"Where Do Babies Come From?"

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Michael: "Where do babies come from?" Your six year old son asks one night, looking up at you and Michael "ah well good question Alex, why don't you let daddy answer it?" You giggle, turning to Michael, he laughs and beckons Alexander over "here let me check" he says, scanning the label at the back of the boy's shirt "well it says here 'made in Taiwan' so I guess that's were you came from" he muses, you snort and Alexander beams "is Taiwan in outer space?" He asks excitedly "no honey, it's in Asia" you giggle, his face falls and Michael immediately pipes up "but Asia is in the world and the world is in outer space! Oh my god (Y/N) we've had an alien child for six years and we never knew! Ahhh!" He yells, tickling Alexander's sides till they both fall to the ground in a giggling heap "what did I get myself into?" You laugh as Michael grabs your hands, pulling you down to join them.

Luke: "Where do babies come from?" Your three year old daughter asks, poking your pregnant stomach lightly, Luke laughs nervously, blush creeping up his neck "well uh...well Rhea-heh when a girl and a boy love each other very very much, and they are old enough, they um...they-they do special hugs yeah-special hugs and the baby is made, and it stays inside the mommies belly for nine months and then it's-it's born" he explains, running a hand through his hair, Rhea nods knowingly, and happy with her father's explanation, skips off to play with her dolls "special hugs? Really Luke?" You snort, he hides his face against your swollen stomach "make mommy stop bullying me" he wails, you giggle shaking your head at your awkward husband.

Ashton: "Where do babies come from?" Your five year old son asks, looking up from his drawing, you giggle as Ashton launches into the same story he told to your two older sons when they asked the exact same question "well Nev when a mummy and daddy want a baby, they ask the clouds to make them one, but babies take a long time to make, so the clouds have to work hard, but after nine months, they wrap the baby in a little blanket and give it to one of their messenger storks, who flys down very gently and gives the baby to it's parents" he explains, smiling broadly "really? Cause that's not what Timmy and Hector told me! They said that they learned in school that you have to do sex! I said I didn't believe them!" Nev says, proud that he could prove his older brothers wrong "oh jesus" Ashton sighs, leaning back in his chair.

Calum: "Where do babies come from?" Your eight year old daughter asks as you and Calum put her to bed "that's your cue" you giggle, nudging Calum "why me?" He whines "if you don't there will be no more baby making for you" you threaten, he gives a small groan before turning back to Molly "well Mols uh, it's kinda like magic, and it's very special, and it happens when two people love each other and so they decide to have a baby, and they uh...well...they uh...they sleep together...and the baby is formed and it lives inside the mommy for nine months and then it comes out" he stammers, chewing on his lip "so they just go to sleep and the baby is made?" She asks "well its a special kind of sleep" he mumbles, his cheeks flushing red "whaddya mean special? " she demands, sitting up "you'll find out when you're older, goodnight darling!" Calum says quickly, kissing her forehead and tucking her in.

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