You're Pregnant Before You Meet Him

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Michael: You sigh and rub your stomach, searching for an empty seat on the train "here take mine" a voice says, you look down and see a man with orange dyed hair and a black eyebrow piercing, he offers you a warm smile and stands up "are you sure?" You ask, he nods, his bright green eyes twinkling, you grin and he grabs your arm, helping you lower yourself into the seat "I'm Michael" "(Y/N)" you reply "so, you having a boy or a girl?" He asks, leaning against the pole behind him "both" you chuckle, he nods "wow, your uh...husband?...Must be so excited" he says tentatively "not really, quite the opposite actually...yeah so it's just me" his eyes widen and he leans forward "what like he-he left you?" He gasps, you nod, rubbing your tummy as one of the babies kicks you "oh I-I'm so sorry" the train screeches to a halt and you get to your feet "well this is me" you grin, jerking your thumb towards the door "me too" he says quickly, following you off the train, he keeps his hand pressed to your lower back, guiding you through the crowd "I live about ten blocks up this way" you say, pointing up the street "ten blocks? What are you planning to walk?" He scoffs, you nod slowly, suddenly feeling defensive "we're not all wiping our asses with dollar bills" you snap, he raises his hands in surrender "I wasn't trying to offend you, look I'll get a cab and send you home okay?" He smiles tentatively and you nod, watching as he flags down a taxi and helps you in, and within minutes you have arrived in your neighborhood, and you can see from the way Michael scans the rundown flats scornfully that he doesn't approve "it doesn't look like a very place to raise kids" he mumbles, you sigh and unlock your front door "it was nice meeting you, now if you're done insulting my home I think you can go" you are about to slam the door in his face but he stops you "I wasn't-I didn't mean just deserve deserve more than to be a single mom in this shit hole...look I lied, I don't live in this town, I don't even live in this city, I wasn't supposed to get off for another six stops, but there's just...something about you (Y/N)-you're special" he tilts your chin up, his eyes fixed on yours "I have a friend who rents out properties, I could get you a house (Y/N), a proper house with a garden and two floors and a porch" "why are you doing this?" You croak, tears filling your eyes "because I care, I don't know why I care but I do, and I have the funds, I can support you till you can get back on your feet...I know you need this" you slowly find yourself nodding, and plans are quickly made for the next day, and before you know it, you've packed what little you have and soon you are lying in Michael's arms, wearing his warm grey hoodie, snuggled in his huge king size bed, in his giant penthouse apartment, his lips pressed to your forehead.

Ashton (His P.O.V): "Hey mom" I say quietly, glancing over at (Y/N)'s sleeping figure beside me, her hands folded over her small baby bump "Ash, how are you darling? And how's this new girlfriend of yours? I can't believe you let me find out you have a new girlfriend from Harry" I laugh and shake my head "well that's kind of what I'm calling you to talk about, I'm in a bit of a fix" I twirl a strand of (Y/N)'s hair around my finger and kiss her forehead gently "you see (Y/N) is great, and things are really serious between us, I love her mom, and we practically live together now, everything with her is incredible, and I've been thinking about bringing her home sometime soon, and I just don't want it to come as a shock to you when you meet her, because you see, the thing is... (Y/N)...she's pregnant mum-and-and before you go all crazy on's not...well I'm not the actual father, she was pregnant before we met, and her son's father left her when he found out she was pregnant and..." I trail off, scratching the back of my neck nervously "and you don't want him to go through what you did" she murmurs "and I don't want her to go through what you did" I whisper, there is a comfortable silence and I know my mother is trying not to cry "you're a great kid Ash" she says softly, I laugh as my face heats up "so you're gonna stick with her? Stick with this baby?" She asks, I smile "yes of course, I wouldn't dream of leaving, I love both of them too much for that...I can't wait to become a dad" "I'm so proud of you for doing this, I really am, I know the struggle of raising a kid alone and I'm so happy you're sparing her that, and I can't wait to meet her" my mother sounds overjoyed and I can't help the grin that spreads over my face "I better go, we've got a checkup scheduled in twenty minutes, miss you" I chuckle, hanging up and slowly waking (Y/N) up with a kiss.

Calum: "Do you need any help with that?" You look up, the man standing beside you is tall, at least six foot, with black hair, tan skin, warm brown eyes and a kind smile, he is pointing to the box of cereal you are trying to reach, way up on the top shelf, he can reach it easily, and you smile gratefully when he hands it to you "thank you so much, I've just been craving this stuff nonstop, and I know it's not really healthy and all I mean 'triple chocolate sugar bombs'? My doctor would have a heart attack if he knew I was living off this stuff. And they always put it all the way up on the top shelf-I think to prevent the little kids from grabbing it-and I can never ever reach it and before I used to have my boyfriend get them for me but now he's run off because he can't handle the responsibility of being a dad and so now I haven't got anyone to get my cereal a-and...and I'm rambling, gosh I'm so sorry" you flush with embarrassment, but he just laughs "it's fine, I was quite enjoying your little rant" he chuckles, walking along beside you "although...were you serious about your boyfriend bailing?" He asks, you shrug and nod, looking down "oh...sorry...I'm Calum by the way" "(Y/N)" you reply, he grins, nodding "do you maybe wanna go out sometime, maybe for lunch?" He asks hopefully, you snort, chuckling until you realize he's serious "wait, for real?" He nods earnestly "you are a young, hot, free, single, guy, and you are asking out a soon-to-be single mom, with swollen ankles, who is addicted to triple chocolate sugar bombs?" You laugh, he nods "you think I'm hot?" He smirks, helping you carry your groceries to your car, you blush and roll your eyes "sure we can go for lunch" you smile.

Luke (His P.O.V): "So what did you think?" I ask nervously, the guys share a look "Luke...she's pregnant" Michael points out, the others nod "and? What's that got to do with anything?" I scowl, glaring at them "you've only been together for three months and she's literally about to give birth" Calum snaps, I sigh, scratching the back of my neck "it's-it's not my kid" I admit, my eyes on my shoes, Michael's mouth falls open "what so you're just going to take this child on as your own?" Ashton demands, I nod, crossing my arms over my chest "I don't want it growing up without a father, I love (Y/N) and I'm going to treat this baby like my own-I don't want it to have no father figure in it's life, you of all people should understand that Ash" I growl, he clenches his jaw and I know I've crossed a line "I'm sorry" I murmur, looking down "no you're right, not having a dad sucks, it screwed me up pretty bad and I think that you're really brave to take on this responsibility" his voice is low and he bites his lip "you're not screwed up Ash" I sigh, sitting in between him and Calum, he scoffs and Calum quickly changes the subject "have you thought up a name yet?" He asks, I grin and nod "Caspar for a boy, and Melanie for a girl, (Y/N) wants the gender to be a surprise...and she wants to give the baby my name-Hemmings I mean, so it'll be either Caspar James Hemmings or Melanie Rowena Hemmings" I twist my fingers together, smiling at my lap "what are you hoping for?" Michael chuckles, I think for a minute "a girl...a girl would be nice" I murmur.

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