One Of The Boys Finds You Self Harming

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Luke: It was a really fun day, just hanging out with the boys who were back from a five month tour, and when the pizza came, you knew you'd have to eat, or else they'd get suspicious. That greasy, cheesy, pizza. So now you had your head over the toilet, your breath shallow as you panted, tears filling your eyes, slowly, you stand up and flush the toilet, wiping your mouth, you turn around and freeze "Michael it's not-" "what it looks like? Because it looked to me like you just made yourself throw up" he looked furious as he stormed over to you "(Y/N) what the fuck? Did it not occur to you that-that you're hurting yourself? Hurting other people?" He growled, moving to grab your shoulders, as soon as his fingers curled around your bones beneath your baggy long-sleeved shirt, his eyes went wide "take your shirt off" he orders, you shake your head, backing away, but he holds you firmly and grabs the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head, then it's his turn to back away, with his hand over his mouth and a string of curses falling from his lips, he stares at your body. The skin clings to bone and there are dark shadows in every ridge of your ribs, there is nothing where your boobs used to be and your collar bones are jutting out severely "what have you done?" He gasps, sniffing you look down "I just wanted to be beautiful...for Luke" you whisper, covering your bony body with your hands "you were beautiful before! You were fucking gorgeous! You should hear the way Luke talks about you! He never shuts up! But...oh my god (Y/N) I-I-you need-you need help for this! Professional help!" Michael exclaims, you bite your lip and suddenly you feel his arms around you, he kisses the top of your hair repeatedly "we're going to tell Luke, and we're going to help you, you don't deserve this" he murmurs, his voice cracking as he holds you.

Calum: "Hey (Y/N) Cal wanted to know if you wa-" Ashton stops dead in his tracks and his jaw drops, you're caught in the act, and there's nothing you can do, slowly he comes closer, approaching you like one would a scared animal "it's okay" he whispers, gently taking the shard of glass from your hand, he sits next to you on the bed and wraps an arm around your shoulders "when you wanna talk, you can" he says softly, pressing a kiss to the side of your head, you sit for a few minutes, silent tears falling down your face as he dabs your bloody wrist with his shirt "I'm just so tired of-of always being the strong girl, that girl who never cries, because I'm not, I'm weak, I'm weak and I hate myself for it- I want to be the strong girl but I-I just I'm not-and nobody-nobody understands-" "I understand. I've been through this before" Ashton reminds you, he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear "I know how you feel, and I know you feel like this helps...but it really doesn't" he murmurs, you shake your head, wiping your eyes fiercely and looking away "it does, I deserve it" you snap, Ashton frowns, his hazel eyes pained "please don't say that, you don't deserve any sort of pain" he begs, tilting your chin so you're looking at him "I-I-leave me alone Ash" you mutter, pulling away from him "please, (Y/N) please stop pushing me out, I want to help" he implores, his voice is strained and desperate "I don't want your help, you'll tell Calum, and he'll make me-make me get help" you choke. The idea of people knowing about your weakness makes you feel ill and your head swims "of course I'm going to tell Calum" Ashton says bluntly, shocked that you thought there was any possibility he wouldn't.

Ashton: You are going out for lunch with your best friend Luke, he and the boys recently got back from tour and he couldn't wait to catch up, but during your whole conversation, you see him sneaking weird looks at you "you don't look healthy, have you lost weight?" He blurts in the middle of the conversation, panicked you laugh off his suggestion and scoff at him "prove it" "wha-Luke stop being so silly" you laugh "eat this" he orders, holding up one of the bread rolls "what? No, come on I don't want that stale old thing" you say nervously "eat it (Y/N)". You are panicking, torn, you can't afford to eat the carb filled bread roll, but you can't afford to have Luke find out either, so with trembling fingers, you raise the food to your mouth, but you can't bite into it, you just can't. Your hands are shaking so violently, the bread drops onto your plate "I...can't" you breathe, shaking his head, Luke takes your quivering hands in his "anorexia is serious (Y/N), are you aware that this-this starving yourself can kill you? And I know this started while we were away, but what we're you planning to do now that we're back? Start sticking your fingers down your throat?" His blue eyes are wide as he stares at you, your silence is all he needs to confirm it and he gapes at you "I am taking you home, you, me, and Ash are going to sit down and talk" he says firmly, he grabs your hand, drops a couple of bills on the table and pulls you out of the restaurant.

Michael: As the blade slides smoothly over your skin, you sigh, feeling relief wash over you as blood appears, you are enveloped in the euphoric bliss, when suddenly you feel hands on your shoulders, shaking you, and you are aware of someone yelling "(Y/N)! (Y/N) look at me!" You are dragged back to reality. Calum. "I thought you were dying" he gasps, hugging you tight "why do you do this?! (Y/N)...Michael told us you used to, but I thought you'd stopped" it takes you a second to realise what he's on about, then suddenly it clicks and you break down "Calum you can't tell Michael, I've been clean for so long, he'll be so disappointed" you sob "I've got to tell him! You're hurting yourself!" Calum exclaims, and suddenly his phone is out "in fact you've got to tell him".

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