Jealous (His P.O.V)

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Luke: I wake up to the sound of the lock clicking and someone creeping inside, fumbling around, I realise (Y/N) isn't next to me and I lurch out of bed, my heart racing "(Y/N)?" I call desperately, my eyes straining in the dark, suddenly she's right in front of me, fully dressed "what the fuck are you doing? It's the middle of the freaking night, you scared me" I hiss, padding back to our bedroom "nothing, just had to pop over to Kyle's" she mumbles, tugging off her coat, I'm surprised to see her Spongebob Squarepants pyjamas underneath "Kyle? You went to Kyle's house? In your pyjamas?" I snarl, crossing my arms over my chest, she shrugs, climbing into bed "What were you doing at Kyle's house in the middle of the night?" I demand, she shrugs again, yawning "he needed my help with something" she mutters "with what exactly?!" I growl, standing over her "just some work he has to turn in tomorrow, he needed help finishing it" she snaps, sitting up and glaring at me "don't you take that tone with me! You're the one sneaking out behind my back to do 'work' with Kyle in the middle of the night wearing fucking Spongebob pyjamas!" I yell, pointing a finger at her "so? It's not like I'm cheating on you! Kyle is my best friend and you know it, I've known Kyle far longer than I've known you and I'm completely comfortable with him! If I want to wear Spongebob pyjamas to his house, so what? He's my best friend and he needed help so I helped him!" She exclaims, her voice shrill, I sigh and sit down next to her "how would you feel if I had a best friend who was a girl, and you woke up in the middle of the night to find I was gone, and when I came back, I told you I'd been at her place?" I ask quietly, looking up at her "well-well I mean...I wouldn't be happy but-" "you would think I was cheating on you right?" "Well...yes" she admits, I shrug

"sometimes...sometimes I feel like you love him more than me" I say softly, she looks taken aback, her soft pink lips parted and her eyes confused "oh Luke, Luke the way I love you and the way I love him are two completely different things, and I love both of you equally" she murmurs "so how do I know you aren't just going to leave me for him?" I ask, she shakes her head, a look of revulsion on her face "because, he's Kyle, he's like my brother that'd be gross" she snorts, I chuckle, biting my lip "forgive me?" She pouts, holding her arms out to me "how could I ever stay mad at you?" I grin, hugging her close and pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Calum: I squint against the sun, watching as (Y/N) leans against the opposite wall, pulling the brunette man on top of her, he laughs and whispers something in her ear, making her blush "who's that?" I ask, leaning closer to my friends "huh? Oh him? That's (Y/N)'s new boyfriend, just moved here from San Francisco, Darren I think" Luke explains, I grunt and turn away from their sickening PDA "he looks like a dick" I mutter, taking a swig of my beer "well actually I heard he's really nice, great with girls, in fact I heard he and (Y/N) have already done it" Michael says, peering over my shoulder at them "no way, (Y/N) would never let a guy fuck her after a week" I growl, my fist tightening around my bottle "well they say he's a real charmer" Michael chuckles, leaning back in his seat, there are a few seconds of silence and then Luke starts talking about football "did you guys catch last night's match? Fuck I was pissed, the ref didn't call a single foul against-" "are you sure they've done it?" I interrupt, casting my gaze back to the couple, who are now kissing rather passionately, completely oblivious to the world around them "well that's what I heard, and look at them, they look pretty loved up" Michael laughs, nodding his head towards them, Darren now has one hand on her bum, squeezing it through her jeans, the other is under her shirt, resting on her back, I curse under my breath, taking another swig of beer, my knuckles pale from gripping the bottle so hard "why do you even care mate?" Ashton laughs, his eyebrows raised "I don't" I say quickly, my face heating up, (Y/N) now has her hand over his bulge, a smirk on her face as she palms him. All of a sudden I hear the crunch of glass and the swears of the other boys, and I feel pain shooting through my hand. I crushed the bottle.

Michael: I hurry into the house, shutting the door and rushing up the stairs "(Y/N)? Baby? I got your message, I came as soon as I could" I call, pushing our bedroom door open to find a smiling (Y/N) "hey I thought you were upset, I left the studio early to see you" I chuckle, lying next to her, and draping my arm over her waist "yeah but Fred came over, so I'm fine now" she grins, I stiffen, retracting my arm and propping myself up on my side "Fred?" I ask, my temper starting to boil "yeah...I just needed someone and well, he is my best friend" she mumbles, turning to face me "well that's why I came home early, I mean I left the studio three hours earlier than I was supposed to, even though I have tons of work to do, just so I could come home and be with you since you weren't feeling well, and now you're telling me you called Fred?" I snap, running a hand through my hair, she bites her lip and looks away "well in the message I said you didn't have to come" she says weakly, her lip quivering "yes but you knew I would, it's my job to comfort you when you're down, not Fred's, I'm your boyfriend, not him!" I growl "I'm sorry" she whispers, I nod, pulling her into my arms, I kiss the top of her head "I just...get a little jealous sometimes" I mumble into her hair.

Ashton: I watch as (Y/N) stands on the football field, talking and laughing and kicking the ball around with her best friend and the rest of his team, jealously bubbles inside me, making my fists clench and my vision to go hazy and red, my head pounding, I stalk out of the stadium and walk home, the whole time silently cursing (Y/N) and her football playing, oh so perfect, athletic, wonderful, smart, Spanish, best friend. Arriving home, I slam the door behind me and flop on the couch, quickly falling asleep. A few hours later I feel (Y/N) shaking my shoulders and I open my eyes "what do you want?" I mutter, sitting up and brushing past her "hey what's wrong? Why did you leave so soon?" She asks gently, grabbing my wrist "nothing, you were just having so much fun with Mr. Sexy Spanish Footballer and his friends so I didn't want to intrude. I'm sorry I don't play football or speak Spanish or go to college or be simply wonderful like whatshisname" I rant, pulling my arm free and glaring at her "Ash, are you...jealous of Xavier? Which is his name by the way" she giggles "no!" I snap, huffing "Ashton, he's like a brother to me, you have no need to be jealous, I love you" she laughs, grabbing me and kissing me, slowly I give in and slip my arms around her waist "I love you too" I sigh, dragging her to our bedroom, a smirk on my face.

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