You Go Into Labor

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Ashton: "Deep breaths (Y/N)" Ashton instructs, you dig your nails into the back of his hand and squeeze it tighter "okay, you're doing great babe" he says, wincing

"just breathe and you'll be fine okay? Just breathe sweetie" he adds "stop telling me to breathe!" you scream as your contraction ends, you flop back on the bed, panting, Ashton chuckles and brushes your hair off of your sweaty forehead

it's his fourth time in here with you, so he's used to the angry outbursts "don't get too relaxed hon, the next one will hit in a few seconds" he informs you, just as you sit bolt upright, screaming like a banshee, it lasts a little while and then you lay back

"after this you can take all your bloody children and leave me alone" you snarl "you say that every time" Ashton smiles "well this time I mean it" you cry out as another contraction starts

he nods, letting you crush his hand until his smile turns into a grimace "you can start pushing now Mrs. Irwin" the nurse informs you, you grit your teeth and push hard, sweat running down your face

as the contraction ends you lie back, gasping for air "you're doing great baby, keep going" Ashton encourages you, he kisses your temple and you whimper "if you use the next contraction well, this baby will be out very quickly" the nurse says cheerfully

you sit up, pushing hard as another contraction envelops you "the baby is already crowning" the nurse smiles, you groan, pushing even harder.

Twenty minutes later you feel relief and drop onto the pillows, tears and sweat running down your face "it's a girl" the nurse cries, it's the last thing you hear before you fall asleep.

Michael: "okay babe, don't freak out, we're nearly at the hospital, and everything will be just fine, just um breath okay? Don't freak out, remember all those classes we went to? Mrs. Heston said it's very important to breath deeply, in and out, in and out okay? Just do that and don't freak out okay?" Michael rambles, gripping the steering wheel tightly "Michael I think you're the one who's freaking out" you giggle

he smiles sheepishly and you take his hand, giving it a quick squeeze "sorry I'm just excited" he says happily, you pull up to the hospital and he helps you out, his hand pressed to your lower back.

When the doctor sees you he frowns "what are you doing here Miss. (Y/L/N)? Your next appointment isn't till next week" he asks "well my water broke early and Michael insisted on bringing me in straight away" you grin

"ah yes, sometimes, with the first child, the fathers are even more excited than the mothers" the doctor laughs, he takes you to a room "the nurse will be with you in a minute to monitor your contractions" he smiles

you change into a hospital gown and lie down in the bed "so what are the contractions like so far?" Michael asks "not too bad, in fact I can barely feel them" you answer.

But five hours later your answer is completely different "this fucking hurts you asshole!" you scream, gripping his upper arm tightly, he looks terrified, not having a clue how to calm you

"I hate you I hate you I hate you" you sob as you feel the baby move lower "there's the head, and here come the shoulders" the doctor announces, you shriek as you feel the baby's shoulders pass, stretching your body to the limit

"I-I'm sure it's not that bad babe, j-just breathe through the pain" Michael stammers "why don't you try pushing a watermelon out of your vagina!" you shriek, scraping your nails down his arm, he winces but keeps his mouth shut.

"It's a boy" The doctor grins an hour later "oh god I don't know how you did that, I mean I almost passed out by watching" Michael mumbles, you smile weakly, trying desperately to keep your eyes open so you can see your son, but the urge to sleep is too great and before you know it you're fast asleep.

Calum: You lean against Calum, sobbing as the contractions rake through your body "it'll be fine sweetie, just push" he says holding you close, you give a feeble push, your energy draining fast "it's been eight hours, are you sure everything is okay? It wasn't this long with our first child" Calum asks the doctor

"well we can do a scan if you'd like" she says, Calum nods, and you give another scream, your head falling back, the doctor squeezes the jelly-like liquid on your stomach and hooks up the monitor, she runs the scanner over your large stomach and her eyes go wide

"nurse we're going to need to perform surgery right away, call for some help" she says, she looks up "whats wrong? Why do we need surgery?" Calum asks frantically

"the umbilical cord is tangled around your baby's neck and if we don't get her out now, she'll choke" she explains as she injects your back, the needle plunging into your spine and making your body numb

the last thing you see is Calum's worried face, and then you black out.

Luke: "This is all your fault!" you shriek, tears streaming down your face as a contraction stabs you "I'm sorry" Luke cries, there is a dull cracking sound and he yelps, your contraction ends and he retracts his hand from yours

"Y-you're doing great hon" he squeaks "you've got yourself a strong girl" the nurse laughs, wrapping up his broken hand in a bandage, he nods weakly and offers you his other hand "not many guys do that" the nurse says smiling, Luke shrugs "I love her" he mumbles

you scream as another contraction hits you "get these things out of me!" you yell, clawing at the sheets "I'm afraid it will be at least a couple more hours until you can start pushing" the doctor informs you

"I can't do this Luke" you sob, he wipes away your tears and kisses your hair "you can okay? You're my girl, you can do this, do it for the twins" he whispers, you toss your head from side to side, weeping.

Two hours later your first son is born, and three hours after that his brother follows.

You lie down on your sweat-soaked pillow, and Luke strokes your forehead "I want to see them" you mumble, before falling asleep.

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