You See Your Baby For The First Time

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Ashton: When you wake up, you're lying in a hospital room, hooked up to a drip, and Ashton is sitting next to you holding your daughter, your three older sons surrounding him

he glances up at you and smiles "good morning babe" he whispers, you offer him a weak smile and he hands the baby to your eldest son

"how are you doing?" he asks gently, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear "not too bad, but Ash? Promise me one thing" you murmur

"what?" he asks "promise me that this is the last one" you mumble, he nods, chuckling, your youngest son bounds over to you "mommy! Dylan and Charlie said that Amelia doesn't have a willy!" the seven year old cries pointing at his older brothers, clearly distraught

Ashton bursts out laughing and then covers his mouth, not wanting to disturb you "mommy is very tired so don't yell like that okay Max? But yeah Amelia doesn't have a willy, because she's a girl and girls don't have willies" Ashton explains, your son's eyes go wide and you giggle

Ashton motions for your older sons to come closer and takes Amelia from your eighteen year old son Dylan's arms, he places her on your chest and you sigh, smiling at her sleeping face, Charlie sits next to you on the bed and you rest your head on his shoulder, he's fifteen and the middle child until now

"this poor girl, with you four boys in the house, she's never going to be allowed to date" you giggle "oh yeah definitely never" Charlie laughs, stroking his sister's chubby cheek

"we'll beat up any dumb boyfriends" Dylan smirks "yeah" Max squeals "you know what babe? I'm glad we had boys early" Ashton chuckles, you roll your eyes and hit him playfully.

Michael: You blink in the sunlight and glance around "well look who's awake" Michael chuckles, he sits next to you and you see the tiny blue blanket in his arms "oh" you breathe, Michael grins and places the baby in your arms "hi Jaymi" you giggle

he snuffles and sneezes "he's adorable, I can't believe he's ours" you say quietly, tears filling your eyes "yeah, neither can I, I still haven't got my head around the fact that he's finally here" Michael murmurs, he drapes his arm over your shoulder and kisses your temple

"I love both of you so much" he mumbles, his voice thick, you lean against him and you watch your son as he falls back asleep.

Calum: "Ow" you mumble as you try to sit up "no babe you're going to want to lie down" Calum says gently, he kisses your forehead and you smile "I'm fine Cal, come on help me up" you chuckle

"no, you wanna to stay down darling" he says more firmly "what are you talking about Calum?" you snap, you push yourself upwards and immediately you feel a stabbing pain in your abdomen

"woah" you cry out "I told you" Calum mutters, pushing you back onto the mattress "what did they do?" you ask him "is our baby alright?" you add

"the baby is perfectly fine, she's asleep" Calum smiles "it's a girl?" you breathe, he nods "but you see they had to do a c-section to get her out" he mumbles "oh my god! They cut me open?" you squeak "it was the only way" he explains

"oh god, oh god, oh god, let me see it!" you demand "I don't think you want to" Calum says quickly, you glare at him and he unties your robe, so you can peek at your stomach

it's still inflated, but it has a long red gash all the way down, with thick black thread holding it together "it was the only way to save her" Calum murmurs "can I see her?" you ask

he nods and picks your sleeping baby out of the bassinet, and suddenly all your worries are gone as you see her tiny little body, he sets her on your chest and you stroke her fluffy black hair "she looks like you Cal" you giggle, he smiles, his eyes filled with joyful tears "our little Lillie" he grins.

Luke: "Luke?" you mumble, rubbing your eyes "oh hi there, you're finally awake" he chuckles, he comes over to you, one baby in each arm "I need help deciding which one's Aiden and which one's Aaron" he says

you giggle and he places both of them in your arms "the older one is Aaron" you smile "right okay, so him" he mumbles, pointing to the baby in your right arm, you shrug "I don't know I passed out before I could see them" you grin

"you did so well, it looked so painful, and I never knew how strong you actually were" Luke laughs, holding up his bandaged hand "Luke! I'm so sorry!" you squeal "no problem baby girl" he chuckles, kissing your forehead, Aiden stirs and wiggles in your arms and his bright blue eyes focus on you

"oh I know those eyes" you smile, looking up at Luke, his matching blue eyes twinkle and he grins "those eyes are the reason we're here in the first place" you giggle and he winks.

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