He Hits You (Part Two)

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Luke: "Michael? Can you pick me up from Luke's?" you sob, holding the phone tightly "of course" he says, sounding worried

you sit on the curb and lay your face in your hands, your shoulders shaking as you cry silently

soon enough Michael pulls up, you slip into the car quietly and Michael looks at you, taking in your tear stained cheeks and your bruised jaw "

tell me Luke didn't do that" he murmurs, you look into his eyes and he groans "no fucking way" he mutters, as he drives off, shaking his head

he holds your hand and gives it a light squeeze, keeping the other on the steering wheel.

Ashton: You sneak down when Georgie falls back asleep and sit huddled in Jeremy's arms, crying like a baby

"I'm a useless mother, I should be comforting you, not the other way around" you sob quietly "mom, you're great at being a mother, it's not your fault that dad's an ass" Jeremy assures you

he brushes the hair out of your face and cuddles you "don't speak about him that way! He's still your father!" you mutter

"mum, don't, I lost my respect for him when he started hitting you five years ago" Jeremy says flatly, you sigh "why don't you leave him mom? Get a divorce?" he continues

"Jeremy, he-he wasn't always like this, he can change, somewhere in there, is the man I fell in love with and I am determined to find him" you say hoarsely

"mom, I remember how he used to be, and I'm telling you, he's not going to change!" Jeremy insists, his voice cracking, a tear slips down his face

"oh Jem" you sniff, you hug him tighter, the pressure makes your bruises ache but you don't care, you hold each other tightly until you fall asleep.

Michael: "So he just admitted he cheated on you and then...slapped you?" Calum asks softly

you nod and bite your lip, trying not to cry in front of Calum "well you're welcome to stay here as long as you like, you can stay in my room, or the guest room, or the on couch...or whatever" he babbles, you nod slowly

"Calum I'm pregnant".

Calum: You wince as Ashton pulls another piece of glass out from underneath your skin "I can't believe he could do this to you" he breathes, shaking his head

"I-I don't think he meant too" you mumble, grimacing as he pulls another shard out "it doesn't matter, what's done is done" Ashton states

"why did he do it anyway?" he asks "well...I-I don't remember" you stammer, Ashton rolls his eyes and wipes an antiseptic soaked cotton ball over your cuts, making you cringe again.

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