The Other Boys Find Out You're Friends With Benefits And Don't Approve (Pt 1)

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Luke: You are hugged and squeezed and squashed by the boys when you arrive, each of them extremely excited to see you "we've missed you" Ashton smiles, kissing your cheek, the four of them are like the older brothers you never had, fun, annoying, over protective and caring "I missed you dorks as well" you laugh, you feel a pair of arms go around your waist and grin as you look up to see Luke smirking down at you "I'm gonna show her around you guys" he says quickly, grabbing your hand and dashing backstage before the others can protest, immediately he finds a tiny room stuffed with cleaning supplies and drags you in "fuck I missed you so much" he mumbles against your lips as you undress each other feverishly, your lips only separating so you can tug off your shirt, he backs you up against the wall, letting you tangle your legs around his waist "I don't have any condoms" he pants, his lips moving down your jaw "but there should be a couple in the dressing room" he pulls his boxers back on and leaves you in the cramped room. In the dressing room, he grabs a condom from Michael's bag just as Ashton comes in, they both freeze "Luke what are you doing mate? And where's (Y/N) I th- oh no, oh no no no, you aren't- with (Y/N)-no Luke no" Ashton shakes his head repeatedly, Luke grits his teeth "I don't know what you're talking about" he snarls, trying to brush past Ashton, but the older boy grabs his arm "Luke there's no way in hell I'm letting you leave this room to fuck (Y/N), in your fucking dreams mate" although he is shorter, Ashton is stronger "Ash leave me alone, it's none of your damn business" Luke growls, trying to wriggle out of Ashton's vice like grip "it is my damn business, because (Y/N) is my friend and if you fuck around with her, that could ruin all our friendships with her" Ashton snaps, just as Michael and Calum come in "what's going on here?" Michael laughs, flicking his blue hair out of his face "Luke is fucking (Y/N)" both their jaws drop "Luke what the fuck?!" Calum exclaims, his eyes wide "look (Y/N) and I are both adults, we know what we're doing! Can't you stop treating me like a kid for once?!" Luke yells, Michael sits down heavily "dude you gotta break it off, especially since it's not serious. How could you even do this to (Y/N)? Friends with benefits? I mean come on Luke" his green eyes are filled with disappointment "fine...fine I'll go talk to her" Luke sighs, standing up and padding back over to the supply closet "what took so long?" You giggle, he smirks and locks the door, grabbing your waist and kissing you hard.

Ashton (His P.O.V): I sigh, peering out the tour bus window, watching as cars zoom by "what're you thinkin' about?" Calum asks, sitting down on the opposite couch "nuthin'" I mumble, he scoffs, propping his feet up "bullshit, you've been quiet since last night's show, what's eating ya man?" I sigh, running my hands through my hair "I-I got into a fight with someone who...I care a lot about" I say softly, Calum raises his eyebrows "who?" "(Y/N)" he frowns, looking worried "wait what? Why are you fighting?" He asks, I bury my face in my hands "we-we had a difference of opinion...yeah and I might have called her a bitch" I admit, his eyes go wide and he gapes at me "what?! Ash are you crazy?! God now you're gonna make it all awkward tonight!" He groans, I bite my lip, looking down. That night, when (Y/N) arrives on the tour bus with her friends I smirk and jerk my head to the back of the bus, where the beds are "five minutes" I mouth, she grins, and five minutes later she is lying on her back in one of the bunks, giggling as I pepper kisses over her bare body, thrusting into her gently "baby Calum totally fell for it, now all the boys think we're fighting" I chuckle, she smiles running her hands over my back "I've missed you so much Ash" she whispers, kissing me softly "I've missed you too, and I've missed this as well" I nuzzle my face into the crook of her neck, making her laugh, suddenly the door is thrown open and Michael is standing in the doorway, a sandwich half raised to his mouth, he gapes for a second and then slowly closes the door "Ashton's fucking (Y/N) in your bunk Luke!" He yells, I grit my teeth and drop my head "we're so fucked" I mumble.

Calum (His P.O.V): "So's everything going on the girls front for you?" Michael asks, cocking an eyebrow up at me, I shrug, my face heating up "not really much to talk about really" I lie, keeping my gaze on my phone "oh really?" Luke smirks, I nod, chewing on my lower lip "well that just can't be right, cause the last I checked, (Y/N)'s a girl-I mean she's got boobs and everything" Ashton mumbles, I scoff "I don't know what you're talking about, we're just friends" I say cooly "just friends don't look at each other like that Cal" he narrows his hazel eyes at me as I gape at him "yeah don't think we don't notice you guys making googly eyes at each other and flirting every chance you get" Michael adds, Luke nods "and the way she hugs you for like ten seconds longer than anyone" he mutters, I roll my eyes "you guys are full of sh-" "or when you two oh so conspicuously leave the room together to make out and fuck and come back an hour later all covered in hickeys" Ashton deadpans, I grit my teeth, glaring at them "can you shut up! Okay yes (Y/N) and I are friends with benefits I admit it!" I snap, they all give me disappointed looks, frowning and shaking their heads "dude you're so ignorant, we know you like her Cal, she's gonna break your heart, I'm telling you" Luke mutters, I roll my eyes and stalk off "fuck you Luke! Fuck all of you!" I yell, I grab my coat and storm out, heading straight for (Y/N)'s house.

Michael: "Where were you last night Mike?" Luke asks, looking up from his breakfast, I run my hand through my hair and chuckle, remembering the wild night "hooked up with (Y/N)" I smirk, he gapes at me "no way!" He says excitedly, I bite my lip and nod "its been a while but she's always up for it, she can't get enough of me" I laugh "wait you've hooked up before?" He asks, I nod "but don't tell Ash or Cal, I swear they'll freak if they knew that she and I are fuck buddies" "fuck buddies?! You and (Y/N) are fuck buddies?!" I look up to see Ashton in the doorway, Calum behind him, both of them furious "dude it was just casual sex!" I laugh, he rolls his eyes "Michael! Are you blind or are you just stupid?! SHE LIKES YOU DUMBASS! You're gonna hurt her and she'll never speak to any of us again" he yells, I furrow my eyebrows and scoff "she doesn't like me retard, we've hooked up a bunch of times and she's totally cool with it" I sneer, Calum sighs and rubs his hands over his face "mate she sleeps with you because she likes you, she probably thinks you've got feelings for her" he mutters, I shake my head, chewing on my lip "you gotta stop leading her on Michael, before it goes to far" he says quietly "well what am I supposed to say?! 'Hey (Y/N), I know I took your virginity a couple months back, and we continued hooking up for ages, but I really don't like you as anymore than a friend, but thanks for sucking me off last night babe, appreciate it' yeah I don't think that would go down to well" I snap, Luke snickers into his coffee "you dug yourself into this hole, you can get yourself out, just...let her down easy yeah?" Ashton sighs.

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