Your Child Goes Missing

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Michael: "Ava?" you yell, scanning the crowd "Ava?!" you repeat, your voice more shrill, you plough through the people, searching for your daughter, you are going in the opposite direction of the crowd, making it nearly impossible to move

"Ava this is not funny! Ava!" you screech, you check behind the food stands and carnival games, feeling more and more hysterical, you're running through the fair now, bumping into people constantly

you round a corner and stop, because in front of you is Michael, he's crouched down, and is hugging Ava tightly "don't ever run off like that again sweetie, you really scared mommy and daddy" he croaks, stroking her hair

"oh thank god Michael" you choke, you wrap your arms around both of them, sobbing, happy that your family is safe.

Calum: "Have you received any information as to the whereabouts of your daughter?" "how does it feel as parents, knowing that she's missing?" "do you think she's still alive?" the paparazzi chase after you as you run into your house, your son shielded by Calum

he slams the door shut and locks it, setting your son down "go play upstairs Jonathan" he mumbles, Jonathan climbs up the stairs and you turn to Calum, bursting into tears "why us Cal?" you sob, he pulls you into his arms and rests his chin on your head "we'll find her (Y/N) I promise" he chokes, and kisses your hair softly

"but what if...what if she...what if their right? It's been a month! What if she's...n-not alive?" you stammer "you can't think like that sweetie, I'm telling you we'll find her" he murmurs, you stand together in the hallway, comforting each other.

Ashton: "I-I'm sure they're somewhere nearby" Ashton stammers, rubbing your back "it's a huge airport Ash, they could be anywhere" you sniff "look I'm sure they'll turn up, they're seven, they probably just went to the food court or something" he says hopefully, helping you up

"you check the arcade, I'll go to the food court" you mumble, you split up and you take the stairs up to the food court "Jedd, Finley? Are you here?" you yell, earning strange looks from people nearby, you scan the place, looking for your twin boy's unmistakable curls

and then your phone rings, you answer it "their in the arcade" you hear Ashton say breathlessly, and then you hang up and sit down heavily, your body shaking with relief.

Luke: "Fawn?" you cry, scanning the beach, you adjust your son on your hip "where's Fawn mummy?" he asks, his lower lip wobbling "oh sweetie, she's with daddy" you mumble, Luke comes jogging up to you "I can't find her anywhere" he pants

"but mummy said she was wif you" your son lisps, tears gathering in his eyes "Fawn's just uh...playing hide and seek Jacob, don't worry" Luke soothes "I think you should stay with uncle Cal while we look for her okay?" he adds, Jacob nods and Luke takes him from you and up to where Calum is packing up all your beach stuff "any luck?" he asks, Luke shakes his head and hands him Jacob

he jogs back over to you and you search for your daughter among the rocks and behind trees "(Y/N)!" Luke gasps, he points and you follow his gaze to where your daughter is lying, fast asleep behind a large boulder, a smile spreads over both your faces and he picks her up gently, trying not to wake her, you kiss her forehead and take her back, filled with relief.

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