How He Treats You When You're Pregnant

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Luke: While you are pregnant, Luke is constantly monitoring you. "Baby I don't think you should drink that" Luke says softly, you sigh and turn around, glaring at him "do you have a freaking tracker on me or something?" You snap, it's the middle of the night and you snuck out of bed to try and find something to help you sleep "I heard you get up" he murmurs, he lays his hand on your lower back and pours the half glass of red wine down the kitchen sink, you sigh, watching it swirl down the drain "that stuff's expensive Luke" you mutter, he tilts your chin up so your eyes meet his bright blue ones "nothing is worth more to me than the life of my daughter (Y/N). Everything you eat (Y/N)-everything you eat and drink, goes straight to her. Every-every chocolate bar, every ice cream sundae, every drop of wine. (Y/N) your body doesn't pick out the bad stuff and only send her the good stuff, her whole life is in your hands, you're the one carrying her around inside you, not me, so please more conscious of that next time yeah?" He cups your face in his hands, stroking your cheeks with his thumbs, you nod and he smiles, kissing you gently.

Ashton: During your pregnancy Ashton can't keep his hands off you. You yawn, opening your eyes to find Ashton awake and tracing shapes softly over your swollen stomach "mm that tickles" you mumble, he chuckles and kisses your bellybutton, laying back down and pulling you as close as he can-which isn't very close, considering that you're eight months pregnant-"I still can't get over how amazing this all is" he sighs, a large smile crossing his face "I mean-you are growing a human being inside of you right now! Baby, you're carrying our baby!" His hands find their way back to your tummy, his long fingers stroking over your skin "I'm aware Ash" you giggle, pressing your lips to his briefly, he grins, blush covering his dimpled cheeks, there is silence as you smile at each other, and then you feel a small kick against your stomach, Ashton laughs, wriggling down to be level with your stomach "we haven't forgotten about you princess" he chuckles, peppering your tummy with soft kisses "I swear you can't go for two minutes without touching my stomach" you giggle, he blushes, ducking his head, making his messy curls fall into his eyes "I'm just excited to-to be a dad" he smiles, as his fingers begin drawing small shapes over your stomach.

Calum: Calum is extremely protective of you. "Baby are you sure you wanna go to this?" He asks, referring to your friend's birthday party "yes Cal, Maura is my best friend. Look I'll be fine okay?" You chuckle, kissing his cheek "I don't know...I don't want you to go baby girl, it's just-you're so close to your due date and I'm just-I'm worried" he admits, biting his lip, his eyebrows furrowed "Calum, it's a dinner at Olive Garden with three people, I think I can handle it" you sigh, he mumbles something to himself along the lines of "stubborn and careless" you roll your eyes, applying a dark shade of lipstick "baby please" he begs, pouting at you, you shake your head and he nods "okay. Okay fine" he steps up behind you, toying gently with the strap of your dress, his lips brushing over the nape of your neck, sending a shiver through your body "I don't mind you going" he slowly lowers your dress strap and your bra strap, his lips leaving a trail of butterfly kisses along your shoulder and up your neck "although we could just pop upstairs for just a minute...just a minute so you can help me out with a little issue I've got-" "that's not gonna work on me this time Calum" you smirk, he sighs, resting his forehead against your shoulder "dammit" he mumbles, just as a car horn beebs outside "that's them, I'd better go" you giggle, kissing his cheek and hurrying out, you climb into Maura's car, and just as you are starting down the driveway, you see Calum come racing towards the car, his skinny jeans swapped for a pair of black trousers and his Nirvana tshirt swapped for a black dress shirt, which flaps loosely behind him, seeing as he was in such a rush he couldn't button it, giving you all a much welcome view of his toned abs "wait!" He yells, laughing Maura pulls over and he scrambles into the back with you "I'm sorry (Y/N) I know you're pissed at me, but I just, I got so damn worried and so worked up about what could happen, and I know you're probably not going to talk to me tonight, but I love you so much, and I love our little boy so much, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if either of you got hurt, and I know its highly unlikely that anything will happen, I know we've still got a week till your due date, and Maura I'm so sorry for crashing your party, its just that I probably would have had a heart attack and killed myself with worry if (Y/N) came alone. (Y/N), kitten I just-I-can't let you out of my sight" he is panting heavily, his chest rising and falling, his pink lips parted "Cal, you-you've got lipstick right there" you giggle, reaching over to rub the red lipstick off his cheek "so you forgive me right?" He grins, you nod "thank god, because I have no fucking clue how to tie a tie" he laughs, pulling one out of his pocket, you smile and he tilts your chin up, kissing you softly.

Michael: Michael is always worried about you. "Hey baby girl, I missed you today" Michael grins, kicking off his shoes as he enters the bedroom "you talking to me or her?" You mumble, pointing to your stomach "both of you" he laughs, climbing into bed next to you and kissing you gently, his hands rubbing over your tummy, you nod, cuddling into him, suddenly you are in tears, sobbing softly against his chest "baby? Baby what's wrong?" He murmurs, kissing your forehead "my back is killing me Michael, it's s-so painful" you whimper, he frowns, pushing hair out of your face "oh baby, I'm so sorry...god I feel so guilty, I did this to you" he sighs, he gently wipes your tears away, biting his lip "it's not your fault Michael...yesterday...I didn't tell you, but I slipped down the stairs, and since then my back has just been getting worse" you mumble, his eyes grow wide and sits up "why didn't you tell me?! (Y/N), you could easily have hurt yourself, what if you have a-a slipped disc? Or internal bleeding? You have to tell me these things straight away (Y/N)! Fuck!" He runs his hands through his hair, fishing his phone out of his pocket "I-I have to make an appointment with the doctor" he stammers, pacing around the room "Michael" you sniff, he stops, turning to you "please just cuddle with me" you whimper, he sighs, getting back into bed with you, he presses a kiss to your forehead "I still gotta call the doctor though" he murmurs.

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