You Cut

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Calum: "It was the cat Cal! I'm serious!" you cry, trying to wrench your bloody wrists out of his grip "don't lie to me (Y/N), I know what cat scratches look like, and these are not cat scratches!" he growls, his voice wavering "they are Calum! Honestly!" you insist, his eyes meet yours and his jaw is clenched tightly "what did you use? A knife? A razor? A scissors? " he asks shakily

"I-I didn't-" "Don't bullshit me (Y/N)!" he shouts, his voice is harsh and you flinch, scared "I didn't do it" you squeak and he sighs deeply, wrapping you in his arms "I'm not...I'm not judging you or anything, I just...I don't understand" he mumbles, kissing your temple "I didn't do it" you repeat "why won't you tell me the truth?" he asks softly, pulling away and tucking your hair behind your ear

"I-I just...I feel like I...I'm not good enough, like I don't belong here, I don't deserve what I have...I don't deserve you" you stammer, tears slipping down your face "do you really feel that way? Because I can tell you right now, that is a load of rubbish, it's me who doesn't deserve you" he murmurs, wiping your tears with his thumb

"I can't believe you could think that! Look if you ever feel cutting again, just-just come and talk to me okay?" he whispers, pressing his lips against yours briefly "yeah okay" you croak, resting your head against his chest.

Luke: You stare at your wrists, at the blue veins beneath your skin and the pale, faded scars, snaking over your arms, the harsh words echo through your brain 'worthless' 'fat' 'ugly' 'slut' "(Y/N) you promised" you tell yourself, but you can't stop yourself, and you slowly drag the blade over your skin, relishing the pain and the sight of the crimson blood bubbling to the surface

You sigh contentedly, repeating the action a few times, letting the coldness of the metal blade soothe the pain, you look down and see the drops of blood, contrasting harshly against the clean white kitchen sink, tears fill your eyes and you drop the blade, shocked at yourself "Luke! Luke!" you shriek, starting to shake

You frantically wipe your arm against your shirt, smearing blood everywhere, your brother Luke runs in and his jaw drops "(Y/N)!" he cries, rushing over to you, he pulls your arm away from your body "I'm sorry! I'm sorry Luke!" you sob as he washes the blood off, his mouth set in a firm line

He picks the blade out of the sink, holding it between his thumb and forefinger as if it is something disgusting "where did you find this?" he spits "at school" you croak "at school?! At school?!" he exclaims, the veins in his neck pulsing, you nod meekly "how can I trust you to go anywhere if I can't even trust you to go to school?" he asks "I didn't mean to, I just...I saw it and I-I couldn't stop myself" you whisper

"(Y/N), you promised, you said if I let you come and live with me you'd stop" he mutters, his eyes fixed on your wrist "I try Luke, you of all people know I try" you sniff pressing the side of your face against his chest, you can hear his heart racing, pounding loudly "I's getting pretty bad, and mum and I talked...she thinks it'd be best to take you out of school...she-she thinks you're suffering from depression" Luke says softly

"What?! Luke no! I-you can't!" you cry "look I didn't agree with her at first...but-but now...I mean...I think she's right" he murmurs "Luke! Please! Just give me one more chance! Just one!" You beg, he frowns, biting on his lip "just-just one...but I'm going to move you into my room, I want to keep an eye on you" he agrees, you nod and hug him tightly.

Michael: You wipe the tiny beads of blood off your arm and pull your sleeve down, stepping out of the school bathroom and into the bustling hallway, you make your way slowly towards your locker and grab your books, stacking them in your arms

You begin walking towards your next lesson, but someone bumps into your shoulder, sending your small frame toppling onto the ground, your books spreading around you

You groan internally, and adjust your glasses on your nose "hey are you okay?" you hear a familiar voice ask, you gulp and look up, your eyes meeting Michael's, he grabs your hands to pull you up and gathers your books, handing them to you

As you turn to walk off he graps your arm "you're a beautiful girl, you know that right?" He says softly, his eyes travelling down to your scarred arms, you shrink away from him and rush down the hall,  blushing.

Ashton: "Please don't ever do it again" Ashton whispers, wiping the blood off of your arm with a wet towel, you nod "I promise Ash" you murmur, sniffling

"Why'd you do it though?" He asks softly, you shrug, nestling your head into the crook of his neck "I needed to feel something" you breathe, he sighs, tracing his fingertips over your arms.

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