Your Child Won't Stop Crying

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Michael: "He's just a little bit colicky okay?" Michael mutters, rocking your three month old son in his arms, he screams louder, his little face turning bright red "oh god please just go to sleep Matt" you beg, burying your face in your pillow "he'll settle down soon enough" Michael assures you, stifling a yawn, you take Matt from his arms and hold him against your shoulder, patting his back, and suddenly he vomits all over you, and then goes straight back to screaming

"great" you mumble, handing him back to Michael, you change your shirt and find a dummy, bringing it back and sticking it in Matt's mouth, instantly he spits it out, shrieking at the top of his lungs "Michael I-I don't know what to do" you whimper "it's okay baby, it's not your fault, I'm sure he'll tire himself out and go to sleep soon" he says gently.

Sure enough, two hours later, Matt's screaming finally dies down and he falls asleep, his head lolling against Michael's chest "jesus christ I'm exhausted" he whispers, laying him in his crib and climbing into bed with you.

Luke: "Luke she hasn't stopped crying since you left" you say softly, Skyping Luke "but it's been a month" he says incredulously "I know, but she's just five Luke, and she's never had to be away from you for so long, she just mopes around all day, and sometimes I can't even get her to eat, she just misses you" you murmur "I feel terrible, poor Sof, I miss you guys so much already, and I just...god I wish you could have come on tour with me" he mutters, running his hands through his hair

"I know, me too, but you know what the doctor said" you smile sadly, rubbing your hands over your pregnant stomach "yeah...can I see Sofie though?" he asks quietly "I don't know might upset her more" you say warily "please baby? I miss her so much" he begs, you sigh and nod "I'll be right back" you mumble, you go up the stairs and into your daughter's bedroom "honey" you whisper, shaking her shoulder "hmm what?" she yawns, opening her eyes "do you wanna say hi to daddy?" you ask softly

suddenly she's wide awake "yes!" she squeals, she's up and running down the stairs before you can say anything else, you follow after her and see her sitting at your computer, talking animatedly to Luke about her ballet recital, you smile to yourself and sit next to her stroking her back.

After three hours, she finally falls back asleep, leaning against you and sucking her thumb "god I wish I could hug her" Luke sniffs, wiping at his eyes with his palms "I hate leaving you guys" he chokes "it's okay Luke, maybe we'll visit you next month if I'm up to it" you murmur "I hope so, I um I have to go babe, I love you, take care of yourself and the kids" he mumbles "I love you too Luke" you say before hanging up and taking Sofie back to bed.

Calum: "She's teething Cal!" you yell over your one year old daughter's cries "well is there any way to get her to stop? She's doing my head in!" Calum asks "you don't think I've tried? She's your bloody daughter, you try!" you snap, holding Lois out to him "(Y/N) I'm exhausted okay, I've had a very stressful day and I can't deal with this right now" Calum growls "yeah well what about me huh? I've been at home all day listening to this!" you exclaim

he sighs, running a hand through his hair "you're right, I'm sorry" he mumbles, taking Lois from your arms, you sit on the couch, rubbing your temples as Calum bounces Lois on his hip, making faces at her "did you try teething gel?" Calum asks, you nod "what about dabbing rum on her gums?" he suggests "I've tried everything Cal" you sigh, your eyes brimming with tears "babe please don't cry, I can't have both of my girls crying at the same time" he coos, brushing your tears away with his thumb

"what about that uh teething ring Mali gave us a couple of months back?" he asks gently "I-I haven't tried that actually" you mumble, you immediately begin rummaging through all of Lois' stuff until you find it, you hold it in front of her face and she stops crying, intrigued by it, she grabs it in her chubby hands and starts chewing it intently, and soon enough she falls asleep, tired out from crying all day "thank god for your sister" you laugh softly, kissing Calum's cheek.

Ashton: "He's tired Ash! Just walk around with him for a bit!" you shout from the kitchen "no (Y/N), I'm telling you, he just wants you" Ashton yells, holding your screaming nine month old son "well I'm cooking Ash!" you protest "Leo's been crying for over an hour (Y/N), I think I'm going deaf! Please can you just take him?" Ashton begs "no Ash, I'll be done in like twenty minutes, just I don't know...change him, give him a bottle, something" you sigh

"I've tried all that babe! He only wants you!" he cries "okay okay, I'm coming" you groan, you take Leo and immediately he stops crying, he nestles against your chest, snuffling and sucking his thumb "see I told you so" Ashton mutters, stroking Leo's hair "well you're going to need to make the food then" you mumble, heading upstairs to put Leo to bed.

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