Teenage Pregnany

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Ashton (You're both 16): "Just breathe for a second babe" Ashton murmurs, rubbing your back as you sob "everything will be okay" he adds, wiping tears from your jaw. "How Ash? How will things be okay?! Didn't you hear my parents? I have nowhere to go" you croak, swaying on your feet as you stand on the pavement outside your house, a suitcase full of all your things at your feet. "What are you talking about, you'll come stay with me" Ashton says, grabbing your suitcase and moving towards his car. "Ash...what about your siblings, and your mum? I-I couldn't do that to your mum, she doesn't need this stress" you reply, frowning as he loads your suitcase in the car. "(Y/N) you're carrying my child, I think she'll understand" Ashton chuckles, cupping your face in his hands and pressing a kiss to your forehead. A short car journey, and you find yourself at Ashton's house. "I'm scared" you say softly, staring at the front door, chewing on your bottom lip as tears pool in your eyes. "My family loves you ok? This won't change that" Ashton soothes, squeezing your hand and pulling you to his side as he opens the door. You can hear the TV on downstairs and footsteps in the next room, and you feel your chest tighten, bile rising in your throat. "I'm gonna be sick" you mutter, rushing to the bathroom to hunch over the toilet, hurling up your lunch violently as Ashton rushes to your side. "Ash is that you?" You hear his mother call out "in the bathroom mum" he responds. You let your head hang over the toilet as she approaches behind you, tears streaming down your face. "(Y/N) what's wrong dear?" She asks, you open your mouth, but the only thing that comes out is a strangled sob. Ashton helps you to your feet, but you can feel your knees quaking as you turn towards his mum "what's happened?" She asks, concern furrowing her brow. "(Y/N)'s pregnant mum...her parents kicked her out" Ashton says gently, watching his mother to gauge her reaction. "Oh...oh Ash what've you done?" she murmurs, pulling you into a hug "I-I'm sorry mum" he stammers, his voice faltering. You move out of his mothers embrace, allowing Ashton to fall into her arms, his entire body seeming to collapse "mum I'm so sorry" he sobs, the magnitude of the situation suddenly seeming to dawn on him. She shushes him softly, running her fingers through his hair "I'm so scared" he chokes out. You place your hands on your tiny bump and bite your lip, reconsidering your options "how far along are you darling?" Ashton's mum asks, wiping her son's face before moving towards you "um three months I think" you say weakly. She nods, grabbing your suitcase "well let's set you up, do you want to share Ashton's room or Lauren's?" She asks, starting up the stairs. "Mine obviously" Ashton blurts, you nod as he takes your hand in his. Ashton's younger siblings look up from his computer as you enter the room, their faces lighting up "hey guys, (Y/N) is moving in with us okay. She'll be sharing Ashton's room so you're going to have to give them some privacy." Their mother says sternly, Lauren looks puzzled, her eyebrows furrowed "what happened to your house?" She asks. Ashton shakes his head subtly, trying to signal her to back off "my parents kicked me out" you answer, your voice soft, Lauren's eyes widen. "Why?" Harry blurts, ignoring Ashton's warning glare. You sit down on the bed with a sigh, staring at your fingers "well...I-I'm pregnant." You hear them gasp and you bite your lip, trying to stop your face from crumpling as tears prick your eyes yet again. "Why don't you guys uh...go downstairs?" Ashton suggests, sitting beside you and wrapping you in his arms "mum...you too. I think (Y/N) needs to rest" he adds, helping you into bed as his family clears out of the room. He closes the door and crawls in beside you, pulling you to his chest so your back is pressed to him, his palm cupping your tiny bump easily. "Maybe we'll be okay" he whispers into your hair, you lay your hand on top of his and nod "maybe".

Luke (You're 18 He's 19): You sigh and toss your backpack on the floor, angry tears streaming down your face "I'm quitting school" you snap, kicking your shoes off your swollen feet. "What happened baby?" Luke asks looking up from his guitar, concern etched on his face. "I keep popping buttons off my stupid uniform, and now I'm leaking milk all the time and my shoes don't fit, and it's always hot and I need to pee every twenty seconds, and I'm tired of hearing people's snide comments all day long" you rant, struggling with your tie the entire time. "Hey relax baby, it's okay" Luke soothes, putting his guitar on the ground and standing to help with your tie. "It's not okay because I can't even fit in my desk anymore" you whine, Luke tuts, sitting on the sofa and pulling you into his lap "I'm sorry darling" he coos, nuzzling your shoulder. "I got stuck in the desk and all the other kids laughed at me Luke" you sniffle, he hums, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the side of your swollen tummy. "Let's get you in some fresh clothes hm?" He suggests, unbuttoning your milk stained shirt and undoing the strained zip of your skirt. You wince as he undoes your bra, your hands moving to support your swollen breasts. He sighs and reaches for a t-shirt of his from the bed for you to wear "what if you just take a bit of time off school till the baby comes, then you go back after?" He asks, rubbing your arm "no I'm never going back there" you mutter. Luke pulls you closer, pressing a kiss to the nape of your neck "come on babe, you're almost done with high school. You don't wanna end up stupid like me. Our baby needs at least one smart parent" he chuckles, his breath warm on your neck. "We can go talk to your principal tomorrow about giving you a bit of time off, but I want you to graduate baby" he adds, smiling as you grumble, knowing he's won you over.

Calum (You're 17 He's 21): You blink hard, staring at the pregnancy test in your hand. The tiny pink plus stares back at you, unchanging. The sudden rattle of keys makes you jump, and the test falls into the sink with a clatter. "(Y/N) is that you?" Calum's voice rings through the apartment and you toss the test into the trash before you slip out of the bathroom, hurrying to greet him. "Hey babe" he kisses you briefly, dumping his bag on the dining table and kicking off his shoes. "How was the studio?" You ask, following him into the bedroom, he shrugs, peeling off his sweaty shirt and dropping it to the ground. "C'mere" he murmurs, his hands moving to your hips and pulling you close. "I-I can't right now Cal" you mumble, as he presses a kiss to your collarbone. "Why not?" He whines, nuzzling your neck. "Just not right now Calum, I'm not in the mood" you mutter, pushing his hands away and leaving the room. You slump into the couch and wrap your arms around yourself, trying to figure out what to do. After a couple of minutes, you hear the bedroom door open quietly and you turn to see Calum standing in the doorway, his face blank. Slowly his hand raises and your heart sinks. "Why was this in the bin?" Calum asks, his voice tight. You bite the inside of your cheek, trying to keep your composure. "Is this real?" He asks, you nod. Calum runs a hand through his hair and puts the pregnancy test down on the counter. "What do you want to do?" he says quietly " you swallow thickly, tears pooling in your eyes "I...I don't know" your voice cracks and you look away. "I don't know how this happened" you add, Calum sighs, sitting down beside you and burying his head in his hands. "Do you still love me?" You ask, Calum's eyebrows shoot up and he turns to you "o-of course I do. Babe of course I still love you" he takes your hand in his and you can feel how clammy his skin is. "Are you scared?" You whisper, he nods, you watch him run his hand through his hair, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. "Oh shit" he mutters, leaning back "(Y/N) I have to tell you something" he adds, taking your hand in his. "You know how the new album is coming out soon" Calum says softly, his hand running down your arm, your heart sinks. "Maybe I could come on tour with you" you suggest, Calum shakes his head "come on (Y/N). You know that's ridiculous, you need structure in your life now more than ever" he explains. "Don't treat me like a kid please" you mutter, pulling your hand from his, he sighs, folding his arms over his chest. "You kind of are a kid" he responds with a shrug, you scoff, raising an eyebrow "oh but I wasn't a kid when you were fucking this baby into me huh?" You snap, standing up to leave "(Y/N) stop, that's not what I meant" Calum grabs your arm and pulls you to his chest. "I just meant you're young-fuck we both are. But I'm used to touring, it's stressful. You don't wanna do that with a baby" Calum's eyes are soft but you know he's not budging on his opinion. "I'll talk to the boys, maybe we can push the album release up a month or two. That way I'll get the tour done sooner and I can be here for you before the baby comes" he murmurs, resting his forehead on yours, you nod, knowing he's trying his best, and let him kiss you.

Michael (You're 15 He's 17): You pace across your bedroom floor, your eyes fixed on the clock, counting the seconds, waiting for five minutes to finally be over. "It's not going to be positive, you're just getting paranoid" Michael says, but uncertainty riddles his voice. He glances to the timer he has set on his phone, tapping his foot against the floor impatiently. As you pace, you feel nausea clutching your stomach, making your throat burn and your head reel. The sound of Michael's timer going off feels like a hammer in your skull, and you sit down heavily, closing your eyes. "I can't look" you mutter, biting your lip. Michael squeezes your hand briefly "it'll be okay" he whispers, but you shake your head, already knowing what the test is going to say. He stands to pick up the pregnancy test, and your stomach drops. You see Michael's shoulders slump. Your chest tightens and Michael turns to you, "I'm sorry" he says quietly. Tears fill your eyes "I-I can't...I-Michael I can't " you mumble, crawling into bed and burying your head under the duvet. The mattress shifts as Michael slides into bed beside you, pulling you close, his lips pressed to the nape of your neck. "You know I can't do this Michael" you whisper. He sighs, his breath warm against your neck. "Maybe...maybe it was a false positive" he says softly. You shake your head "no. Michael I'm pregnant" your voice is flat and blank. "What do you want to do?" He asks, his voice barely above a whisper, you shrug, tears spilling from your eyes. "I think...I think we should keep it. The band is doing pretty well, and I think I'll be able to support you and the baby." Michael says hesitantly, you bite your lip and shrug again "I don't know Michael" you mumble. "I understand. It's your body so it's your decision. I'll support you whatever you choose to do" He says, pulling you closer and wrapping an arm around your waist.

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