He Sees You With His Child Years After The Breakup

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Calum: "Chase come on" you sigh, pulling your five year old son away from the candyfloss stand "I want one" he whines, digging his heels into the ground "Chase, you already had some, you had two, and that's enough" you grumble, ignoring his pouty face, as you continue through the crowded streets, you make sure to keep a tight grip on his sticky hand. When you finally get to the park, you let him free, smiling as he runs to the slides, yelling greetings to his friends. Chuckling, you sit down on the grass and cross your legs, pulling out your phone to pass the time "Y/N)? Is that you?" You look up and freeze, your heart speeding up "Calum" you breathe, he smiles widely, his warm brown eyes crinkling up "do you mind if I sit?" He asks, you shake your head, moving your handbag so he can sit next to you, he is extremely close, his thigh touching yours "so uh...any of them yours?" He asks, nodding his head towards the playground, you nod slowly, your heart in your throat "yeah...over there in the sandpit, black hair, green shirt..." you trail off as Calum stares at Chase, a funny expression appearing on his face "how-how old is he?" You are silent for a long time, both of you seeming to hold your breath "he's...he's five" you whisper, Calum nods, his head down "I-how-um...damn it (Y/N) why didn't you tell me?" He sighs, running his hands through his hair "I didn't find out till we'd broken up" you mumble, he scoffs, shaking his head "he's my son (Y/N)...he's my godamn son, I had a right to know" his voice wavers and he shakes his head again, you are both quiet, watching Chase as he builds a sandcastle "what's his name? His-his full name?" Calum asks quietly, his eyes still fixed to his son "Chase...Chase Peter Hood" you murmur, watching your ex boyfriend, he wipes his eyes roughly and bites his lip "he...he looks exactly like me" the look on Calum's face breaks your heart and you nod "so...he has no idea who I am?" He asks softly, you feel guilt sweep through your body and you bite your lip "I-I didn't want to confuse him Cal...I was just trying to protect him...he's only five and I mean he's asked a couple of times about why he doesn't have a father like the other kids...but I just..." you trail off and shrug "you just let him believe I'd abandoned him" Calum mutters, you are about to reply but you see Chase come trotting over to you, noticing Calum, he smiles shyly and hides behind you "hi" he says softly, peeking over your shoulder, Calum's smile returns, lighting up his whole face, and Chase mimicks him, the exact same smile painted over his face, his brown eyes crinkling in the corners and his chubby cheeks shining "mommy I like this man, his face looks like mine" he whispers in your ear, you chuckle and pull him into your lap, kissing the top of his head "mommy he's the man from the tv, the one in the band! The band you're always singing at home!" Chase exclaims excitedly, suddenly recognizing Calum, you feel your face heat up as Calum begins to laugh "Chase don't yell" you mumble, Chase is up again in a flash, running back to the playground "he's a great kid" Calum chuckles, leaning back and watching Chase happily "I really...I wanna be in his life...I wanna be a dad" he murmurs, he meets your eyes and bites his lip "and I miss you too. How about, we give us another chance?" He asks, you swallow and bite your nail "it's been hard without you, I'll admit, but...I don't know if I can just drop such news on Chase like this...we'd have to take it really slow Cal, ease him into it" you explain, Calum nods "anything, I'll do whatever it takes" he says firmly.

Michael: "Milk, fabric softener, cereal, cat litter...uh...uh...what else do we need Sammi?" You ask, looking over at your three year old daughter "towels for the bathroom" she smiles, her green eyes sparkling "of course that's right, you're such a smart girl! Towels for the bathroom" you chuckle, tapping her nose, she giggles, clapping her little hands, she trails behind you as you push the heavy trolley, looking around at the colourful items on the shelves, you turn the corner sharply, colliding immediately with somebody else's trolley, producing a loud clang "sorry, sorry, that was my fault" the accent is familiar, you keep your head down, trying to back away "wait...(Y/N)?" You bite your lip and look up "(Y/N) it's you! I-it's been so long-you just disappeared-three years-what-where have you been-why did you just leave? You scared me half to death-no note-nothing-I thought you died!" Michael is out of breath, his face a mask of disbelief "Michael just forget about me, it's what's good for you" you mumble, backing away slowly "no! I won't lose you again! (Y/N) please talk to me!" He begs "don't you remember how in love we were? What did I do wrong?" his eyes are desperate, pleading with you. Suddenly Sammi pokes her head out, peeking at Michael from behind you, their eyes are the same intense green, boring into each other's "why did you leave?" He chokes out, his eyes never leaving Sammi's "I didn't want to ruin your career, you didn't need the burden..." you say lamely, he gapes at you "(Y/N), you dropped off the face of the damn planet for three years because you didn't want me to know about my daughter?" He splutters, you keep your gaze on your feet "I figured I would just tell you after a couple of years" you mumble, he scoffs "yeah right, after she hates me" you bite your lip, tears filling your eyes "it was hard for me too Michael! You have no idea how guilty I felt! Do you think I liked leaving you confused and alone? I loved you so much Michael! And it's been hard for me seeing her everyday because she is exactly like you! Not a day goes by that I don't think of you because of those damn eyes of hers!" Tears are streaming down your face and Sammi hugs your leg, the only part of your body she can reach, you feel Michael's warm hands touch your face, his thumbs swiping away your tears as he pulls you into a hug "shh, it's okay" he murmurs, but you are inconsolable, the emotions of three years finally spilling out "I'm scared" Sammi whimpers, hugging your leg tighter, Michael kneels down to her height and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear "it's okay baby, mummy isn't feeling too well, so we're going to take her home okay? I'm your daddy Sammi, you'll be safe with me" he whispers, Sammi is tentative, her hands lingering on your leg before reaching out for Michael's hand, he smiles, loving the feel of her soft, little hand in his, he wraps his arm around you and leads both of you out, leaving behind the groceries.

Luke: Your six year old son is at kindergarten, sitting quietly by himself whilst the other kids crowd around the visitors; a band of four guys who came to play some Christmas songs. He rolls a blob of play doh in his hands, pushing his long blond hair out of his eyes "Luke I'm telling you this kid is you from the past" Michael chuckles, nudging his younger friend and nodding towards the little boy in the back "he genuinely looks just like you Luke, like this kid could legit be your son" Calum states, Luke freezes, the blood from his face draining as he puts two and two together; the broken condom, the break up, a little kid the spitting image of himself who happens to be exactly the right age "dude we're only kidding" Calum laughs, seeing his friend's scared face "I-I need to talk to that kid" Luke is maneuvering through the sea of kids, towering several feet above them "hey" he says softly, kneeling by the little boy, who's blue eyes widen at the sight of the tall adult in front of him "I'm Luke Hemmings, what's your name buddy?" The little boy ducks his head shyly, mumbling a response "sorry I didn't quite catch that" Luke gives him a reassuring smile, despite the fact that his heart is pounding fit to burst "F-Finn Hemmings" Luke nods slowly, his stomach flipping wildly "is...is your mom by any chance (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" Finn nods, blinking rapidly as if to hold back tears, biting his lip nervously, but when he looks up again the tall man is lurching away, pulling at his hair. That night, after putting Finn to bed, you settle down on the couch with a book, when your phone goes off, the number is unknown, but the digits look spookily familiar "hello?" There is chattering in the background, and the clinking of bottles and glasses "why you...why did you not tell me...about-about...Fimm...Finn?!" The voice is slurred and slow, but you would recognise it anywhere, you feel your heart sink into the pit of your stomach and you sigh, hating that you still care about the man on the other end "how drunk are you Luke?" You sigh "not drunk enough to forget that I have a son" He mutters, you bite your lip "where are you?". Soon Luke's long body is stretched out over the backseat of a taxi, his head in your lap, smiling goofily up at you "I still love you y'know?" He laughs, his eyes glazed and distant "what's Finn like? He was so shy when I spoke to him...is he always like that? He's a bit like me...a lot like me...like a lot" Luke continues to ramble drunkenly until you reach your flat. But once you step out of the cab he seems to sober up immediately "I don't want Finn to see me like this" he mumbles, following you up the stairs "he's in bed Luke don't worry" you chuckle, unlocking your door and stepping in "oh...can I see him then?" Luke asks, you shrug and slip into Finn's room, you stand quietly in the corner and allow Luke to creep closer, his eyes are filled with tears and he strokes Finn's hair gently "he's so perfect...how can we have made him?" He whispers, you creep to his side and slip your hand into his, resting your head on his shoulder "I want to be a part of his life (Y/N), and a part of yours" you bite your lip and nod "I'm sure we can work something out" you mumble, he smiles and kisses your forehead, squeezing your hand.

Ashton: Your heart is pounding as you make your way through the airport, gripping your daughter's hand tightly "mummy m'tired" the seven year old says quietly, tugging on your sleeve as she stifles a yawn "I know Chloe, but your dad will be picking us up any second" you bend down and let her clamber onto your back "what's he like?" She asks softly, laying her head against your shoulder, her wild curls tickling your neck "a lot like you actually, you have his eyes, and his smile, and you're cheeky like him" she giggles, her hands tightening around your shoulders "and there he is" you breathe, you are rooted to the spot, staring at Ashton, he is a few feet from you, a huge smile stretched over his face, you gently ease Chloe to the ground, and Ashton bites his lip, his eyes filling with tears, Chloe looks up at you for reassurance and you nod, she runs up to him and he scoops her into his arms, you can see his eyes shining with tears as he stares at her in disbelief, you slowly walk up to them and Ashton wraps his arm around you, hugging you tightly. An hour later you are sitting in Ashton's car, Chloe fast asleep in the back "thank you so much for telling me, I can't believe...I just...seven years (Y/N)...I was so scared when you first called, but when you put her on the phone...it all seemed so right, everything just fell into place" he smiles at you before glancing briefly at his daughter in the back "she's incredible, I see so much of you in her and so much of myself at the same time" he shakes his head and bites his lip "my family is dying to meet her, and to see you again" he says softly, but when he looks back at you he notices you've drifted off, your head against the cool glass of the window.

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