You're Past Your Due Date

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Luke: "Luke, I'm getting worried" you mutter, he wraps his arm around you, helping you up the stairs "don't, everything will be fine, the doctor says women go past their due dates all the time" he soothes you

He rubs your lower back, trying to help you relax "do you want to have a nice hot bath? It should help with your back" he suggests "no, I just want to cuddle with you" you mumble

He helps you to the bedroom and you settle under the covers "I can't even cuddle with you properly because of my bloody stomach" you whine, trying to move closer to Luke, he chuckles and rubs his hands over your bulging tummy

"Just a few more days baby and he should be out, just keep him nice and warm in there for a couple more days okay?" He says softly, you sigh and close your eyes, tired from all the stress.

Calum: "Babe, it's okay, it's only been three days, and Doctor Gerald said all's good, it happens to tons of people, look just relax, I'll run you a bath, we can order Chinese, I'll give you a massage, whatever you want hon" Calum rambles, stroking your face

You sigh and place your hand over his "I just want her out Cal, you have no idea how exhausting this all is" you whimper, and you can see from his face that he feels bad "I'm sorry baby, I know how stressful this pregnancy has been on you" he murmurs

"I just want to sleep" you sniff, making your way to your bedroom and trying to get comfortable.

Michael: "Michael what if somethings wrong? I'm scared" you whimper, he shakes his head and places his hands on your swollen stomach "nothing is wrong babe, the twins are fine okay?" He says softly

"But Michael, it's been a whole week" you sniff, your hands trailing through his bright red hair absent mindedly "they've been in there nine whole months, another week doesn't make that much difference" he chuckles, bringing one of your hands to his lips and kissing your palm gently

"Michael a week does make a difference!" You cry "(Y/N), please just relax, you're getting worked up for no reason and you're making me worried, you know stress isn't good for the babies and you're stressing out, so please, relax" Michael begs, running your fingertips over his lips and giving you puppy dog eyes

"Yeah, you're right I suppose" you sigh, settling back on the pillows and shutting your eyes.

Ashton: "My ankles are all swollen and my knees hurt and I have a headache and I'm nauseous and if I don't get this goddamn baby out soon I'm going to explode!" You exclaim, glaring at Ashton

"Do you want me to give you a foot rub? Maybe ice for your knee and some pills for your head?" He asks worriedly "you! This is all your fault, all of this, is your fault, and I'm gonna kill you for it, I'm gonna kill you!" You cry, trying to stand up from the couch and failing

"God I'm exhausted! Why won't this child come out?!" you groan, Ashton chuckles and plops next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder "soon baby, very soon" he grins

"God Ash I need her out now! I'm suffering" you mutter, he laughs and rubs his hand over your tummy "your mommy wants you out princess, you wanna come out?" He smiles, you feel your daughter kick you and Ashton smirks "she says tomorrow" he says, pressing his lips to yours softly.

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