The Other Boys Find Out You're Friends With Benefits And Don't Approve (Pt 2)

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Luke: Luke is taking his anger at the boys out on you, slamming you hard against the wall and pounding into you roughly before you have time to adjust, you gasp, your fingernails digging into the back of his neck "Luke-ow-Luke" you whimper, biting your lip, he grunts, slowing down reluctantly "sorry baby" he mutters, his blue eyes dark, sweat forming on his chest "what's wrong?" You ask softly, he shakes his head, gritting his teeth as he starts thrusting again, going too fast for you to handle "Luke you're hurting me" you whine, gripping his shoulders, he stops, panting as he slowly pulls out, making you wince "I'm really sorry kitten, I just-we shouldn't-I can't do this right now without hurting you" he mumbles, gently setting you on your feet and tugging on his sweats, you pull his shirt over your head and walk on wobbly legs into Luke's embrace "tell me what's wrong" you plead, looking up at him, he sighs, biting his lip "the guys found me getting the condom, they know They said-they think I'm going to hurt you or something, y'know emotionally...I just-I'm mad at them and I'm sorry for-for taking it out on you" he stammers, you blush "I'm fine Luke, don't worry...but maybe we should just be friends then? You four are some of my best friends Luke, and I don't want to ruin that" you mumble, he sighs, nuzzling his face into your neck "I don't want to lose this...I've always liked that I was the special one y'know? I've loved having this...secret with you, god trust them to ruin this for me" he grumbles, you chuckle, shaking your head as you kiss his cheek "you'll always be my favorite Luke, you were there for me when nobody else was and I'm grateful for that, but sex complicates things anyway" you smile, he smirks, nodding his head "but maybe we could finish this off quickly, like a goodbye...breakup sex" he laughs, tugging at the hem of your shirt.

Ashton: (Y/N) and I get dressed hurriedly, trying to ensure we are fully clothed before Luke bursts in "where is my bra?" (Y/N) hisses, I shrug "I don't know babe just put on your shirt" I mutter, suddenly there are heavy footsteps and Luke appears, his jaw clenched "you better not have gotten jizz on my bunk Ashton or I swear to god I will kill you" he says through gritted teeth, I gulp "we're really sorry Luke" I mumble, he rolls his eyes, sitting down on Michael's bunk "what happened to you guys fighting? Or was that just a cover?" I nod sheepishly and he scoffs "but if you guys are together why were you scared to tell us? We wouldn't mind" he chuckles, I sigh, glancing over at (Y/N) "cause...we're not together Luke...we're friends with benefits" I admit, his eyes go wide and he starts shaking his head "no" he bites his lip "one of you is gonna get hurt...I'm serious. If Ash-if you get hurt I'll be stuck picking up the pieces, and if you hurt her...well that's pretty much it for our friendships with her, you guys just can't do this" he groans, I sigh "could you just give us a second Luke, I think (Y/N) and I need to talk for a bit" he stands, giving us one more wary glance before exiting "baby they're going to break up...well whatever this is that we have" I whine "neither of us want a relationship, we're just two friends, who enjoy sex with each other" she mumbles, I groan, burying my face in her soft hair "relationships are so messy, and everybody gets hurt, I don't wanna hurt you baby" I murmur, pressing a soft kiss to her shoulder "but you heard Luke, we could easily get hurt this way too, we can't keep denying it Ash, we're falling for each other" she whispers, twisting a few strands of my hair together "are we? How do you know?" I ask, shocked "well...I know I'm falling for you, and I'm pretty sure you're falling too, I see it when you say sweet little things to me, and when you buy me flowers, or hold my hand...we're practically in a relationship Ash, we're just running from it" I trace small patterns on her arm, my lower lip sucked between my teeth "maybe it's time to stop running" I whisper, she smiles and I press my lips to hers, laughing into the kiss.

Calum: You are cleaning up your apartment when you hear the front door open, there are heavy footsteps and the door is slammed hard enough to make you jump "Calum?" You call out, he appears in the doorway, his jaw clenched and his head down "hey" he croaks, you frown, hurrying over to his side "Cal what's wrong?" You ask, he shakes his head, and instead of replying he takes your face in his hands, pressing his lips firmly against yours, he doesn't pull away until you are both panting for air "it's been hard for me...letting you use me, but at the same time, its been so easy. Its been easy for me to let you become my whole world, the one I think about just before I go to sleep, the one who makes every little thing remind of her throughout my day. I don't know what it is I love about you, but dammit I love you" he lets out a dry laugh, shaking his head "and the worst part isn't that you don't love me back, the worst part is that you knew the whole time, you knew I couldn't restrain myself and you used that" you bite your lip, tears filling your eyes, he smiles sadly, using his thumb to swipe the tears off your cheeks "I always knew it; deep down, I just didn't realise it, till the boys pointed it out...I'll miss you (Y/N)" he murmurs, he kisses your forehead before turning on his heel to leave.

Michael: "Michael, faster-please!" (Y/N) begs, her fingernails digging into my shoulders, I grit my teeth, trying to focus on her naked body " I can't do this-I can't do it" I groan, I stop thrusting, my sweaty body hovering over hers "I'm sorry, I just can't do this anymore, I can't keep leading you on" I sigh, panting, my eyes searching hers "could we maybe talk about this when you're not actually inside me?" She mumbles, I nod, my cheeks heating up as I roll off her "look, (Y/N) I don't know exactly how you feel, but when we started this, I guess I didn't make it clear that...well...god I feel like a dick for saying this-its just casual sex (Y/N), I was just using you as a release, and I thought you felt the same y'know?" Her eyes are fixed on the ceiling and I sigh "I know I've probably done irreparable damage to our friendship, but I just really hope you can forgive me, I'm just not looking for a relationship, you're a beautiful, talented, smart girl (Y/N)-you deserve true happiness, and I can't give you that" I run my hands through my hair and turn on my side to face her, and as I do her arms go to shield her bare breasts from my view, I sigh, shaking my head "I am so sorry (Y/N), I really am, god I really hate myself right now for doing this to you" I murmur, she bites her lip to keep it from wobbling "Michael...I-I've made such a fool of myself...I don't know why I ever thought-thought you'd love me" she says softly, I shake my head, shushing her as I pull her into my arms, she hits my shoulder weakly, attempting to push me away "please Michael just go" she whimpers "b-but (Y/N) I-" "go Michael!" She shoves my chest and I sigh, slowly standing up, I tug on my clothes, glancing at her, tears running down her face slowly "I really am sorry (Y/N)" I mumble.

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