After Your First Time Together

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Ashton: You smile, weaving your fingers through Ashton's soft honey blond hair, kissing his freckled shoulder until he slowly wakes up, groaning slightly as he nuzzles your neck, he rolls over onto his back and sighs contentedly "words can't even describe last night" he chuckles, his voice husky from groaning out your name, as well as various swear words all night long. "That good huh?" You tease, he nods, propping himself up on his side, you mimic his position and he lays a large hand against your bare hip, pulling your body closer to him, his fingertips grazing over the curve of your butt, he smirks, a dimple carving itself into his smooth cheek "I know you liked it-the way you were screaming my name I'm sure all your neighbours know who I am now" he laughs, his smile growing as blush covers your cheeks "I wasn't too rough though was I?" He asks quickly, his eyebrows furrowing "no Ash, you were perfect" you giggle, he smiles, his ears turning red as he bites his lip. You snuggle closer to him, tangling your legs with his and huddling in his embrace to escape the morning chill "do you want to take a shower with me?" Ashton blurts, you lift your face and quirk an eyebrow "as long as it means round two?" You say hopefully, he smirks and stands up, throwing you over his shoulder "it absolutely means round two baby" he laughs smugly.

Luke: You are fast asleep, hugging your pillow as Luke runs his fingertips down your bare back, smiling to himself as he traces your spine with his index finger "I absolutely hate to do this baby but it's time to wake up" he murmurs, his swollen lips finding their way to your neck, ghosting over the dark marks he had left there the night before, you whine, arching your back and stretching, allowing the thin sheets to fall away from your body, leaving you bare, Luke smiles, his warm hands running smoothly over your curves. "Come on beautiful, I have a rehearsal and you've got to get to school" he chuckles, rolling you onto your back and crawling on top of you, peppering kisses all over your face "mmm Luke I wanna stay in" you mutter, he chuckles, his blond hair falling over his forehead "I would stay in bed with you all day if I could baby, but I'm afraid the world isn't going to stop just because we had some incredible sex" he chuckles, you sigh, opening one eye tentatively "good morning" he smirks, pecking you lightly on the lips as you blush, covering your chest with your hands, he laughs and rolls his crystal blue eyes "baby you're beautiful, I've seen it all now so there's no point in covering up what's mine to enjoy anyways" he says smugly, causing you to blush harder as he prys your hands away. He smiles, his dimples creasing his cheeks-covered in enough golden hair to be teetering between stubble and a full on beard-"damn you're so could I get so lucky?" He murmurs, you bite your lip and smile shyly "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to call in sick" he chuckles, pressing his lips against yours "I just can't drag myself away from you yet" he admits.

Michael: You blink your eyes drowsily, trying to accustom yourself to the darkness of Michael's basement mancave, you know he is next to you, you can feel the heat radiating off of his body and you can hear his gentle snores, but you can't see him, you fumble around the makeshift bed of heaped up blankets and sofa cushions till your fingers touch warm skin "mm baby...y'cold" he mumbles, you can feel his heart beating and a small patch of soft chest hairs, you wriggle closer to him, wincing as your abdomen clenches. "Good morning baby" Michael mutters, he flicks on a lamp, rubbing his green eyes in the dim light, he yawns, smiling at you lazily "mm last night was just perfect" he hums, running a hand through his messy black hair and pulling you closer to him, he kisses your forehead, chuckling as you blush, you nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck, the scent of his cologne mingling with sweat from the night before, you can hear footsteps above, and you bite your lip, giggling bashfully "Mikey you don't think your parents...heard you?" You ask, he laughs and shrugs "I don't know, we should probably head up for breakfast before they come down here though" he chuckles, you nod and stand up, but the second your hands leave the support of the bed, your weak knees give in and you crumple backwards, falling across Michael's lap in a heap, you giggle up at his shocked face and he smirks "I did you a little too good huh?" He boasts, you nod through your laughter and he kisses you. " I'll bring some food down for you and we can cuddle okay?" He smiles, you nod, watching as he dissappears up the stairs, his sweats slung low on his hips, showing off the long red scratches all along his back.

Calum: You snuffle softly in your sleep, nuzzling your face against Calum's bare chest as he tries not to giggle, biting his lip and fighting back a smile, he sits up a little bit, so as to get a better view of your peaceful face, but he accidentally grazes his torn up back against the sheets too hard and winces, the sudden movement causing you to open your bleary eyes "Sorry baby, I didn't mean to wake you" he whispers, smiling apologetically at you "it's no problem" you yawn, sitting up, he kisses your cheek and wraps his arm around your waist "last night was unbelievable, I just hope you're not too sore" he murmurs, his plump lips curling into a smirk "only a little bit" you giggle, he nods, pressing a few stray kisses over your face, you laugh and push him away playfully, running your fingers through his thoroughly mussed up hair "I'm hungry" you pout, he grins "I'll make you whatever you want princess" he offers, standing up and tugging on his boxers, you resist the urge to say you want to lick Nutella and whipped cream off of his washboard stomach "cheerios" you say instead, pulling his shirt over your head "I'm offering to make you any dish as your romantic morning-after-mind-blowing-sex breakfast, and you want cheerios?" He snorts, you nod and get to your feet "I figured since I shredded your back up so bad you shouldn't be working too hard, wouldn't want you getting hurt" you say in a baby voice, he scoffs, his cheeks flushing "fine, cheerios it is" he laughs, leading you downstairs.

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