He Thinks You're Asleep

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Luke: "I don't know what's up with (Y/N) Ash, she's just always tired lately, I feel like she's sick or something" Luke mumbles, stroking your hair "sick like how? Like the flu? Or like something really bad?" Ashton asks, casting a worried glance at you

"I don't know mate, it's scaring me, and this morning I swear I heard her throwing up, she said she wasn't when I asked, but I'm sure she was" Luke says, his eyebrows furrowed "what, do you think she's anorexic or something?" Ashton mutters, his eyes wide

"No, she's not anorexic, I know that for sure, but I think she's sick, like really sick, you know cancer runs in her family" Luke, whispers "cancer? You think she has cancer?!" Ashton gasps "I-I don't know, it's a possibility...and she's refusing to go to the doctors...I just...I don't want to lose her Ash" Luke stammers

"Hey, Luke, you're getting a little ahead of yourself! (Y/N)'s not going to die! It's okay, I'm sure it's just a bug" he soothes, resting his hand on Luke's shoulder "how do you know Ash? What if she does have cancer? Both her parents had it, her dad died from lung cancer and her mom died from brain cancer! I'm really fucking scared Ash, if I lose her...I don't know what I'd do" Luke chokes

"Luke! Stop it! (Y/N) is not going to die! She's fine okay?" Ashton sighs "last night, I went into our room and I found her crying,  she wouldn't tell me why, and when I asked if she wanted to go to the doctor, she got so angry and she said she was going to break up with me, and then she started crying again and said she was sorry and that she loved me" Luke sniffs

He looks down at you, his blue eyes filled with tears "Luke...maybe it's just her period or something" Ashton suggests, biting his lip "no, she's missed her period these past three months, she told me it's just stress, but I don't know...she's so distant nowadays, I'm even surprised she fell asleep on me like this, I've been sleeping on the couch at home for a month now, it's like she's in a whole other world" Luke whispers

He looks at Ashton and shakes his head, trying not to cry "mate!" Ashton exclaims, grabbing Luke's arm suddenly "(Y/N) isn't sick! She's pregnant!" He cries "...what?" Luke mumbles "she's pregnant! You must've knocked her up man, because I'm telling you, she's showing all the signs. You are gonna be a dad mate" Ashton grins

You open your eyes slowly and give Luke a small smile "I guess I should've told you huh?" You say sheepishly, you watch Luke as his lips slowly curl upwards, the reality sinking in, he starts laughing,  his eyes still watery "(Y/N) you scared me so bad" he cries, pressing his lips to yours firmly.

Calum: "I'm telling you Mikey, last night was definitely the best sex in my whole damn life" Calum smirks, shaking his head "you lucky bastard" Michael groans, glancing over at your 'sleeping' figure "she's fucking hot man, god I hate you" he adds

"And you should have seen her, she was wild, fuck, she's been left to her own devices for eight months, if you know what I mean, she was so horny, it was incredible, we went at it like ten times, we were up all night, and this morning she sucked me off, twice!" Calum chuckles "oh god, I need a girlfriend like that" Michael sighs, his eyes closed

"And she's tight bro, I would fuck her all day if I could, but you should see the scratches that girl leaves, and the hickeys too, she's crazy I swear" Calum laughs "I can see a couple of the hickeys, they look pretty painful, your girl gives a good hickey Cal" Michael grins

"I give good blowjobs too, but Calum won't be getting anything tonight, seeing as he can't keep his mouth shut, so I'm just going to have to show him how" you smirk, standing up from the couch and leaving both boys speechless.

Michael: "So this morning, I don't know what got into (Y/N), but it was like she just couldn't get enough of me, I had a meeting with management and that little minx was giving me a handjob under the table, and then she sucked me off in the elevator, and before you came over she gave me a fucking lap dance" Michael laughs, Luke's eyebrows shoot up and his jaw drops

"She gave you a handjob under the table?!" He snorts "please tell me you didn't start groaning in front of management" he laughs "I almost did! It was so hard not to!" Michael exclaims "a handjob, head and a lap dance, all in one day, I'm jealous" Luke grins, glancing at you

"Heh, well when she wakes up I'm going to get my revenge! She's not going to be able to walk tomorrow, that's for sure" Michael smirks "I'm up! Bye Luke!" You chirp, both boys burst out laughing and Luke shakes his head "a handjob, head, a lap dance and rough sex, Mikey you are one lucky fucker" he chuckles as he leaves.

Ashton: "You really love her huh?" Calum asks, smiling at Ashton "more than I can bear" Ashton says softly, he watches your face on the screen and shakes his head "earlier, she was telling me about her day, and how one of her teachers yelled at her because she forgot to finish an assignment, and then she asked if I'd had a good day, and I just thought, 'how can I when you're over there and I'm over here?'...I just want to see her Cal, I want to hug her and kiss her and listen to her talk about her day" he mumbles

"Yeah...love, is an amazing thing, it can make you feel like you're on top of the world, or it can make you feel like crap" Calum sighs "I feel like any second she's gonna wake up and look at me and go 'hah you're so not worth this'" Ashton breathes, you open your eyes and focus them on Ashton's "yes you are" you whisper, before disconnecting the call.

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