Bubble Baths

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Calum: You lean back against his chest and he plays with your fingers, pressing his lips to your shoulder, steam rising slowly around you "this is so nice" you hum, resting your head against the side of his neck "mhmm, I told you it'd help you relax" he murmurs, kissing the top of your head "and I know something else to help you relax" he smirks, his fingers dancing down your stomach and slipping into you, you whimper and he rubs your clit, kissing your neck.

Michael: You giggle as Michael rubs warm bubbles over your pregnant stomach, which protudes from the water like a little hill "she's so wiggly today" he chuckles, loving the feel of his daughter's kicks, you nod and sigh "sometimes it's hard to get comfy when she's so wiggly" you admit, Michael frowns, his fingers tracing patterns over your bump "are you comfy now?" He asks gently "more than I've been in weeks" you smile, tilting your head back and kissing him.

Luke: You lie on top of Luke, your chests pressed together and your head tucked beneath his chin, the hot water lapping over your bodies "babe" Luke mumbles, his fingers dancing over your back, you hum and he clears his throat "I know we came in here cause you were sore and all...but do you think maybe-" "you're such a horny guy! Have a little mercy!" You laugh, he groans, dropping his head back "I'm in pain baby please; there is seriously no pain like a hard on that's ignored" he begs "try Luke-Hemmings-destroyed-my-vagina pain; that's pain" you chuckle, making him groan again.

Ashton: "Here we go baby, nice and easy" Ashton murmurs, lowering your sore body into the warm water, he kisses your forehead and disappears into the bedroom, coming back moments later with your three month old son in his arms "hey little man" he cooes, gently taking off his son's onesie and diaper before handing him to you, you hold your tiny son half-submerged in the water, allowing him to get used to the tepid temperature, Ashton crouches next to the bath and kisses your forehead, dripping water slowly over the little boy's curls.

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