He Has To Ask Another Boy For A Condom (His P.O.V)

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Calum: My lips are pressed firmly to her neck, my fingers digging into her squirming hips, her hot breath falling over my skin in gasps as I peel away her clothes "wai-wait Cal...c-condom-do you have a condom?" She pants, her eyes fluttering open

I groan and reach into my bedside drawer, fumbling frantically for the small foil packet "fuck...I'm all out...can't I just y'know...pull out?" I mumble, she shakes her head breathlessly

I groan again and stand up, slipping my sweatpants over my throbbing erection "I'm never going to hear the end of this" I mumble, trudging out of the hotel room

I knock on Michael's door and seconds later he answers it, he scans my appearance and bursts out laughing "condom. Dude hurry, I'm in pain" I grumble, chuckling he finds one for me "have fun!" He crows

I glare at him and hurry back to (Y/N) and I's room, grinning and twirling the little packet in my hands.

Luke: I grind my hips against hers, making her moan softly and bite into my shoulder "stop teasing Luke" she whimpers, I chuckle and open my drawer, only to find that there isn't a single condom in there

"Babe we're all out" I grunt, collapsing on the bed next to her "well go ask one of the others, Ash is in the next room, go ask him" she orders

"You know I'm only doing this cause it's you" I grumble, reluctantly climbing out of my bunk, I wrap a sheet around my waist and trudge out

"Oooh I like the look! Very sexy!" Ashton laughs, I give him a sarcastic smile and do my best to hide my large boner "uh Ash do you have a uh...ahem...do you have a rubber I could borrow" I mumble, my face heating up

A slow smirk tugs at his lips "depends, what you want it for" he teases, fishing one out of his back pocket

"what do you think I want it for you dimwit?" I hiss, trying to snatch it from him "ah bup bup, that's no way to talk to your elders now is it Lucas? Didn't your mother ever teach you manners? Or were you born in a barn?" He mocks, his eyes twinkling

"Please Ash, come on man to man here, (Y/N)'s naked in my bunk, she's horny as hell, I've got a raging hard on, please just gimme the fucking condom" I beg, he laughs and tosses it to me "not too rough though, you guys already loosened the screws on the bunks" he says with a wink.

Ashton: "Mmm baby slow it down, we don't even have condoms!" I laugh, pinning (Y/N) below me "what? You're kidding right? And you let me get all worked up and wet before you tell me?" She demands, pouting

"I'm sorry baby girl" I say softly, pressing my lips to her neck and biting down gently, she moans and shoves my shoulders back "go get a condom from one of the other guys, go ask Luke, he'll have some" she orders

"Nooo, please don't make me!" I whine, pressing my face against her breasts "hey do you wanna have sex or nah?" She snaps, and then I'm up

"Luke Luke Luke Luke Luke Luke...Luke!" I yell, hammering on Luke's dressing room door "what is it Ash?" He growls, wrenching the door open "condom condom condom" I plead, hopping on the balls of my feet

"Oh for christsakes Ashton the show is starting in like ten minutes and you're fucking your girlfriend? " he mutters, I follow him back into his dressing room and he opens a drawer and hands me the blue foil packet

"You literally have like eight minutes and forty seven seconds to have sex with (Y/N), like can't you just wait till after the show?" He asks "no this is what they call a quickie, it's something us spontaneous people do" I smirk, hurrying back to (Y/N).

Michael: I keep one hand on her bare hip, holding her up against the wall while my other hand delves into my back pocket in search of a condom, her stilettos dig into my lower back "hurry up Mikey" she whines, her red lipstick smeared over her mouth and mine

"I-I'm out, we used the last one this morning" I pant, letting her legs slip down from my waist, her heels click against the tiles of the small studio bathroom and she's breathing heavily, her chest heaving

"I'll go get one" I mutter, pulling my jeans back up over my aching hard on, I stumble out into the hallway, and instantly bump into Calum "hmm nice lipstick Mikey" he chuckles

"Mate do you have a condom?" I blurt, too horny to think of anything else, he grins and pulls one out of his pocket "I was hoping to score that hot makeup girl...but it seems you're in greater need, you owe me Clifford" he laughs, handing it to me, I smirk and slip back into the bathroom.

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