He's Jealous Of You Spending Time With Another Member (Part One)

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Michael: "Okay so what you want to do now, is move a bit this way" Ashton instructs, holding onto your hips and turning your body to the correct angle, he grabs your thighs and spreads them far apart

"right, and now you can do this for a basic rythm" he adds, he stands behind you, guiding your hands over the drums and showing you how to hold the drumsticks properly "there now see if you can do it yourself" he smiles, you try, but you can't remember the right sequence "ugh I suck" you groan

"no that wasn't too bad, come on look I'll show you again" he chuckles, this time he sits on the stool and you sit on his lap, he holds your hands firmly and directs you "see it's easy, you can do it" he says encouragingly, you grin and try again, this time getting it right

"Ash! I got it!" you squeal you leap up and hug him before rushing to your boyfriend "Michael did you see that?" you laugh giddy with joy "oh yeah every second of it" he says through gritted teeth, before standing and stalking out.

Ashton: "You press that button there to shoot at him" Michael says, leaning close to you and pointing to one of the buttons on your controller, you successfully kill the bad guy and he high fives you, grinning

he teaches you all the secret short cuts and tricks, giving you a hug or a high five, every time you get something right

"you're getting pretty good at this (Y/N)! I think you might even be able to challenge me!" Michael laughs, you nudge him and turn to Ashton "hey Ash? Do you wanna play with us?" you offer, he glares at you "no thanks, you two look pretty happy on your own, so I'm just going to go" he snarls.

Luke: "Hey Cal? Could you show me those cords again? I'm not very good at remembering them!" you call out, he grins and plops down next to you, he drapes one arm over your shoulder and grabs your hands, guiding them over the guitar strings

"this one is C, that's the one you keep forgetting" he says quietly, his face so close to yours that you can smell his fruity gum and musky cologne "right" you breath, he moves your hand again, strumming the cords the right way "just like that" he smiles and moves

"thanks" you smile "no problem" he smirks, winking at you, you get up and walk over to your boyfriend "hey Luke, so Calum-" you start but he cuts you off "oh Calum this, Calum that! If Calum is great go date him instead" he snaps, leaving you standing in the corner by yourself.

Calum: "Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again, oh babe I hate to go" Luke sings, strumming along on his guitar "wow Luke, you sound great" you smile, sitting down next to him

"oh, I didn't think anyone was listening" he chuckles nervously, you sit next to him "you really think I sound good?" he asks, you make a face at him "duh of course you do silly! How else do you think you'd be in a band?" you laugh, nudging his side, he smiles and nudges you back

soon you get into a tickle fight, and you don't stop until he has you beneath him, your arms pinned above you and his face inches from yours, but just then your boyfriend Calum strolls in, he sees you and immediately turns around, stalking away "shit" Luke mutters, climbing off of you "yeah, shit" you repeat.

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