He Makes You Cry In Front Of The Other Boys (Part 1)

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Michael: "Why do girls need more than one bag? Honestly, just buy one, put your shit in it and be done" I grumble as (Y/N) drags me and the other boys through the store "its so stupid" Ashton laughs "no its fashion" (Y/N) snaps, grabbing a weird bag from the shelf, it is bright pink and orange, the contrast nearly blinding me, Calum raises his eyebrows at me "and they are so expensive, like why the fuck should I pay hundreds of dollars just so you can hoarde another bag away and never use it?" I laugh, pointing out the price tag, Luke sniggers, and (Y/N) bites her lip "never mind then, let's just go home" she mutters, stalking out of the store.

Calum: (Y/N) sighs, stretching her legs out over Michael's lap, her head in mine, I bend forward and kiss her "you okay baby girl?" I ask, stroking her hair gently, making the other boys groan "get a room!" Luke laughs, I ignore them, focusing on (Y/N)'s stressed face "yeah, I just-" she is cut off by her phone ringing loudly, after a few seconds of searching I find it beneath the cushions, the caller ID shows a smiling man with sandy blonde hair "Ivan? Who's Ivan?" I ask coldly, holding the phone out of her reach as she grabs for it, her eyes wide "Calum give it!" She snaps, I shake my head, my eyes narrowed, she jumps on me just as I toss the phone to Ashton, who not sensing the tension, thinks its a game, and tosses the phone to Luke when (Y/N) launches towards him, it is passed between Ashton and Michael before reaching me again, the call has timed out by now and (Y/N) snatches the phone from me angrily "you don't have to be such assholes!" She yells, her voice wavering and tears building in her eyes, guilt floods me and the other boys exchange wary glances "babe I'm sorry" I say softly, reaching for her hand, but she jerks away from me "Ivan is my cousin, his mom is in hospital, and she's had surgery this morning, she's got terminal cancer, and she might be dead, and I don't have credit to call him back. I hope you're happy with yourselves" She snarls, running out of the room "shit..." I sigh, closing my eyes.

Ashton: "Ash, could you help me study for my chem paper tomorrow? I can't really focus and I need help" (Y/N) asks as she comes down the stairs, distracted by the game of Halo I'm playing with Michael, I simply grunt in her direction, hoping she will take the hint and go away "Ashton?" She persists, coming closer to the couch and blocking the tv, I groan and pause the game, dropping my controller, I stand up and grab her shoulders, steering her to the side of the couch before unpausing the game and continuing, she scoffs and Luke and Calum exchange uneasy looks "Ashton!" She snaps, her hands on her hips "oh for godsake no I will not help you study, you know you aren't going to do well anyways so please go away" I groan, not even looking at her, eventually I hear her run upstairs and slam our bedroom door, there is silence before Calum pipes up "I think-I think you crossed a line there mate" he says quietly, I sigh and toss my controller down, leaning back, my hands over my face "I know, I know" I admit "I think you should probably go say sorry or something" Michael mumbles "yeah, you didn't see, but I'm pretty sure she was crying" Luke adds, I raise my eyebrows at him "what?" I demand, surprised that my simple words could make her cry "well you kinda called her stupid" he explains, thinking back over my words, I suddenly realise how hurtful they must have been "shit" I mutter, I slowly climb the stairs and after listening at the door, I realise that she is crying, and hard.

Luke: I watch as (Y/N) comes down the stairs, the dress she's wearing hugs her curves and exposes lots of her boobs, and her stilettos make her slender legs look miles long, I bite my lip, smirking, until I realise that Michael and Ashton are pretty much doing the same thing, and Calum is even drooling a little, I pull (Y/N) to the side, my hand on her waist "baby you need to change" I whisper, my lips pressed to her ear, despite how serious I feel, the sensation of her body pressed so close to mine makes me feel just the tiniest bit horny, and soon I can feel my pants tightening over my crotch "why?" She demands, her voice attracting the attention of the other boys "because this dress is too...it's..." I scramble for the right word to use "inappropriate" I say triumphantly "well you seem to like it" she purrs, her hand squeezing my bulge, coughing to hide my gasp, I grab her wrist roughly, she giggles, biting her lip "this is not funny (Y/N). Go change" I hiss, glaring at her "I don't want to" she pouts, still acting playful and flirty "(Y/N) you know what happened last time we went out and I let you wear a dress like this? Hmm? A man came over to me and asked me how much your services were! He thought you were a hooker!" I exclaim, shaking her shoulders "well so? I'm not am I?" She snaps, yanking herself free "(Y/N) go and fucking change, or else we are not leaving this house." I snarl, pointing towards the stairs "you don't own me" she taunts, hiding behind Michael "(Y/N)! You are my girlfriend and so to some extent I do own you, just as you own me to some extent because I'm your boyfriend, that's why you say 'my boyfriend' when you introduce me to people because I'm yours, I belong to you, just as you belong to me! I have the right as your boyfriend to tell you to change when I think-and other people think-you look like a motherfucking prostitute!" I roar, she stares at me for a second before bursting into tears and running up the stairs, I watch her and then collapse into an armchair, rubbing my temples "why did I say all that?" I groan "maybe because...it was kinda...true?" Ashton offers "yes but still I shouldn't have lost my shit like that" I mutter "yeah you shouldn't have" Michael mumbles, scratching the back of his neck "so...are you going to go apologise?" Calum asks, I nod, slowly standing up.

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