started bleeding a bit after, and she was sore for ages, like sometimes I'd find her crying...I felt really bad but I mean...I'm a guy and I have needs and it's so hard to control myself when we're doing it" I ramble, my face heating up as I look around at the other guys "honestly, the only advice I can give you, is give her time, this is all new to her" Ashton says quietly, being the oldest in the band he has the most experience "yeah she's young, and her body just needs to adjust, just wait" Michael adds, I sigh and flop back down "I hate waiting" I mumble.

Ashton: "Today I asked her for a blowjob and she literally had no clue what it was" I sigh, sitting down heavily and rubbing my hands over my face, blush blooming in my cheeks "you're kidding" Michael snorts, I shake my head "what'd you do?" Calum asks eagerly, I laugh dryly and lean back in my seat "I couldn't explain it to her, I just told her to forget it, and then she went and searched on the fucking internet..." the other boys erupt into uncontrollable laughter, gasping for air "oh god no she didn't!" Luke cries, I bite my lip "I really love her, but sometimes, I wish she'd learnt all this before from someone else" I sigh,looking down.

Calum: "Seriously, the most we've done is oral, but I don't know how much longer I can go without actually having sex man" I groan, flopping down on the dressing room couch "well maybe she's scared?" "No shit Luke" I grumble, glaring up at him "I mean I was looking forward to having a girlfriend because it meant sex whenever I want. Except my girlfriend is a fucking virgin" I snap, I sit up and grab a can of red bull, chugging it down "have you talked to her?" Michael asks, I nod and swallow "she said when she's ready; whatever the fuck that shit means" "come on Cal go easy on her, it's different for girls with their first time, it's painful" Ashton says patiently, I sigh and crush my empty red bull "the sooner she gets it over with the less time she'll have to worry" I mumble.

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