He Hits You (Another Band Member's P.O.V)

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Luke(Michael's P.O.V): As (Y/N) gets in the car I feel my heart sink "tell me Luke didn't do that" I murmur, not wanting to believe that my friend, who I trusted and loved, was capable of hitting his girlfriend, she doesn't say anything, only lifts her eyes to mine, tears still running down her face "no fucking way" I mutter, taking her hand in mine. When we get to my flat, I hurriedly clean up my room, tossing sweaty shirts into the laundry basket and clearing my video games off the bed, when I let her in she walks in with her head down and her shoulders slumped, looking completely defeated "thank you" she mumbles, climbing into my bed, when I move to leave she whimpers "stay please" she says softly, surprised I gently climb into bed next to her and she cuddles up to me "thanks Mikey" she sniffs, I wrap my arms around her, holding her close, but neither of us sleep, I lie awake, listening to her cry and feeling her tears against my neck.

Ashton (Luke's P.O.V): I'm woken up by knocking on the door late at night, grumbling I open it, and I feel my stomach twist at the sight. (Y/N) is standing there with Georgie and Jeremy, and she is almost unrecognisable, she limps in and I instantly help her up the stairs, followed by a sullen Jeremy carrying his sleeping little brother, after settling (Y/N) and Georgie into my bed, I grab a bunch of blankets and pillows and make up a bed for Jeremy on the couch before dragging out an air mattress for myself. We lie in silence for a while and I can hear Jeremy sniffing "he didn't hit you did he?" I ask, biting my lip "no, but I wish he'd hit me instead of mum" he croaks, his words make me want to murder Ashton. Soon I hear (Y/N) come down the stairs, she tiptoes over and lies down next to Jeremy, I fall asleep to the sound of their murmuring.

Michael (Calum's P.O.V): After hearing what Michael did I feel sick, I had always looked up to him as an older brother but now I felt like I don't know him "I'm pregnant Calum" (Y/N)'s voice pulls me out of my thoughts "what?" I choke, she nods, tears running down her face "but I can't go back to him, I just can't" she whimpers "(Y/N)...don't-don't you think he has the right to know?" I ask gently "I mean if it was my kid I'd wanna know" I add "I-I can't" she stammers, her shoulders shaking "Calum I just can't" she sobs.

Calum (Ashton's P.O.V): I am shocked when (Y/N) turns up at my door, crying and with bits of broken glass stuck in her arms and side "what on earth happened?!" I exclaim, herding her into my living room "C-Calum pushed m-me" she hiccups, I gape at her, shaking my head "let's-let's get you cleaned up" I stammer, rifling through my cabinets for a first aid kit, my heart hammering, and my head whirling.

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