The Other Boys See The Baby For The First Time

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Ashton: "I can't believe you let him knock you up again" Calum laughs as he Luke and Michael enter the room "remember after Charlie they swore they weren't having another?" Michael smirks "yeah and they said the same after Max" Luke adds

"it's not my fault she can't resist me" Ashton chuckles, you roll your eyes "so how you doing (Y/N)? Everything fine down there? No rips or tears like with Charlie I hope" Michael grins

"stop asking my wife about her vagina Michael" Ashton groans, you giggle "I'm fine Mikey" you inform him, he nods "so where are the kids anyways?" Calum asks

"Charlie took Max home and Dylan took Amelia out into the gardens for 'a walk' but we all know he's showing her off to his girlfriend, he should be back soon" you smile

Luke sits in the chair next to Ashton, while Michael and Calum perch on the foot of your bed "so how long was the labor this time?" Luke asks eagerly "about thirty minutes" you say, Luke smiles widely and leans back in his chair "pay up you two" he chuckles

Michael and Calum groan and hand over some money "I can't believe you guys are still doing that" you laugh "well it was supposed to be a one time thing with Dylan, but it was fun, and I've won every time" Luke grins

you shake your head, Dylan walks in holding Amelia "hey Dylan" the boys chorus "hi" he grins and waves handing Amelia to Ashton "so Dyl, using your little sister to get laid? I'm impressed" Michael smirks, Dylan laughs and plops down next to him.

Amelia is transported around the room, everyone commenting on her resemblance to you "she's going to have all the boys chasing her at this rate" Luke chuckles "oh yeah, if she turns out like you (Y/N), you two are going to have to fight them off" Michael smirks

"I remember the day you introduced (Y/N) to us Ash, and we thought she was a friend of yours so we were all plotting ways to bang her" Michael giggles "but then you said she was your girlfriend and we were just completely shocked" Calum adds "I can't believe you guys are onto your fourth little Irwin now" Luke says, a large smile on his face, you nod, and giggle as Ashton presses his lips against yours.

Michael: "He's so little" Ashton murmurs, stroking Jaymi's soft hair "yeah he's a few weeks early, he wasn't due till next month" you say gently "well he's gorgeous" Calum smiles, patting your hand

"I can't believe you two already have a baby" Luke chuckles, he kisses your temple and gives Michael a hug "yeah that's what we were saying" Michael says quietly "I mean I have a son now" he adds, a small smile on his face

The boys nod "so (Y/N) how are you feeling?" Calum asks "completely worn out" you chuckle, stifling a yawn "I feel like I could sleep for a week, I've never been this tired" you mumble

Ashton smiles and takes Jaymi from your arms "you should get some rest then, Jaymi will be fine with us" he smiles, you yawn and snuggle against your pillows, your eyes closing immediately.

Calum: "Is it really painful?" Luke asks, sitting at your feet, you nod adjusting the drip in the back of your hand, Ashton shudders and sits next to Michael, who has Bluebell, your four year old daughter, bouncing on his knee

Calum comes in holding Lillie and all the boys surround him, oohing and aahing "she's so cute" Ashton murmurs "yeah, good job you guys, another beautiful baby" Michael chuckles, poking Bluebell playfully, she giggles and wriggles in his arms "daddy, why is she so small?" she asks Calum

"because she had to fit inside mummy's tummy, and we can't fit a big girl like you in there can we? Mummy wouldn't be very comfy would she?" Calum smiles, he hands Lillie to Luke and takes Bluebell, tickling her sides, she squeals with laughter

"she looks just like you Cal, and she has so much hair!" Luke grins, handing the tiny baby over to Michael, he wraps his arm around Calum's shoulders "so you think you guys are going to have another one after all of this?" he asks "nah, probably not, I don't want to put her through that again" Calum says quietly, Luke nods and takes Bluebell

Calum comes over to you and brushes your hair back "I love you (Y/N)" he murmurs and kisses your forehead.

Luke: "I can't believe you guys never told us it was twins!" Michael exclaims "we wanted it to be a surprise" you giggle, handing him one of the babies "so which one is this?" he asks "um that's Aiden, no Aaron...wait it's Aiden" you stammer

"no babe it's Aaron" Luke laughs, showing you the tiny bracelet around Aiden's wrist "this is Aiden" he adds, handing him to Calum, and keeping his broken hand hidden, you roll your eyes playfully

"they look just like you (Y/N)" Ashton grins "no they look like Luke, look at their eyes" Michael argues "actually, they look exactly like (Y/N), but with Luke's eyes" Calum says, Luke chuckles

"I told you they would have blue eyes, you owe me a fiver Ash" Michael laughs "well no, because you said that the baby would have blue eyes, but there's two babies, so it doesn't count" Ashton smirks

"what?! That's not fair! It's not my fault that Luke has super sperm" Michael cries, making Luke blush "shut up you guys, it's a dumb argument" he mumbles, they laugh and Ashton ruffles his hair "aw Luke's blushing" he coos, Luke shoves him off and sits next to you, but you're already asleep again

"wow she's tired" Calum chuckles "well she should be, I mean I'm exhausted and I didn't even do anything" Luke smiles, he kisses your forehead "you two are so cute" Michael grins, Luke blushes again and reaches his hand out to grab a glass of water

"Luke what happened to your hand?" Ashton asks "oh um nothing" Luke replies, hiding it again, blush creeping up his neck "Luke don't lie to us" Michael sings, advancing slowly on him "nothing happened" Luke insists "Luke we know where you keep your guitars, and we won't be afraid to cut a few strings" Calum teases

"okay okay! (Y/N) broke it when she was in labor" he admits, and the boys dissolve in laughter.

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