He Makes You Cry In Front Of The Other Boys (Part 2)

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Michael: We are quiet for a second and then Calum clears his throat "mate I think you upset her" he says quietly "I can see that" I growl, we hurry out of the store, just in time to see (Y/N) duck into the girls bathroom, her head low "shit" I mumble, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, I dart into the bathroom after her "Michael you can't go in there!" Luke calls, but I ignore him. (Y/N) is standing at the sinks, wiping her eyes and redoing her makeup, she sees me but ignores me "baby I didn't mean it, I was just teasing" I say gently, my hand ghosts over her lower back and I give her a tentative smile "is it really that horrible spending time with me that all you can do is be mean? Or were you just trying to show off to the guys?" She asks, the hurt evident in her voice, I am shocked, are girls really this complex? "Baby you know I love spending time with you, that's why I forced the guys to come today, so I could spend the day with all my favourite people-and I wasn't-I wasn't trying to impress them by being a dick, come on, we're not that shallow. I guess just having them there-I'm used to talking to them like that, ya know we're guys, we're dicks to each other all the time, and I guess having them there just made me slip up a bit, but I didn't mean it, and if you want we'll go back there and I'll buy you every damn handbag in that store" I murmur, kissing her gently in between sentences, she giggles and shakes her head "it's okay Mikey" she smiles, stroking my face "now come on, we better get out of here before someone comes in and accuses you of being a pervert" she laughs, dragging me out.

Calum: I follow (Y/N) out and grab her wrist before she can make it to the stairs "leave me alone Calum" she mutters, turning her face away from me, her voice is high and strained "I am so so sorry baby girl, I really am, listen to me" I plead, pulling her closer, she shakes her head, a loud sob escaping from her lips "you are such a fucking asshole Calum" she chokes, wiping her tears away roughly with her free hand "yeah I know I am baby, but please, you have to understand why I did it, you have to listen to me" I exclaim, I turn her to face me and gently wipe her cheeks "you have to understand baby; I just saw this guy was calling you and he was really good looking and I just...I got jealous, I didn't know who he was or why he was calling you; and you never told me your aunt was in hospital or that she was even sick in the first place, and I really am so sorry, and I will make it up to you, and you can call your cousin on my phone and we'll even fly out to see your aunt okay? I just want to make it up to you" I cup her face in my hands, stroking her damp cheeks with my thumbs "I love you Cal" she croaks, sniffling "I love you more" I whisper, pressing my lips to hers.

Ashton: I gently open the door and pad in, (Y/N) is sitting on the bed, packing her textbooks into her bag "hey my girl, what're you doing?" I murmur, peering into her bag, it also has a couple of changes of clothes, a toothbrush, and (Y/N)'s teddy bear, my heart drops into my stomach and my stomach plummets to my feet "what are you doing my girl?" I ask louder, starting to panic "stop calling me that, I'm not your girl" (Y/N) spits, zipping up her bag and hitching it onto her shoulder "what do you mean? Of course you are" I say frantically, she ignores me, making a beeline for the door, but I block her path "(Y/N), baby please! I'm sorry! Look I didn't mean any of it, I didn't even realise what I was doing, I'm just under so much pressure and stress right now and I took it out on you, which was a terrible thing to do, and I'm a crap boyfriend, but please I'm still learning from my mistakes, and I swear I'll never do it again, baby I love you so much, please don't leave me, I don't know what I'd do without you" she looks at me, tears running down her face slowly "I love you" I repeat desperately "he really does love you (Y/N)" "yeah give him another chance" "shut up you two" it was Calum, Luke, and Michael. Of course they were listening at the door. (Y/N) laughs through her tears, and I open the door so the three guys come tumbling in, blushing and laughing sheepishly. All four of us stand in front of (Y/N) and I hold my arms out for her, my eyebrows raised "so what do you say? Am I forgiven? Do you still wanna be my girl?" I ask hopefully, she giggles and throws herself into my arms, hugging me tight "I'll take that as a yes" I whisper, pressing my lips to hers and dipping her down "I feel like I'm in a romantic movie" Luke yells, as he Calum and Michael wipe away fake tears, grinning happily.

Luke: I take the stairs two at a time and burst into our bedroom, panting, (Y/N) has changed into one of my t-shirts and is standing at the window, peering down into the backyard, I sigh and stand behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist and resting my chin on her shoulder "I'm sorry" I whisper, I can see tears glittering on her eyelashes and her plump pink lip wobbles "Luke you...completely humiliated me and insulted me in front of the boys-and-and you think a sorry is going to-to make everything better?" "I'm not just saying sorry, I am sorry. I regret what I said, I have no right to tell you what to do, and if there was any way to take it back I would, you've got to believe me! What I said was-was rude and demeaning and I can't even believe I said it, thinking back on it, I really am disgusted, and calling you...calling you names like that...I was way out of line and I am sorry." I apologise as best as I can, praying she will forgive me "when you came down the stairs, the way the guys were looking at you-it just made me so angry, and thinking about other men looking at you like that... (Y/N) you just have this power over me, and it brings out this side of me-this possessive side, that just-just wants to protect you, and keep you all to myself-don't take this the wrong way, I don't look at you like a possession or something, but I just...don't want anyone else to be able to have you the way I do...do you-do you get what I mean? When you refused to change I just got desperate...you have to forgive me baby, please" I press soft kisses to her neck and jaw, my hands slipping beneath her shirt to graze over her thighs and stomach, she sighs, leaning against me and I know I've won. I gently steer her towards our bed and lie her down, one hand holding myself up above her, the other, stroking her leg as I kiss her passionately "c'mon baby, you know you want to" I whisper, pushing her shirt over her head "you know make-up sex is always the best" I smirk, she whimpers, nodding as I help her wiggle out of her panties.

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