Baby Shopping

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Luke: "I like that" you mumble, pointing to a circular crib with white bedding "yeah and it's neutral, so it'll be good for if our next kid is a girl" Luke murmurs, resting his chin on your shoulder and rubbing circles on the side of your stomach "we haven't even had this one yet and you want another" you laugh, he grins and kisses your shoulder "I'm just so excited" you keep walking through the store, rubbing your back absent mindedly "I think we should take a little break babe, you look tired" Luke suggests, massaging your shoulders "I'm fine Luke" "(Y/N)" he says sternly, you turn to face him, whining "but Luke" you protest, he shakes his head and kisses your forehead "I know your back is hurting" he whispers, leading you over to a small section of the store filled with comfy sofas and other soon-to-be mothers with their partners, you sit next to a lady with thick red hair who looks ready to explode "my husband keeps making me come over here and 'relax'" she mutters, glowering at her husband, who is across the room fetching a glass of water for her "tell me about it, my boyfriend is exactly the same" you groan, Luke is nearby, looking at the price of the cot you talked about earlier "he's such a worrywart" you huff, but you can't help the little smile that creeps onto your face.

Michael: "Why are they so big? Babies are tiny" Michael mumbles, looking around at the baby strollers surrounding you, you giggle, rubbing the bottom of your bump "well it's supposed to last a while, we'll probably be using it till she's three" you reason, nudging one with your foot "you could fit a ten year old in there" Michael laughs, pointing to one particularly large stroller "that's cause it's for twins" you chuckle, pointing to the label "yikes, imagine having twins, how stressful would that be" he murmurs, shaking his head.

Ashton: "Aw look at these" Ashton coos, holding up a pair of little superman converse sneakers "they're so cute" you giggle, holding one in your hand "and so little...are baby feet really that small?" Ashton murmurs, comparing the teeny shoe to his hand "well you've got big hands" you reason, he chuckles and adds the sneakers to your shopping cart "I think we've got enough stuff for now" he grins, steering the cart to the checkout "wait wait Ash! Look!" you whine, pointing to an adorable yellow onesie with 'Free Hugs' written on it, you give him a puppy dog face and he groans, adding it to the cart "all right but that's it" he mumbles, kissing you softly "your mommy is gonna spend all my money on you" he grins, kissing your belly and winking at you cheekily.

Calum: "This one says 'most natural nipple'" Calum mumbles, holding up a baby bottle "that looks nothing like my nipples" you grumble, shifting on your tired feet "true, your nipples are much nicer" he snorts, setting the bottle back on the shelf, you hit his shoulder, laughing "shut up Cal" you giggle, grabbing another bottle of the shelf "that one doesn't look like your nipples either" Calum offers, smirking at you "jeez Cal shut up before someone hears you" you try to sound stern, but you are smiling "let's just get one and go, I know you're getting tired" he chuckles, grabbing the nearest one and heading towards the checkout counter with you in tow.

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