Talking To Your Bump

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Ashton: You groan and prop your swollen ankles up on the coffee table "tired out babe?" Ashton chuckles, sitting next to you, you nod and lean your head back, he smiles and rests his hands on your stomach "you're making your mummy all tired baby, have you been kicking her alot? Well at least she isn't throwing up anymore, that really sucked, but you're making her legs all swollen and painful, but she's still beautiful, earlier your uncle Calum said your mummy is a MILF, and he said her boobs looked hot, which is because they're getting all full of milk for you to eat when you come out, and apparently it makes them feel like bags of wet sand, but anyway I gave uncle Cal a punch for that, because your mommy is all mine" he rambles, smiling widely at your bellybutton.

Calum: "Did you know that babies can hear like everything you say when they're in the womb" Calum muses, his eyes flicking up from one of the many pregnancy books around your room "yeah" you mumble, your eyes closed "that is so cool!" He exclaims, he wriggles over so he's lying on top of your legs "hi baby! It's your daddy!" He yells "Calum stop shouting into my vagina" you groan, he bursts out laughing and rolls off of you, chuckling softly.

Michael: "How's my boy doing today?" Michael grins, kissing just above your bellybutton, you giggle and rub your hands over your small bump "he's good, he had hiccups for the first time earlier, it was so funny" you smile "ohh I missed it! I missed it bud, you've gotta have hiccups again for daddy!" he whines "make him have hiccups again babe please?" He begs, his eyes wide "I'm not a magician Mikey" you laugh, shaking your head, but soon you feel the little vibrations in your stomach and you grin "he's doing it again Mikey" you squeal, placing Michael's hands on your stomach, a large smile spreads over his face "aw that's so cute!" He chuckles.

Luke: "Hey baby, I missed you today, I had this really long boring meeting with management, but guess what? Uncle Michael is coming to visit tomorrow, he said he'd bring you some presents as well, and-woah (Y/N) did you feel that? Ohmygod! I think-I think she just kicked! Ohmygod!" Luke exclaims, he's smiling happily, his hands pressed to your stomach as your daughter kicks it softly "my little princess" he coos, kissing your belly.

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