After Your First Time

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Calum: "I hope I didn't hurt you" he whispers, propped up on his side, drawing lazy circles on your hips "no...well not really" you admit, he ducks his head, nipping at your jaw and nuzzling your neck "m'sorry" his voice is muffled against your skin, you run your hand through his silky hair, smiling as his lips tickle you "it's okay, you were very gentle" he blushes, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you to his chest "well the last thing I want is my baby getting hurt" he murmurs, kissing your forehead.

Michael: He runs his thumb gently over your swollen lips, smiling softly "you feeling okay?" He asks, his green eyes searching yours "I'm fine Michael" you giggle, biting his finger playfully "alright, I was just wondering, y'know...since it's your first time and all, and I heard it's painful for chicks the first time I was just wondering" he chuckles, stroking your back "well don't worry, I'm fine" "well we'll see in the morning won't we?" Michael pulls you close, laughing as he kisses you.

Luke: "I can't believe it" you breathe, gripping Luke's arm "what?" He looks worried, scared you've been hurt, he sits up, blue eyes trained on you "Luke I'm not a virgin anymore" a slow smile spreads over his face and he scoops you into  his lap "no you aren't" he murmurs, kissing you softly, you feel your face heat up and you giggle "how are you feeling? He asks gently, you shrug "I don't know...I thought I'd feel weird or...dirty after, but I just feel normal-sore, but normal" you admit "well obviously, sex is just a part of life" he laughs "I'm definitely glad I did it" "good" and he kisses you again.

Ashton: "I never knew you were such a gentleman" you giggle, snuggling closer to Ashton, he laughs, nuzzling his nose against your hair and pressing sodt kisses to your temple "it definitely took a lot of self control, because I don't know whether you've noticed this; but you are really hot" he teases, his thumb rubbing over your stomach, you blush "well thanks for going easy" "thanks for giving me the chance" you blush again, Ashton kisses your forehead, smiling softly at you, his dimples showing and his hazel eyes shining.

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