He Wakes Up Your Baby

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Ashton: "(Y/N)! Hey baby! I missed you today!" Ashton slurs, lurching into the living room "oh god please tell me you aren't drunk" you beg

"No! No I'm not drunk! Look I can walk in a straight line!" He protests, stumbling towards you, he gives you a cheeky grin, his dimples showing "so can we have sex now?" He asks hopefully

"Oh for godssakes Ashton, you're completely wasted!" You exclaim, covering your face with your hands "no I swear! I'll pee in a cup!" He cries "oh dear lord not that again" you grumble turning and stomping down the stairs to the basement

Ashton follows you, tripping down the stairs, he goes headlong straight into his drum set, creating a loud clatter and crash, you freeze and hold your breath "please please please" you whisper

There is quiet and then you hear the cries of your one year old daughter "you see what you've done!" You shout, stomping up the stairs and past a rather sobered up Ashton, who sits amongst the ruins of his drums "I'm sorry?" He suggests, standing up slowly and rubbing his back.

Luke: You slowly creep out of your two year old son's room and shut the door gingerly, you rest your head against the door frame and sigh, smiling contentedly to yourself

You tiptoe along the corridor and lay down on the couch, finally able to relax, but then you hear the click in the lock and Luke's familiar voice rings through the apartment "babe I'm home!" He yells, making you cringe

Seconds later you hear your son start crying, and you bury your face in your hands as tears fill your eyes "Luke I just put him down for his nap" you whimper

Luke sighs and closes the door "I'm so sorry babe...I-I didn't know" he murmurs, you sniff and stand up, ignoring Luke's apology and making your way to your son's bedroom "no you sleep, you look exhausted, I'll get him" he whispers, stroking your cheek.

Michael: "I don't see why you can't help me clean up around here sometimes! I'm your girlfriend not your maid!" You hiss, picking up Micheal's jacket from the floor "I do help" he snaps

"Oh please, I can't remember the last time you did anything in this bloody house! And you don't seem to care that I am the one who has to clean up after you all the time, plus take care of our daughter, cook, wash, and pretty much everything else, and you don't give a fuck about my feelings, it's exhausting dealing with both you and Raven, and being five months pregnant just makes it more stressful, but I wouldn't expect you to care!" You rant

"I help (Y/N)! The other day I vaccumed, and I fed Raven, and changed her!" he protests "yeah? In the eighteen months since Raven was born, I can count the number of diapers you've changed on one hand!" You whisper yell, shoving an empty pizza box into the bin

"That's a lie!" Michael growls, his voice rising steadily "you're trying to make it seem like I don't love you! Like I don't love our daughter!" He exclaims "Michael keep your voice down, Raven's asleep!" You plead, but it's too late, you can hear her cries already

"Just great! I'll go deal with this, just like I always do" you snarl, throwing your hands into the air "no I'll get her" Michael snaps, he disappears down the corridor, seconds later he comes back, Raven huddled up to his chest

He sits next to you and sighs "I love you (Y/N), and I love Raven, and I love our little girl inside you...and I promise to try harder for all my girls" he whispers, kissing you lightly.

Calum: You grin and tiptoe back into your bedroom "he's fast asleep, but we'll have to be quiet" you chuckle, crawling into bed, Calum smirks and moves on top of you, his lips connecting with yours immediately

His hands go beneath your top, pushing it over your head to expose your bare chest "mm I've missed this" he smiles, leaving lovebites over your chest, you giggle and tangle your hands in his hair, pulling his face back up and pressing your lips to his

He grinds his hips onto yours and starts tugging his shirt off, but his arm hits the lamp on your drawer in the process, sending it tumbling to the floor with a loud thud and the tinkling of breaking glass

You are both silent, frozen, and then you hear it, at first it's a barely audible whimper, and then it turns into the ear-splitting shriek that you are both so accustomed to "fuck" Calum groans

He rolls off you and makes his way to Hunter's bedroom, he comes back with your nine month old balanced on his hip "I guess he's sleeping here tonight" he mumbles, climbing into bed and setting Hunter down in between you and kissing his forehead.

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