You Hate Eachother And The Other Boys Lock You In A Room Together (Pt1)

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Ashton: "Look they're not gonna let us out for a while so you might as well stop your whingeing" Ashton growls, you scoff but sit down on Calum's bed, on the other side as Ashton

"I can't believe them, honestly, do they really think this will help? They're so childish, this is a stupid idea, and I refuse to cooperate, I'm not even going to talk to you" you snap, glaring at Ashton

"You're talking to me right now dipshit" he points out "no I'm not" you growl "still are" he mutters, leaning against the headboard and placing his arms behind his head "I'm talking to myself" you snarl

"That's an early sign of craziness" Ashton smirks, cocking an eyebrow "not listening la la la la la" you sing, he rolls his eyes as you continue singing the annoying tune "la la la la la not listening" you repeat

He groans and grabs the front of your shirt, pulling you down on top of him and capturing your lips with his, in your shock you freeze, your eyes fixed on his hazel ones as his lips move against yours

Your stomach flips and your skin prickles, and before you can stop yourself, your lips are moving with his, the sparks going through your body are driving you crazy and his intense eyes, staring into yours, send your head reeling.

When you finally pull apart, both of you are breathing heavily, and you are lying on top of him, you can feel his heart hammering against his chest and his ribs rising and falling as he tries to catch his breath

"Get off me" he pants, dropping his head back on the pillow, you gulp, and scramble off him, your face flushed with embarrassment, you hear the lock click and the door opens, you spring up and rush past Calum, your face burning.

Calum: "I hate you guys!" You scream, banging on the door "this is not funny!" Calum yells "I don't want to be stuck in here with this fucker" you shout "what did you call me?" Calum snaps, glaring at you

He's at least a good head taller than you and his broad shoulders and muscly arms just add to his intimidating appearance "nothing" you mumble, he narrows his eyes and moves closer to you, laying his palms flat against the wall on either side of your head, trapping you

"I think you said something sweetie" he hisses, his face close to yours "I'm sorry" you squeak, your heart pounding "I'm sure you are" he smirks, nestling his head into the crook of your neck

You can feel his breath fanning over your neck, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, and you gasp as his lips brush over your skin, he nips at your jaw, kissing it, his tongue leaving cool patches over your skin

He kisses the corner of your mouth, one hand moving to cup your face while the other stays on the wall, he moves closer to you, his warm body anchoring you down

"God I've wanted to do this for so long" he mutters, capturing your lips with his own, his tongue slips into your mouth and he grinds his hips against yours, making you whimper, his mouth moves desperately against yours, the kiss heated and passionate, each of you trying to get as much as possible out of it

His hand tangles into your hair and pulls your head back, giving him more access as he moves his lips across your throat, his soft lips leaving an array of dark love bites on the delicate skin

You cling onto his shirt so as not to collapse, your knees are shaking and your stomach is swirling "Calum" you moan, he stops, panting against your neck and pulls away from you just as the door opens

He darts out, leaving you alone with Ashton, Luke and Michael, breathing heavily, your face flushed.

Michael: "don't look at me, don't talk to me, just-just...god why me? I fucking hate you" you snarl, glaring at Michael, he shrugs, chuckling "this wasn't my idea" he smirks

"Yeah well it wasn't mine either" you snap "can you just chillax? Okay? They'll open the door soon enough and then we can get out of here, I'm not enjoying this anymore than you, but I'm not going to just sit here and listen to you whine for another ten minutes" Michael exclaims

You open your mouth and then close it again "whatever" you mutter. There is silence for a few minutes and then Michael sits next to you on the couch, biting his lip

You glance up at him and your breath hitches in your throat, you've never been so close to him before, never seen how mesmerizing his green eyes are, how damn kissable his plump lips are, how his bright hair frames his face perfectly, you've never seen how beautiful he is

"Michael" you choke out, your voice sounds strangled and hoarse, the corners of his lips curl up into a smirk and suddenly his hands are around your neck, pulling you close and your lips are on his

The kiss is soft and slow, his tongue moving against yours gently and his lips as kissable as you imagined, and when he pulls away, you yearn for his touch again

"Should I stop?" He asks, his voice gravelly "no" you whimper, pulling him towards you by his shirt, he chuckles and presses his lips to yours again, more roughly this time, he sucks your bottom lip between his teeth and nips it gently, his hands gripping your hips tightly

His fingers dig into your waist and he moves his lips to the little hollow beneath your throat, sucking it until it hurts, you grip his shoulders, gasping in air and suddenly you realize what's going on "M-Michael stop" you stammer, pushing him off

He looks up at you, his eyes dark with lust and confusion "what?" He asks, he props himself up and you wriggle out from beneath him "wait (Y/N) I-I didn't mean for it to go so far" he stutters, but you're already at the door, rattling the handle until Luke opens it seconds later, you rush out, your head whirling.

Luke: You glare at Luke in the dim light of the closet, his lips curl into a smirk and he steps closer to you, shaking his head gently "those stupid guys" he chuckles, he traces his fingertips down your arms, causing goose bumbs to form on your skin

"Back off Luke" you hiss, trying to keep your voice steady, but it wavers slightly "are you scared (Y/N)? I'm not going to rape you, come on, what kind of guy do you think I am?" He asks, pretending to be hurt, his fingers curl around your wrists, pinning them to the wall

"I swear I'll scream" you whimper "go ahead, I like the screamers" he laughs, and presses his lips against yours, you let out a scream, but it is muffled by his mouth, he moves his lips against yours, and you can't help but think that it feels so good

He moves his lips along your jaw and onto your neck, leaving painful love bites as he goes "Luke stop" you moan, but he doesn't listen, his lips moving down to your collar bones, using one hand, he feverishly unbuttons your shirt, his mouth immediately moving towards your exposed chest

"L-Luke please" you beg, you're not sure whether you're begging him to continue or to stop, your mind is so fuzzy, his hands clamp onto your waist and his lips find yours again, but suddenly you're blinded by a bright light and you hear the gasps of the other boys

"Oh for fucksake" Luke growls, he moves away from you and brushes past the others, leaving you feeling empty and alone, you slump to the ground, your head swimming.

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