Make Up Sex

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Michael: You were in a bad mood and looking for a fight, you snapped at Michael over the simplest things and gave him short answers when he asked what the problem was; and he was not taking it.

You're stewing in your bedroom, pacing up and down hating people, when Michael comes in. He backs you up to the wall and pins you there with his firm body "we can do this the hard way or the easy way baby girl; you either tell me what's going on, or I'll have to make you" he growls, his plump lips sucking on your neck "Michael" you gasp, he grabs your thighs, lifting you so you can hook your ankles around his waist, his hot mouth moving over your skin "do you have any clue how hot you are when you're angry?" He mumbles against your skin, you whimper, tugging at his hair as he moves his mouth up to yours, kissing you fiercely, his tongue forcing it's way into your mouth, you moan, dragging your nails down his neck. You tug at his shirt, unbuttoning it hastily and pushing it off his shoulders "I thought you were mad at me, and now you want the d" he teases, pulling away breathlessly and cocking an eyebrow, you blush and he lowers you back to the ground, pulling you against his chest "are you going to tell me what's going on now?" He asks, his hands roaming over your body "what do you mean?" "Oh come on, you know what I'm talking about, the way you've been acting's not you" he murmurs, pressing his forehead against yours and nuzzling your noses together "Eskimo kisses" you giggle, trying to change the subject, he sighs and fixes you with an intense gaze, his green eyes piercing "tell me" he whispers, his hands resting on your hips, swaying them gently "I'm just stressed...I'm sorry Mikey" you say quietly, he nods, kissing you again "forgiven". He carries you over to the bed, setting you down gently and tugging off his jeans, he crawls on top of you, pushing your shirt over your head and peeling off your shorts "you're on the pill right?" He mumbles, kissing your collar bone and playing with the tiny bow in between the cups of your bra, you hum in response, and he smirks against your skin. Soon you are both naked and he turns it around so you are on top, grinding yourself over his hard on "stop teasing baby" he whines, grabbing your hips and sitting you down roughly on his length, you squeak in shock and he chuckles, brushing your bangs out of your face "take a minute to adjust baby, don't rush yourself...damn you feel so nice and warm" he grins, pulling you down so your chest is pressed to his. He slides his palms down your back and grips your waist, lifting you up and easing you back down again slowly, you whimper, digging your nails into his chest and swiveling your hips "oh god baby do that again" he groans, guiding your hips faster, he kisses your neck, sinking his teeth into the delicate skin as you roll your hips, driving him crazy. You moan, bouncing yourself faster on him as you approach your climax "Michael I'm so close" "hold it for me baby girl, just hold it for a minute" you groan as Michael snaps his hips up to meet yours, his hands slipping down to squeeze your ass "okay cum for me baby" he growls, and you gasp, screaming as you hit your orgasm, Michael follows immediately, panting and swearing. He flops back on the bed and you collapse on top of him "I'm sorry for being such a bitch earlier" you mumble into his chest, he chuckles and presses a kiss to the top of your head "it's fine baby girl, anyways make up sex makes up for it" he laughs, running his hands over your bare back.

Luke: You were fighting again. Because he was going out. Without you. Again. You were tired of being left at home and then being expected to take care of a drunk Luke arriving at five am in the morning, and then expected to take care of a hungover Luke all through the afternoon.

"I thought you were going out" you snap as Luke comes into the bedroom, he doesn't say anything, but sits in front of you and pushes you down against the mattress, crawling on top of you and kissing your neck "Luke get off" you whine, pushing his chest, but he is firm and doesn't budge, his hands sliding beneath your shirt to knead your breasts, you open your mouth to protest but all that comes out is a loud moan. He shimmies your pants off and pulls off his sweats, leaving him in his boxers and your lower half bare "Luke" you whimper, your palms flat against his chest, he smirks, grinding his crotch against yours and gripping your hips "Luke" you repeat, gasping for breath "please...I need it" "need what?" He whispers, kissing down your chest and taking your nipple in his mouth, you squeal, tangling your hands in his hair "need-need you Luke" you stammer "I'm right here baby girl" he grinds his crotch on yours again, making you moan, scraping your nails over his scalp and down his neck "need your cock Luke" you gasp, too desperate to feel shy "only if you forgive me" "huh w-what?" You are confused for a second, your brain fuzzy from Luke "for being such a shit boyfriend earlier" he explains, panting, you nod and raise your hips to his "say it" he begs, holding you firmly down "damnit Lucas Robert Hemmings I fucking forgive you" you gasp, he smiles triumphantly and tugs of his boxers. Sitting back on his legs he pulls you into his lap, pushing into you gently "I'm sorry for being an ass" he murmurs, thrusting slowly, his thumbs caressing your hips. As his thrusts get deeper and more powerful, he lies you down on the bed, pressing his lips to yours "I love you" he whispers as you scream out his name, you both hit your highs and you grip his neck, trembling as he kisses you again, resting his sweaty forehead against yours.

Calum: You rarely ever fought, so it was a huge deal if and when you did. He had forgotten your birthday and you were most certainly not amused, he tried to make light of the situation, only making his case worse and you decided to simply ignore him.

"I'm sorry baby, look I've said it a hundred times over, what do you want from me?" Calum groans, his fingers curling around your hips, you ignore him, humming to yourself as you pull out of his grasp and pad into the next room "(Y/N) you can't just pretend I don't exist! Look I am sorry! From the bottom of my heart baby, I'm a hundred percent genuinely sorry!" He exclaims, running after you and blocking your path, you focus your gaze over his shoulder and he sighs in exasperation, he cups your face in his hands and forces you to look at him "talk to me baby. Please?" He begs "I hate you" "you love me. Say you love me" "you love me" you poke your tongue out at him and he chuckles "yes I do love you but say I love you" he grins, wrapping his arms around your waist "aw you love me Cal" you coo, smirking cheekily, he groans and buries his face in your shoulder "do you still love me (Y/N)?" "Of course I love you Cal" he raises his face, smiling like a kid in a candy store, and presses his lips to yours "make up sex!" He cheers, throwing you over his shoulder and running up the stairs as you laugh. He drops you onto the bed and yanks his shirt off, smirking as you unzip your dress to reveal no underwear, kicking off his jeans and his boxers he crawls on top of you, kissing you passionately "you're so perfect" he murmurs, fumbling in his drawer for a condom, he finds one and rips the little foil packet open with his teeth, panting as he puts it on and pushes into you, you throw your head back whimpering and scrape your nails over his shoulders as he begins to thrust, he puts all his strength into each thrust, his sweaty forehead pressed to your shoulder, grunts and curses falling from his lips, his fingers grip your waist tightly, his hips hitting yours rhythmically "Calum" you moan, you feel your head bang against the headboard, but you couldn't care less. You drag your nails viciously all the way down Calum's back, screaming as you are enveloped in ecstasy, your ears ringing and your vision blurring, you feel Calum release and he drops onto you before rolling off, panting heavily "how's that for a birthday present?" he smirks tiredly, tossing the used condom onto the floor and pulling you close to him, you laugh and lay your head on his sweaty chest, your cheeks flushed.

Ashton: It was the biggest fight you'd ever had, and both of you were furious with each other, it had started over the tiny matter of him not washing the dishes, and then old issues came up and the fight escalated from there, to the point where you started throwing the dishes at him, thankfully you miss every time, hitting only the wall-although a flying shard cut Ashton right above his eyebrow-and after that you went straight to bed, locking the door and leaving him to tough it out on the couch.

You sneak down silently the next morning feeling guilty and immediately you see Ashton sitting on the couch, touching the cut above his eyebrow tentatively, it is covered in dry blood and he winces "don't touch it" you murmur, wetting a dish towel and padding over to him "good morning" he says quietly, cringing away as you dab at his cut "I'm sorry" you blurt, wiping the last of the blood of his face "me too" he gently pulls you onto his lap and presses his lips to yours briefly "I missed you last night" he admits, his hazel eyes searching yours "I'm sorry for locking you out...and for throwing dishes at your head" you whisper, blush tinging your cheeks, he laughs quietly, shaking his head "thank god you've got terrible aim" he smirks, rubbing his thumb against your hip and kissing you again more firmly. He slowly eases you down onto the couch, his hands on either side of your head, holding himself up as you trace patterns on his bare chest, he chuckles, his lips attaching to yours again. He kisses you passionately, and his tongue tastes like beer, so you know he must have had some before you woke up "drinking this early Ash?" You murmur, he laughs and shrugs, silencing you with his lips. He tugs your shirt off to reveal your bare body and wriggles out of his briefs, his hard on smacking against his stomach, you whimper as he teases you, brushing his tip over your clit "Ash stop playing around I need all of you" you whine, he smirks and spreads your legs "all of me baby? Are you sure?" He laughs as he gently begins pushing his length into you, you gasp, gripping his shoulders, nodding breathlessly, and suddenly you squeal as you feel him give a sharp thrust, going all the way into you "oh god Ash" you moan, bucking your hips up, he smirks, thrusting gently, his lips leaving hot open-mouthed kisses over your jaw, neck, and chest, his teeth grazing over your sensitive skin. He soon picks up the pace, his thrusts getting faster and shallower, making you scream in pleasure "Ashton I'm really close" you gasp, his hand goes in  between you and he pinches you clit, instantly sending you reeling as your orgasm hits, Ashton follows seconds later, swearing loudly "fuck baby I love you" he pants, riding out his climax slowly before dropping on top of you, he rolls over so you are lying on top of him and kisses the top of your head, pulling a cover on top of you and nuzzling your sweet smelling hair until he drifts off to sleep.

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