You Find Him Crying

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Luke: When you get home, you immediately see Luke sitting on the couch, his shoulders hunched and his eyes red, he wipes his tear stained cheeks and tries to hide his face, but you go over to him and kneel in front of him, setting your hands on his knees, you gently pry his fingers from his face and cup his cheek in your palm, he leans his face against your hand and a small jagged sob slips past his lips "there's just-just so much pressure on me...what if I let ev-eryone down? The other guys will-will hate me, everyone will h-hate me" he chokes, a tear running down his cheek and landing on your finger "no, Luke, nobody could hate you" you whisper,kissing him lightly "lots of people do" he murmurs, and you know he's thinking of the hate he receives on Twitter "yeah, but they are just cowards hiding behind their computer screens, they're just jealous, because you know what you have that they don't? Hmm? Talent that's what! You have an incredible voice Luke Hemmings, and you are amazing on your guitar, I know you don't appreciate yourself that much, but you need to start, I love you, your family loves you, the fans love you, the guys love you...Luke you are surrounded by so much love, I would think you'd even be tired of it now" you say softly, you sit down gently on his lap and drape your arms around his neck "you-are-an-amazing-person-Luke-Hemmings" you say, each word punctuated with you kissing some part of his face gently "and I love you" you whisper, pressing your lips to his and kissing him passionately.

Michael: You are woken up by sniffling, you reach out your hand in the dark and grasp Michael's, his fingers are trembling uncontrollably "would you ever leave me?" He croaks, gulping down air "leave you? Michael! Where did that come from?" You ask indignantly, flicking on your lamp "I don't-I don't know, I was just wondering" he murmurs "Michael why are you crying?" You whisper, scooting closer to him and wrapping your arms around his torso "I-I had a ni-nightmare" he hiccups, stroking your hair, his chest rising and falling in spasms "Michael I love you" you say firmly, pressing a kiss to his bare shoulder, he nods "I love you too" he chokes, holding you tightly.

Calum: You amble through your apartment, home early from classes, you see Calum's shoes by the door and smile, knowing he's home "Cal?" You call out, your apartment is quiet, puzzled, you climb the stairs and then you notice the bedroom door ajar, you slowly push the door open and you see Calum sitting on the bed, tears flowing freely down his face, his laptop open in front of him, he hastily brushes his tears away and tries to pretend he's okay but you've already seen "Cal what's wrong?" You ask "oh nothing...I was just skyping my family" he mumbles, you pad over to the bed and sit next to him, wrapping him in a hug "I know you miss them Cal" you murmur, he lets out a shaky sigh and leans against you, another tear slipping down his face "so so much" he breathes "and I miss Sydney too, I miss Australia, and all my friends over there" he adds, his words accompanied by a watery chuckle, you kiss his cheek and nod "I know babe, I know" you whisper, letting him just get his emotions out.

Ashton: When you get home you are immediately struck by how quiet the house is, you think that maybe Ashton is sleeping, so you pad silently through the house in your socks, but you find Ashton, wide awake, sitting on the couch, his eyes puffy and red and a few dried tears on his cheeks, he looks up at you and runs a hand through his unruly curls "is it true then?" He asks, his voice is raw and gravelly "is what true?" You ask gently, taking a step closer to him "are you cheating on me?" He spits, his eyebrows knitted together and his eyes glistening with a new wave of tears "what?! Ashton?!" You exclaim, he sneers at you "act like you don't know! That guy you went to see! The paps caught you leaving his hotel yesterday morning! Wearing his bloody shirt!" He shouts, throwing a magazine in your direction, it lands in a heap at your feet and you see the pictures Ashton is yelling about "Ashton he's my cousin, he just happened to be in town and I spent the night at his hotel, I'm sorry I should have told you" you say, stepping over the magazine "damn right you should have told me! I've been tearing my hair out all day, thinking you were cheating on me!" He snarls, he stalks out of the room and you sigh knowing he just needs to let off a little steam.

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