You Have A Child That Isn't His And They Treat Him Like Their Dad

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Calum: "Amalia come on, mummy is waiting" Calum says gently, taking a hold of your three year old daughter's hand "but I wanna play again! Please? I accidentally closed my eyes" she pouts, Calum groans, unable to resist her big blue eyes "just one more time sweetie" he mumbles, kissing the top of her head, she squeals, bouncing in her seat as he pays the lady at the fair stand, the game starts again and soon Amalia wins it, she cheers, collecting her giant teddy bear prize, which is nearly the size of her whole body "thank you!" She giggles. Soon afterwards she is walking along beside Calum, her eyes drooping and her teddy bear dragging behind her "oh darling, you're getting your teddy all mucky" Calum says softly, crouching in front of the little girl "m'tired daddy" she mumbles, reaching her arms out to him. Calum freezes, a slow smile spreading over his face as he scoops her into his arms "I love you my girl" he murmurs, holding her against his hip and kissing her forehead, her giant bear on his other hip.

Luke: "Hey Christopher" Luke waves, letting himself into your apartment, your sixteen year old son grunts, he had never particularly warmed to Luke, he felt he was trying to replace his father, who had died when he was twelve. "So's uh school Chris?" Luke asks, sitting on the couch "I've told you not to call me Chris, that was my dad's name. It's Christopher" your son mutters, glaring at his shoes "school is fine...but...never mind" he mumbles "what? Tell me, I'm sure I can help, is it trouble with lessons? Girl trouble? You have a fight with your girlfriend? Or is it one of your mates?" Luke asks, desperate to prove himself "it's just an assignment we got, and it's worth a lot for our grade and stuff...and we're supposed to do a presentation on our dads, write an essay, film some clips, take some pictures, and if we can, like bring 'em in to give demonstrations, stuff like that" Christopher sighs, biting his lip "and my teacher said since y'know, my dad is-yeah, she said to do it on someone in my life who's like a father figure...and I was just wondering...if I could do mine...on you" he says quietly, still focused on his shoes "are-are you serious? Wow...I gotta say Chris...topher...sorry, always forget to add that last bit...mate I thought you hated me...this is, I mean I'm touched-yes-yeah of course, you can even come on tour with me if your mum allows-only if you want of course!" Luke stammers, tripping over his words in his excitement "wow that'd be wicked! And could I have a go on your guitar? I used to have one but all my strings snapped, and mum couldn't really afford a new one" "you can have one of mine if you like, whichever one you want, and tell you what, when it's time for you to give your presentation, I'll sort something out and maybe we'll come and perform for you guys!" Luke offers "that would be, thanks Luke..." Christopher grins, smiling genuinely at Luke for the first time.

Michael: "Get ready Mikey, cause I'm gonna whup your ass" your eight year old son James laughs, starting up FIFA 15 on his PS4 "in your dreams bud...also don't say ass when your mum comes home, or else I'll really get my ass whupped" Michael chuckles, James nods, tossing Michael a controller "so James, how are you feeling about becoming a big brother?" Michael grins, leaning back on his beanbag and watching the young boy "happy I guess...I don't know" James mumbles, his eyes fixed on the screen "whaddya mean?" Michael asks, suddenly concerned "well...will you and mum forget about me?" He asks softly, meeting Michael's gaze briefly "forget about you? Oh bud no of course not, your mom and I love you" Michael gets up and crouches in front of James, ruffling his hair "my dad forgot about me" "hey well your dad was a dic-meanie, and he treated your mom like shi-he treated your mom bad, you don't need him" Michael says firmly "then can you be my dad?" James asks shyly, a smile spreads over Micheal's face and he wraps his arms tightly around James "I'd love to be your dad" he grins.

Ashton: "Where's Lea?!" Ashton yells, racing through the crowds of bridesmaids, he checks every room, bumping into flower arrangements and nearly knocking over the wedding cake, he dashes down the church steps, weaving through confused guests, desperate to find your daughter before you find out she's missing "Lea?!" He calls, he runs panting across the graveyard to the woods below and stops when he spots the little nine year old, sitting with her toes in a brook, her white flowergirl dress getting dirty with moss and mud stains "hey baby" he murmurs, sitting next to her, she looks up at him, her dark brown eyes filled with tears "what's wrong?" He asks softly, scooping her into his lap, she snuggles up to his chest, sniffling "I don't want you to leave Ashton, after mummy married my daddy, he left, I don't want you to go also" she whimpers, he sighs, stroking her sleek black curls "I won't go, I promise, I'll never leave you or your mummy okay?" She sticks out her pinky finger and he hooks his with hers "can I call you daddy after the wedding?" She asks shyly, watching the water in the brook gurgle past "of course you can baby" Ashton smiles, his dimples showing as he kisses her forehead.

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