You Lost Your Virginity To Another Member

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Ashton: "To Michael?" Ashton frowns, his eyebrows knitted together. You chuckle and nod "we dated really briefly a few years ago" you explain with a shrug. "How come I never met you then?" Ashton asks, still frowning. "Well I use the term 'dating' lightly. What I mean is we had a string of casual hookups" you say. You watch Ashton's brow furrow further, and you know he doesn't approve. "If it makes you feel any better I was like 15 and I was drunk almost every time" you laugh, " come you never told me?" Ashton asks. You shrug "it never occurred to me" you mumble "really? It never occurred to you? We see Michael practically every day, I'm pretty sure it must have occurred to you once or twice" you notice an edge in Ashton's voice, his jealous streak coming out. "Okay it did, but Michael and I thought it would be best not to tell you, we didn't want to hurt your feelings" you can tell Ashton is unsatisfied with your explanation, his jealousy still showing clearly on his angry features "right because me finding out from Calum was so much better, I'm really feeling the love!" he says sarcastically. "Calum didn't know that you didn't know. And the only reason he even knows is Michael's big mouth. He told them as soon as he found out we were dating" you sigh. Ashton's eyebrows shoot up "them? Luke knows?" You cringe, knowing this will only make Ashton more upset. "I don't see why it's such a big deal Ash" you grumble, starting to grow frustrated with the argument. "Michael is one of my best friends, and you're my girlfriend, and the two of you used to fuck, how is that not a big deal?" he growls, throwing his hands in the air. You sigh, pulling at your hair. "It meant literally nothing to me Ash" you explain, trying to keep the annoyance out of your voice. "You're not someone that just hooks up with people. I know he meant something to you" Ashton's voice is low and his eyes are hard, and you can tell he's absolutely fuming. "Oh my god!" you whimper, pulling at your hair harder "I was drunk and horny, and he's a hot guy, so we fucked! Maybe I had a tiny crush on him, so what Ash? I never loved him!" you explain, your voice getting tight. You know in a few minutes tears of anger and frustration are going to force their way out of you, and you shut your eyes to try and stave them off. "You think Michael's hot?" Ashton snaps "yes I do! Michael is hot, he's absolutely fucking gorgeous, a complete panty dropper, but so are you, and you're my boyfriend, not Michael, so can we just drop it?" you cry, your voice breaking slightly. Ashton opens his mouth for a second as if to speak and you sigh, your eyes brimming with tears. Ashton bites his lip, running his hand through his hair "just...yeah, okay" he mumbles, dropping onto the couch. "I just wish you'd told me sooner" he says with a shrug. "I'm sorry" you say softly, he nods, reaching for your hand and pulling you between his legs. "I'm sorry I got so mad. I just get so jealous sometimes. I know I shouldn't take it out on you" he admits, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head against your stomach, the two of you just holding each other for a few minutes.

Calum: "Who did you lose your virginity too?" Luke asks as soon as the bottle lands on you. You gulp and you feel your face heating up "a guy, like long ago, I don't really remember, it was just some guy" you mumble, shifting your gaze downward "chill babe it's just a question" Calum laughs, seeing your flushed face. "This game is silly anyways. What are we horny teenagers?" You stammer, forcing a laugh. Michael smirks and shrugs and you sigh, your eyes meeting Ashton's briefly from across the room. You bite your lip "come on (Y/N) we won't tell" Michael grins "yeah go on (Y/N)" Luke adds, their inquisitive eyes on you, you look down. "(Y/N) come on, don't be a spoil sport" Michael whines "we're having so much fun, don't ruin it" Luke smirks "just tell us" he begs. You look to your boyfriend to bail you out, but curiosity is evident in his eyes. You look towards Ashton again, looking for a way out. "It was me" he blurts, folding his arms over his chest and shrugging. The boys fall silent, all eyes drifting towards Calum "w-what?" he stammers "I'm sorry?" you say hesitantly. Calum's face twists into a frown "did you love him?" He asks, you open your mouth to say no, but for some reason it gets caught in your throat. "It was a long time ago" you say instead. Both Calum and Ashton's expressions turn to ones of shock "you loved me?" Ashton asks, his folded arms dropping to his sides. You ignore him, instead cupping Calum's face in your hands, moving to kiss him, but he dodges, removing himself from your hold. "I can' I can't...I need a bit of um time to think this over" Calum mumbles, walking out of the room. "You loved me?" Ashton asks again, you spin to face him, ignoring the wide eyed expressions of Luke and Michael, who are drinking in every moment of drama. "Yeah Ash, and you loved this band more, so don't try and make us a thing again. My love for you died a long time ago" you snap, turning to follow Calum into the next room.

Luke: "So (Y/N) can do this thing, with her tongue and like I don't even know, it's mind blowing, I'm telling you." Luke laughs "I know what you mean" Calum smirks, Luke frowns, turning to face his best friend "excuse me?" he growls. Calum pales, chuckling nervously "uh...shit. I'm guessing (Y/N) didn't tell you then" Calum mumbles "tell me what?" Luke asks through gritted teeth, his eyebrows raised. "I don't think I should tell you, let's just wait till (Y/N) gets back and she can tell you yeah?" Calum says nervously. Luke's eyes narrow his jaw clenched "you better fucking tell me before I knock your teeth in" Luke snaps. "Okay, chill man. (Y/N) and I had a fling way back when she was like fourteen, we both happened to be spending the summer in some place near Alice Springs and we hooked up a few times, cause there really wasn't anything else to do" Calum explains, running his fingers through his hair. "It was super innocent, I mean we were basically kids. It was literally just a lot of awkward fumbling in the bed of some rusty truck." He adds. Luke nods, his jaw clenched "You know what's funny? (Y/N) told me her first time was in the back of a truck with a guy she met over the summer when she was like fourteen" he growls, glaring at Calum "oh she told you that did she?" Calum laughs nervously, Luke nods, folding his arms over his chest. "I was kinda hoping you wouldn't find that out" Calum mutters, biting his lip "why didn't you just tell me from the beginning?" Luke snaps "um...kinda thought you'd react the way you are now" Calum mumbles "I thought I could trust you Cal, I can't believe you lied to me" Luke growls, shaking his head in disappointment. "Well I wouldn't call it lying per se, more like...protecting you from the truth" Calum protests, but Luke has already walked out the door.

Michael: "I can't believe Luke popped your cherry!" Michael laughs "can you not use that phrase, it's gross" you grumble. Michael giggles as he pokes your side "Luke popped your cherry! Luke popped your cherry!" he sings "I can't believe this doesn't make you uncomfortable at all" you mutter. Michael shrugs, smirking at you "you're mine now so why would it?" he chuckles. "You two are practically like brothers, doesn't it make you at least a bit jealous?" You ask, surprised by Michael's nonchalance "I tiny bit, but it's not worth getting angry over because there was no chance of us even happening at that time." He says with a smile "but onto more important details, what was it like?" he asks gleefully. You laugh, blush rising to your cheeks "not going to lie, it was pretty great, he's not selfish in bed" you chuckle "who do you prefer me or him?" Michael teases, you laugh, running your fingers through his hair "well I've trained you well, I feel like we're pretty in sync, and I only had the one time with Luke. So I'm gonna have to say you" Michael presses his lips to yours, both of you giggling into the kiss "I love you" he hums, before deepening the kiss, flipping you underneath him his hands moving to your waist.

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