He Hits You (Part Three)

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Luke: "Micheal can you please just let me see her?" Luke begs "she doesn't want to see you Luke, sorry, but thats what you get when you hit your girl" Michael states and closes the door

he comes back to the living room and sits next to you, you study your fingers, picking at your nails and biting your lip "you wanna see him don't you?" Michael sighs, you nod and he goes back to the door, opening it wide and yelling "Yo Hemmings! She wants to talk"

Luke rushes back and slips past Michael, he approches you tentatively and sits a few feet from you on the couch "(Y/N) is there even at least a tiny part of you that still loves me?" he asks, you look up at him "I'll never stop loving you Luke" you choke

you close the distance between you and press your lips to his.

Ashton: When you wake up, your left eye is swollen shut and your whole body aches

"no Ash! This is the fifth time this year, she's not your punching bag" you hear Luke snap, you stand up and make your way to the front door "Ashton?" you croak, you push past Luke and cup Ashton's face in your hands

"are you okay?" you murmur, rubbing your thumb over his bruised lip, he nods "come on babe, get the kids and let's go home" he says gently, you smile at him, opening up your busted lip again

you head back inside and Luke closes the door and turns to you "(Y/N) I won't let you go" he says firmly "fetch Georgie for me please" you murmur, giving him a sad smile and shaking Jeremy awake

"Jem, Jem wake up, we're going home" you mutter "no we're not" he mumbles, opening his bleary eyes "you said we wouldn't" he adds

your eyes fill with tears and you turn away, you take Georgie from Luke's arms and hold him against your bruised hip

"you're making a mistake" Luke whispers, you shake your head and walk out the door, followed by a scowling Jeremy.

That night, Ashton returns home, an empty bottle in his hand "so you thought you could run from me?" he snarls.

You wake up in a hospital ward, all your ribs broken, Jeremy's eyes meet yours and you see the long gash down his cheek

"he had a knife this time" he says quietly.

Michael: The second you wake up, your eyes meet Michael's, he is sitting infront of you, tears in his eyes

"I'm sorry, I'm an idiot, I didn't mean any of it" he babbles "save it for someone who cares Michael" you mutter

"I just have one question though" you say, staring at him "how many girls did you cheat on me with? Five? Ten? Fifteen?" you ask

"eight" he mumbles and hangs his head, you take a deep breath "yeah? Well I cheated on you too, with Calum...and I'm pregnant" you lie, stalking out

Calum: "I didn't mean for her to get hurt, I just was so desperate! I thought she was going to leave me!" you hear Calum cry

you slowly make your way to the door and peep over Ashton's shoulder "(Y/N)" Calum gasps "I'm so sorry baby! Please take me back! I never meant to hurt you!" he begs

you bite your lip and glance at Ashton, he nods and you move past him, and into Calum's waiting arms.

(A/N) I know they'd never do such things, but I love such dramatic stuff so I had to write it, but I know the boys would never.

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