Summer Love~One Direction

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Ashton: Can't believe you're packing your bags, trying so hard not to cry. Had the best time and now it's the worst time, but we have to say goodbye

I watch quietly as she shoves her clothes into an old, worn duffel bag, she slowly takes off the necklace I gave her and sets it on my nightstand, her eyes closed to stop tears falling down her face, it had been such an amazing month, and I'd fallen in love with her so quickly, my heart was unprepared. "Take it-I want you to have it" I mumble, pointing to the necklace "please" I add, she bites her lip, sniffling "I can't Ash, it must have cost so much-I-I can't" she croaks, I sigh, padding over to her, I pick up the thin gold chain and slip it around her neck, clasping it and moving her hair "I want you to have it, to remember me" I whisper, pressing a soft kiss to her shoulder and wrapping my arms round her waist "I don't want to go" she admits, leaning back against me "I know, I don't want you to go either, but you have a life, family, everything. We have to say goodbye" I murmur, wishing I could hold her forever.

Calum: Don't promise that you're gonna write, don't promise that you'll call, just promise that you won't forget we had it all

"I-I'll call you, or text, or an e-mail? Or a letter-post card?" She suggests as I lead her towards her boarding gate, my arm around her waist "what's the point?" I chuckle, my eyebrows raised "well that way we can stay in touch, I've had such a great time with you and I don't want to lose you" she reasons, sitting down in the waiting area, I sit next to her and sigh, I tuck a strand of flyaway hair behind her ear and smile "I've had a great time too, the best of my life. But there's no way this would work, not with the distance, not if I'm unable to do this every day-" I murmur, resting my palm against her cheek and rubbing circles in her skin with my thumb "or this-" I move my face close to hers, my forehead leaning against hers, her eyes flutter closed and I smile softly "or this" I slip my hand behind her neck and press my lips to hers, kissing her passionately, my tongue moving against hers "as long as you promise never to forget this-what we've had...I'm happy" I murmur, just then the boarding call for her flight comes through the speakers and she laughs shakily, tears streaming down her face "I could never forget you Cal" she whispers, before pulling away and disappearing through the gate.

Luke: Wish that we could be alone now, we could find some place to hide, make the last time, just like the first time, push a button and rewind

I grab her hand and pull her through the crowd of our friends, pulling her away "Luke" she laughs, waving goodbye towards the people she had been talking to, I drag her outside and to the poolside "Luke what are you doing?" She giggles, I grin and press my lips to hers "I just wanted us to be alone, I know you've got to leave soon and I don't want to share you, I want you all to myself" I admit, my hands on her hips, I gently steer her towards the pool house, opening the door and letting her go in front of me, she gasps, her eyes lighting up and her smile growing "oh Luke, it's just like-" "yeah, like our first time...I wanted the last time to be just like the first time" I say softly, blush creeping up my neck as I survey the room, there is champagne on the table and red roses scattered on the bed "Luke it's perfect" she breathes, padding over to the bed and lifting a rose to her face, enjoying the scent "you are the sweetest, most romantic guy ever, and you have literally set the bar so high, I don't think anyone could ever come close to you" she murmurs, I feel my face grow hot and I duck my head "you're pretty much perfect yourself" I grin, she laughs;it is a melodious sound, soft and sweet, and I think it is one thing I will miss the most about her; well that and the sound of her moaning below me.

Michael: So please don't make this any harder, we can't take this any farther, and I know there's nothing that I wanna change, cause you were mine for the summer

"I don't want to go" she whimpers, burying her face in my shoulder, I sigh, stroking her back "I know, but baby please, you're just making this harder, please" I beg, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, she sniffs "Michael, I want to stay here, with you" she cries "I want you to stay as well boo, but look we've already taken this too far, it was just meant to be a summer fling, but now we're in love, which was never meant to happen, but I don't regret it, cause ya know what? I will remember you for the rest of my life, even when I'm old and gray and all my hair has fallen out and I'm living in a retirement home, I'll remember, I'll remember you, my summer love, I'll always remember seeing you the first time and making a complete ass of myself trying to impress you, I'll remember our first date when I spilled beer all down your shirt, I'll remember our first fight, and damn I'll remember the make-up sex that night, I'll remember all the times we went star watching, and that time we saw a shooting star...I'll remember you" I say quietly, a small smile on my face, I keep whispering in her ear as she drifts to sleep, both of us dreading the next day, for we know we'll probably never see each other again.

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