Finding Out About Your Miscarriage

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Calum: "Good morning baby, how are you?" Calum smiles as you come down the stairs, you hum, unable to muster any words, your head feels light and you sit down, your eyes fluttering closed as you get a head rush "you okay?" You feel Calum's hand on your shoulder as you slip sideways, your mind going blank. You wake up to the harsh white of an impersonal hospital room, Calum sits beside you, holding your hand in his "you're up" he whispers, pressing a kiss to your temple "what happened?" "You fainted honey, the doctor will be here in a minute to check on you and the baby okay? Just relax" he rubs his thumb over the back of your hand, smiling softly down at you. The doctor enters, a smiling lady in a white lab coat "Mr. Hood, Miss. (Y/L/N), how are you doing?" She checks your vitals and nods to herself, writing on her clipboard "the reason you passed out is because you have extremely low blood pressure, during pregnancy the blood vessels expand to twice their size and sometimes the heart doesn't pump blood fast enough to keep the pressure right...I'm afraid this may have affected your baby, especially at such an early stage, so you may want to prepare yourselves for bad news" Calum's hand grips yours tightly and you close your eyes, you don't watch as she starts up the sonogram, somehow you already know the outcome and you feel your eyes cloud over. When the doctor confirms your fears you open your eyes slowly and as if in a dream, you hear her voice tell you she'll leave you alone, you feel the bed dip as Calum sits next to you, his arm encircling your shoulder "I'm sorry" he whispers, pulling you into his lap, you sit in silence, leaning against him, tears running down your face, breathing shakily "I know-I know that this pregnancy was an-an accident, and we're both young, but I never r-realised how badly I wanted this until now" you say quietly, he sighs and kisses your forehead "me too" his voice cracks and he nuzzles his face against your neck "I love you okay? And we'll pull through this, and we can try again in a year or two okay? When we're more prepared" he murmurs, his words muffled against your skin.

Michael: You smile up at Michael excitedly as you wriggle onto the examining table, lifting up your shirt to show off your still fairly flat tummy "This might be a little cool at first" the doctor squirts gel onto your abdomen, running the monitor over it, squeezing Michael's hand, you watch the screen "how far along did you say you were?" She asks, "fourteen weeks, why what's wrong...?" you bite your lip, starting to feel weird "well nearly, fourteen weeks on...on Sunday" Michael adds, the doctor frowns, her eyes on the screen "it's not quite what one would expect at fourteen weeks" she takes a stethoscope and places it against your abdomen, listening "there's no heartbeat...I'm so sorry" she says quietly. She leaves the room and you sit in silence, staring at your blue painted fingernails, you feel Michael's hand on the small of your back, his lips pressed to your temple "was it something I did?" You ask softly, he sighs and sits next to you, tilting your chin so your eyes are trained on his "you can't blame yourself for this, it wasn't your fault at all" he says firmly, he kisses your forehead, rubbing away the tears that you didn't even know were streaming down your face "I love you, and we'll have our family okay? Maybe now just wasn't the right time" he murmurs, wrapping you tightly in his arms.

Ashton: "(Y/N)! (Y/N) what's wrong?! Tell me please!" Ashton hammers on the bathroom door, constantly trying to open it, sobbing, you shake your head, he can't see you, but you've lost so much blood already that you're delirious, you're lying in a pool of your own blood, your dress is stained with it, you want to let Ashton in, but you can't stand the disappointed look he gets on his face every time you have a miscarriage, you've had six already, and you don't want to hurt him with a seventh, he'd really gotten his hopes up for this baby, you'd made it twelve weeks through, longer than any other pregnancy, and now you've lost it "(Y/N) is it the baby?" His voice is quiet and soft, he knows the answer already, but you know he'll be devastated when he sees it for his own eyes. You reach up and fumble with the lock till it clicks open and Ashton opens the door slowly "oh honey" you look up at him and sniff, wiping your tears and smearing blood over your face in the process "I'm the worst wife, I can't even give you a baby" you whisper, he shakes his head, kneeling down and picking you up gently "no sweetie don't say that, you're the best wife and we'll have our baby, we'll have a whole posse if you like" he whispers, turning on the shower and getting in, both of you fully clothed, he gently washes the blood off of you before carrying you into the bedroom, you are still, silent tears running down your face as he dresses you in dry clothes and braids your wet hair out of your face, he lays you in bed and quickly strips off and grabs a pair of sweats "all that matters right now is that you're okay" he pulls you into his arms, letting you cry yourself to sleep.

Luke: You giggle as you straddle Luke, grinding against him and attaching your lips to his neck, he smiles, his eyes fluttering open "mm you should wake me up like this everyday" he mumbles, his voice rough as he grabs ahold of your hips, you push his shirt up, littering kisses over his firm chest and down his abdomen "someone's eager" he laughs, pulling you back up and pressing his lips to yours "oh god Luke, being pregnant, there's ten times as many hormones in my body, I've never been so horny in my life" "well that's what I like to hear" he smirks, sitting up and cupping your ass, grinding his hard on against you "enough of this, I need you in me" you mumble, rolling off him and onto your back, suddenly you see his blue eyes cloud with worry and follow his gaze to the front of his boxer shorts, which are soaked in blood "it's not from me" he says quietly, you stand up and look down to see blood dripping slowly down your legs "Luke help" you whimper, he snaps into action, grabbing his phone and dialling the hospital "hi-yes hello my-my wife is-is pregnant, and she is its not-not spotting it's a whole load...she's bleeding from-there...yes there as in her v-vagina yes" his ears turn red and he ducks his head shyly. Soon you find yourselves in a small hospital room, facing a grim doctor "I'm sorry Mrs. Hemmings, we don't know why these things happen" you watch him leave the room and you feel Luke's hand on your back, you lift your eyes to his and he sighs "I'm not gonna get to be a mom" you whisper, the reality sets in and you close your eyes tightly, Luke wraps his arms around you tightly and kisses the top of your head "yes you are, we'll try again okay? We'll try again sweetie, don't you worry" he croaks as you sob against his chest.

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